Catholic Parishes of
AnnunciationChurch of Coon Rapids, & St. Joseph Church of Dedham
Living a Faith, Building a Future
Confessions– before weekend Masses & First Friday
Rev. Anthony P. Pick
(CR) