Soc213(003) Social Deviance Bogart Test02B 03/21/00
Part01: Text (Thio) Items: Old Item
Ch. 04: Physical Violence
01.The criminologist Marvin Wolfgang studied victims of self-precipitated murder, and felt that victims A) genuinely tried to kill their murderers but failed. B) ingeniously planned to have their killers convicted for first-degree murder. C) secretly w wished to kill themselves. D) merely intended to engage in a fist fight. (p. 64)
02.“He stepped on my girlfriend’s foot.” is fairly typical of the kinds of reasons _____ give for vigilantes E. poor persons. (p. 65)
03._____ is a biogenic theory, based on the idea that humans all have a killer instinct. A. genetic theory; B. psychoanalytic theory; C. external restraint theory; D. ethological theory; E. zoological theory. (p. 72).
04.There are two _____ theories. Ones sees humans as far more aggressive than animals, and the other looks at the presence of an extra Y chromosome as an explanation for excessive human aggression. A. psychoanalytic; B. passive-aggressive; C. psychological; D. biogenic; E. evolutionary. (p. 73)
05.According to external restraint theory, a child who has been physically punished as a child, when he becomes a frustrated adult, will choose _____ . (p. 77). A. murder over suicide; B. suicide over murder; C. guilt feelings rather than sublimation; D. sublimation rather than guilt feelings; E. conformity over deviance.
Ch. 05: Forcible Rape
06.In large cities, rapists tend to look for potential victims A) in their homes or apartments. B) at health clubs or stores. C) at laundromats and empty streets. D) college parties or classrooms. (Pp. 86-87)
07.All but which of the following are associated with a rape-prone campus? A. heavy drinking is encouraged; B. bragging about sexual conquests is prevalent; C. severe penalties for sexual assault;
D.homophobia is rampant; E. pornography is a popular guide to female sexuality. (p. 89)
08.All but which of the following are characteristic of the U.S. “rape culture”? (p. 96). A. treating women as property; B. extended exposure to pornography trivializing rape; C. the more sexual experience a man has, the more he is considered an “easy lay,” and the more he loses his value as a potential marriage partner; D. 75% - 85% of marriages where the wife has been raped end in divorce within two years;
E.the more sexual experience a woman has, the less likely that a jury will convict her rapist.
09.All but which of the following can be viewed by some segments of our society to condone forced rape (i.e. victim precipitated rape)? A. flirting; B. pre-rape intimacy; C. having a drink with a man or gong to his apartment; D. hitchhiking; E. having car trouble along the highway. (p. 91).
10.The most common response of rape survivors is:
A. anger and hate B. self-destructive feelings of fear, anxiety and guilt C. seeing the rapist as totally responsible for the rape D. becoming promiscuous because they feel they are “damaged goods” E. generalize their feelings of anger to all men (p. 92)
Ch. 06: Family Violence
11.Which of the following is true about poor families?
A. a majority are violent; B. a minority are violent; C. blue-collar husbands are twice as likely to be violent to their wives as white-collar husbands; D. blue-collar fathers are twice as likely to be violent to their children as white-collar fathers; E. blue-collar families tend to have double or more rates of incest than white-collar families. (p. 112)
12.____ , common among both rape victims and Vietnam vets, is characterized by depression, anxiety and helplessness. A. posttraumatic syndrome B. intergenerational stress transmission C. passive-aggressive disorder D. psychological fatigue E. phenomenological stress disorder (p. 116)
13.“She kept yelling at me...”, “I just gave her a little slap.” “I drank a little too much.” These are three examples of ways in which ____ . A. abusive husbands attempt to neutralize or rationalize their violent act; B. child molesters try to rationalize their behavior; C. acquaintance rapists try to justify their acts; D. psychopathic men tend to explain their violence E. elder care givers justify their use of violence (p.116)
14.Approximately 2% of all children suffer sexual abuse each year at the hands of family members (incest), mostly their _____ . A. fathers and stepfathers; B. uncles and aunts; C. older cousins; D. mothers and fathers; E. grandparents. (p. 118).
15.According to your text, _____ contributes to child abuse. A. belief in an avenging God; B. the acceptance of the popular view of physical punishment as a proper way of disciplining children; C. being a member of the sandwich generation; D. lack of structure; E. acceptance of Piaget’s cognitive model. (p. 120)
Ch. 07: Suicide
16.According to Thio, those who commit suicide do so usually because they have been under the influence of ____. A. unresolved childhood traumas; B. certain social forces in their lives; C. congenital predispositions to suicide; D. early exposure to environmental toxins; E. neurological malfunctions. (p. 130).
