Running Head:– Name 1
INFS810: Qualitative Research Methods
September 5, 2014
Table Contents
Part I
Answer the following questions based on this article.
1.Fundamental concepts of the positivist research approach
2.Fundamental concepts of the interpretive research approach
3.Fundamental concepts of the critical research approach
4.Summarize in your own words the key ideas in the integrated framework proposed by Lee (1991).
Part II
Silverman, D. (1998). Qualitative research: Meanings or practices? Information Systems Journal, 8(1), 3--‐20.
Describe arguments on the normative components of the qualitative/quantitative dichotomy.
What is the author’s stance on interview--‐based studies in IS research?
What arguments does the author make in support of his stance?
Do you agree/disagree with the author’s arguments and why?
Read the following article:
Lee, A. S., & Baskerville, R. (2003), Generalizing generalizability in information systems research Information Systems Research, 14(3), 221--‐243.
Describe in your own the four types of generalizabilities.
“A researcher cannot generalize from a single case study.” Do you agree with this statement or not. Explain your rationale.
For each type of generalizability described in the article, find one example (not mentioned in the article) research article that illustrates that type of generalizability and explain in your words how and what the study generalizes.
Part I
Answer the following questions based on this article.
1.Fundamental concepts of the positivist research approach
2.Fundamental concepts of the interpretive research approach
3.Fundamental concepts of the critical research approach
4.Summarize in yourownwords the key ideas in the integrated framework proposed by Lee (1991).
Part II
Silverman, D. (1998). Qualitative research: Meanings or practices? Information Systems Journal, 8(1), 3--‐20.
1.Describe arguments on the normative components of the qualitative/quantitative dichotomy.
2.What is the author’s stance on interview--‐based studies in IS research?
3.What arguments does the author make in support of his stance?
4.Do you agree/disagree with the author’s arguments and why?
Read the following article:
Lee, A. S., & Baskerville, R. (2003), Generalizing generalizability in information systems research Information Systems Research, 14(3), 221--‐243.
Answer the following questions based on this article.