Anthem Project - Problem-Based Learning

The Scenario: The Ayn Rand Institute has decided to launch a major marketing campaign to promote sales for Anthem. This will kick off the release of a major motion picture based on the book. You are hired to design both the book and film advertising. Objective: Using your creativity, show me that you understand the novel.

You must choose #1 or #2:

  1. Storyboard – Outline the main events in the novel for a movie version of the book. (20 frames minimum) Each frame must have a detailed, typed caption explaining what is happening in the scene. Choose this only if you have artistic talent. Pictures must be more than stick figures and cannot come from the internet. (50 points)
  1. Newspaper Article – Select a major event in the book and write a newspaper article about the incident. (4 paragraph minimum – each paragraph 5 sentences minimum) This must have a headline, picture (can be drawn or found) with caption, and cover the Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Choose this if you understand how a newspaper article is written. Must be typed. (50 points)

You must choose TWO of #3, #4, #5, #6

  1. Video Game Design – Design a video game based on the novel. Include a cover sheet which describes the game and names it. Provide a series of sketches showing what the game will look like and how it will be played. Include the rules and detailed instructions. All info must be typed; sketches must be drawn by you. (25 points)
  1. Book jacket – Design a new book jacket for the novel; be sure to include both inside flaps. Choose this if you understand how a book jacket is made and you know what to include. Must include artwork (can be drawn or found) for cover. Must be typed. (25 points)
  1. Movie Soundtrack – Choose a minimum of 10 songs for the sound track. Include the title of song and artist. Write a brief explanation for why each song was chosen and how it relates to the book and film. Must be typed. (25 points)
  1. Top Ten Websites – Pretend Equality just discovered the internet. Which websites would be in his top ten favorites? You must give: web address, a one sentence description of that website and what information can be found there, a one sentence explanation of why Equality would like that site, and a one sentence example of something he learned or discovered the first time he visited. All of the aforementioned things must be listed for EACH website. Must be typed. (25 points)

DUE: Monday, November 12th - Major grade.