17.All but which of the following are facts about suicide? A. most suicides feel so depressed they withdraw from their past activities; B. asphyxia (drowning, suffocation, hanging) has replaced firearms as the most popular means of suicide; C. many suicides feel apologetic toward their survivors; D. 2/3rds of suicides have had at least one prior attempt to kill themselves; E. suicides are more common than homicides. (p. 132).
18.The highest suicide rates are in _____states, such as _____. (p.137). A. urban, New York and New Jersey; B. rural;
Mississippi, Georgia, and Alabama; C. rural, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona;
D. urban, WashingtonDC, Hawaii; E. rural; Kansas, Oklahoma.
19.According to Alex Thio, as more women enter the business world, their self-identity will increasingly be oriented to performance and their suicide rate can be expected to: A. rise in old age; B. rise in adolescence; C. fall in old age; D. fall in adolescence; E. rise in middle age. (p. 141)
20.“I eat alone and no one comes to see me in my room.” In your book, this was given as an example of _____. A. stigma as a racial factor in suicide; B. the effect of individualism on suicide factors; C. weak religious identity as a factor in suicide; D. lack of social ties or support as a factor in college student suicides; E. the association between individual freedom and high suicide rates (p. 144)
Part02: Text (Thio) Items: Newly Constructed
Ch.04: Physical Violence
21.Which of the following major crimes is least likely to occur according to the 1996 FBI Uniform Crime Reports? A. burglary, B. larceny-theft, C. motor vehicle theft, D. murder, e. robbery. (p. 56)
22.According to Thio, which of the following relationships is NOT most likely that a killer had with his victim? A. friend of the victim, B. unknown to the victim, C. lover of the victim, D. relative of the victim, E. acquaintance of the victim. (p. 57)
23.According to Thio, and Parker with Rebhun (1995), Parker (1989), and Bailey (1984) there is a link between poverty and murder because the poor A. are more likely to have financial problems, B. are more likely to have marital problems, C. are more likely to have interpersonal conflict, D. are more likely to resort to physical violence,
E.all of the above. (p. 57)
24.Economically developed nations have a lower rate of homicide that those that are less developed. Thio provided _____ as an exception to this generalization. A. Canada, B. England, C. Italy, D. United States, E. Japan. (p. 57)
25.Homicides in cities can be attributed to
population _____ which _____ community integration. A. heterogeneity, reduces; B. heterogeneity, increases; C. dispersion, reduces; D. dispersion, increases, E none of the above. (p. 59)
Ch. 05: Forcible Rape
26.According to Michael, Gagnon, Laumann, and Kolata (1994), men that force sex on women are most likely, A. someone the victim is in love with, B. a stranger, C. acquaintance, D. spouse, E. someone the victim knows well. (p. 84)
27.Prior to the 198os, rape was mainly _____ due to _____. A. interracial, racial segregation; B. intraracial, the white female as the ideal of sexual attractiveness; C. interracial, the white female as the ideal of sexual attractiveness; D. intraracial, racial segregation; E. none of the above. (p. 85)
28.According to Kleck (1990) and Amir (1971) a majority of rapes involve A. verbal coercion, B. drugging the victim, C. a weapon, D. multiple offenders, E. none of the above. (p. 87)
29.According to Schwartz and DeKeseredy (1997) and O’Sullivan (1991) men that are in fraternities and college athletics are more likely to commit gang rape due to A. involvement of alcohol, B. peer pressure, C. latent homosexuality, D. initiation into the group, E. none of the above. (p. 87)
30.Men should be aggressive rather than gentle.
