Swan.e4 & DJA Chess Instruction Hostthe CSCAAnnual

CT State Scholastic K-6 and K-8Chess Championships

Site: Masonic Lodge, 131 BeachRoad, Fairfield, CT, 06824

Date/Format:Saturday, March15, 2014; G/30; 5 round Swiss system; 4 sections

Sections:Note - U.S. Chess Federation March 2014 Supplement used for Ratings and Pairings

  1. K-8 Championship:Open toALL Grade 8 and below (USCF membership Required)
  2. K-8 Novice:Open toGrade 8 and below rated U1000(USCF membership Required)
  3. K-6 Championship:Open toALL Grade 6 and below(USCF membership Required)
  4. K-6Novice:Open toGrade 6 and below rated U700(USCF membership Required)

The highest scoring Connecticut player in the K-8 Championship Section will be awarded the K-8 Open State Champion Title and eligibility for the 2014 Dewain Barber Tournament of K-8 Champions; $300 CSCA grant applied as assistance in travel expenses to this national tournament event for the winner.

Entry Fee:Postmarked by: 2/28 - $60.00 ; 3/07 - $75.00; 3/14 - $100.00


Note: $5.00 CSCA Membership fee included in Entry Fee.

Round Times:9:30 AM; 11:30 AM; 1:00 PM; 2:30 PM; 4:00 PM or as soon as possible

Teams:At least 2 players in the same section (same school) define a team; top 4 scores count


Trophies -Top 8 individuals per section; Top 3 Unrated (in Novice Sections ONLY!)

Medals -To Non-trophy winners

Team Trophies -Top 8 teams/section

State Champion Plaques - Top CT 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Players in championship sections

State Champion Certificates - Top CT 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Players in novice sections

Please Note!

A State Champion and/or a Grade champion is defined as the top CT resident or top out-of-state resident attending a CT school full-time.

Award Ceremonies: 6:00 PM or A.S.A.P.

Snack Food& Drink for SaleOn Site

Mail Entries to: David J. Aldi, 248 Mill Street, Southington, CT 06489

Questions:email:phone: (860) 628-6777



Enclosed is $______to enter the ______section

Student Name______Grade______

School, City/State______USCF ID#______

Expiration Date______Rating______Parent/Guardian Name: ______

Phone:______Address______Email Address:______

City______State_____Zip______Birthdate______Also enclosed is $_____to join/renew USCF Renewal/Join can be done online at

Can’t play all the games? No Problem! Which Round(s) will you miss? 1___2___3___4___5___

(One half-point bye per round given IN ADVANCE for at most two missed rounds)