That perception represents an extension of culturally idealized male behavior that leads to which type of rape according to Kanin (1985)? A. gang rape, B. stranger rape, C. spousal rape, D. campus rape, E. none of the above. (p. 89)
Ch. 06: Family Violence
31.Which of the following statements about family violence is TRUE? A. alcohol and drugs are involved in most family violence, B. family violence only occurs in poor households, C. children of abusive parents grow up to become abusers, D. violence and love frequently exist together in marriage and the family, e. none of the above. (p. 112)
32.Which of the following is Not included in the chapter discussing Family Violence? A. incest, B. wife beating, C. elder abuse, D. child abuse, E. marital rape. (p. 114)
33.According to Browne (1993) and Gelles and Straus (1987), what percentage of women every year are beaten by their husbands? A. 30%, B. 15%, C. 10%, D. 3%, E. 1%. (p. 116)
34.Which of the following statements about child abuse is FALSE? A. up to 20 percent of women have experienced sexual abuse as a minor, B. 3 million children a year are abused, C. there has been a 48% increase in children killed by parents since the mid-1980s, D. running away from home and delinquency are more likely to occur in individuals that were abused, E. the majority of child abuse cases involve sexual abuse. (p. 118)
35.According to Thio, which is most likely a characteristic exclusive to elder abuse? A. severe physical abuse, B. financial exploitation, C. sexual abuse, D. offenders are most likely male, E. victims are most likely female. (p. 121)
Ch. 07: Suicide
36.Every year about _____ Americans commit suicide. A. 10,000; B. 30,000; C. 100,000; D. 300,000; E. none of the above. (p.130)
37.The individual most likely to commit suicide is A. a young lower class male, C. an older upper class female, C. an older upper class male, D. a young lower class female, E. none of the above. (p. 131)
38.Which of the following is NOT one of thetypes of suicidal feelings? A. satisfaction, B. surrealistic, C. vindictive, D. depressed, E. magnanimous. (pp. 132-133)
39.Which of the following states does NOT have one of the highest suicide rates, according to the NationalCenter for Health Statistics, 1993? A. Montana, B. Arizona, C. Colorado, D. Massachusetts, E. Nevada. (p. 137)
40.Which is the most common method of committing suicide among men? A. carbon monoxide poisoning, B. hanging, C. overdose, D. firearms, E. none of the above. (p. 139)
Part 3 Lecture and video items (old)
V05: Innocence Lost: The Plea
Test 02B S00
41.When the police were notified about the possible abuse, they recommended _____. A. an immediate full-scale investigation by outside experts. B. a lie detector test for the Kellys. C. that the parents get the full story from their children. D. medical exams for the children. E. that the children see therapists.
42.The reports from Frontline conducted interviews of the jurors after the verdict in the trial of Bob Kelly most strongly suggested that _____.
A.the jury was unanimously convinced of the guilt of Bob Kelly, B. at least three of the jurors went along with the majority against their better judgment, C. only one juror had any serious doubt about the guilt of Bob Kelly, D. some of the jurors were confused by the instructions given by the judge, E. the juror refused to tell what they thought about the deliberation process.
43.After the trial of Bob Kelly, the prosecution began pressuring the other defendants starting with the one they considered to be the weakest link, _____, by offering him/her a plea bargain of admitting guilty to charges in exchange for a reduced sentence of _____. A. Robin Byrum, 25 years (parole eligible in 7), B. Dawn Wilson, 1 year in jail, C. Betsy Kelly, 10 years (parole eligible in 3), D. Scott Privott, 7 years (no parole), E. Shelley Stone, 3 years.
44.Following the Bob Kelly and Dawn Wilson trials, there was a lull during which “life in Edenton went on” (a year and then another) and rumor had it that the next defendant would be Scott Privott who ____ A. had never been to jail, B. had served less than a year in jail, C. had been out on bail until he was charged with another sex abuse crime, D. had been in jail over 3 and a half years, E. was thought by the prosecution to be mentally ill and likely to go for an insanity defense.
45.How did Nancy Lamb justify reopening the case against Bob Kelly? A. the D.A. instructed her do so, B. the press continued pursuing the case keeping the public involved, C. the child deserved her day in court, D. the parents petitioned her to do so, E. Brenda Toppin had found her lost records. (p. 50/59)
V06: The Confessions of RosaLee
46.According to this video, a “Billy” is a(n) A. soul mate of an addict,
B.male prostitute, C. $40 bag of dope, D. a jail house snitch, E. guy who sleeps with the wife of an inmate while he is in jail....(p. 1)
47.What federal program was the U.S. House of Representatives preparing to vote on when Frontline aired The Confessions of RosaLee? A. dismantling the welfare program, B. state based funding to overcome illiteracy, C. provision of needles to drug addicts, D. medical insurance for families below the poverty line, E. crime bill aimed at gun control. ( p. 1)
48.What was Leon Dash most concerned about when he began the research that led to the RosaLee story? A. suicide rates in the district, B. effects of recidivism on families, C. failure of the welfare system, D. deaths from gang shootings, E. increase in drug trafficking. (p. 1.)
49.What happened when RosaLee “hit bottom” (realized she needed help outside of herself)? A. her daughter was arrested, B. her oldest son died from AIDS, C. she was converted by a street evangelist, D. she was assaulted and robbed by her grandson, E. she was arrested and had to go through withdrawal from heroin addiction. (p. 2)
50.When Eleanor Norton Holmes complains that many black children learned in public schools like that attended by RosaLee, Leon Dash responds that not all Afro-American children are as _____ as RosaLee. A. dark,, B. slow,
C.impoverished, D. sexually driven, E. more than one of the above.
Video 07: Death of a Porn Queen
51.Commenting on a collection of things left behind by Colleen Applegate after her death, the narrator concludes that the collection suggested Colleen, A. had become a truly narcissistic person, B. was most proud of her high-school letters, C. was heartbroken by her breakup with her high school boyfriend, D. was like two people rather than one, E. hated her family. (p. 1)
52.How did Karen Applegate, the mother Colleen, describe her own personal values to Frontline? A. just do it, B. rights right, and wrongs wrong, C. dont rock the boat, D. say what youre thinking, E. keep your opinions to yourself. (p. 1.)
53.The male costar of Shana Grant, Jerry Butler, most strongly and clearly felt. A. she was a natural porn star,, B. she did not belong in porn, C. she had a split personality (one for her personal life, one on screen), D. she would have escaped porn if it had not been for her cocaine habit, E. she was not bright enough to be held responsible for what she was doing.
54.According to the video, Shana really began to assume the identity of Shana Grant (her stage name) when she attended the _____ in _____ in 1983. A. Consumer Electronics Show; Las Vegas B. Adult Film build Convention;
Palm Springs C. Hawaiian Tropic Modeling Competition; Honolulu D. Adult Magazine Photography Convention; Miami E. 8th Annual Erotic Film Awards;
Los Angeles.
55.After becoming established in her California lifestyle, Colleen developed a relationship with a college student back in Minnesota. When he came to California to visit her, A. her drug dealing roommate warns him off, B. he finds her in a drug stupor, C. her girlfriends tell him she is a porn star, D. she stands him up at the airport, E. he finds her dead by suicide. (p. 8)
L04: Aggression. Old Violence Items
56.XYY chromosome individuals are most likely A. female, B. lower in intelligence, C. small, D. to commit homicide, E. black.
57.Bandura’s research with BOBO dolls was directed at demonstrating the factor of _____ in aggression. A. gender differences, B. reinforcement,
C.stimulus discrimination, D. stimulus generalization, E. imitation.
58.If one were fond of symbolic interactionism (like your instructor), one would be most likely to attribute human aggression to A. reactance, B. latent learning, C. status incongruence, D. role expectations, E. transference.
59.In the perspective of functional theory, street gangs would be expected to engage in aggressive conflict with other gangs because A. most gangs are made up of males, B. gang members frequently lack adequate male parenting, C. they become more cohesive in doing so, D. most members are status incongruent, E. the available “street wisdom” (scripting) says they should.
60.Your instructor’s explanation of the high rate of homicide in America (compared say with England) would be most aptly described as _____ and ultimately rooted in _____. A. positivist, functionalism; B. macro-sociological, conflict theory; C. humanistic, learning theory; D. micro-sociological, sociobiology; E. social psychological, anomie theory.
Part 4: New Video Items
V05: Innocence Lost: The Plea
61.Why did the police recommend sending the children to therapy? A. There were too many irreconcilable differences, B. the children denied that they had been abused, C. the police department lacked the expertise to conduct the investigation, D. medical evidence had confirmed that abuse had occurred, E. the children had begun acting out and parents were losing control. (P. 9/59)
62.According to the narrator, why did the three prosecutors stop interviewing the children? A. the children had begun acting out, B. the therapists recommended they stop, C. there was a flood of allegations from the children, D. the costs were becoming prohibitive, E. the parents objected to the continuation of the therapy. (P. 9/59)
63.Initially the prosecutors insisted on trying the defendants _____. A. separately, B. together, C. only Betsy and Bob Kelly together, D. only Robin, Dawn and Kelley together, E. only those employed at the day care together, i.e. not Scott Privott. (P. 11/59)
64.The narrator assets that the trial of Bob Kelly came down to A. the anger of Jane Mabry in her testimony, B. testimony of Audrey Strever about her son, C. dolls used by Brenda Toppin in her testimony, D. the words of the childrens testimony, E. public pressure for a conviction. (P. 11/59)
65.Jurors who questioned the verdict suggested that they were influence by _____ in making their final decisions. A. peer pressure, B. their health, C. the ongoing publicity, D. A and B., E. A, B, and C. (P. 17/59)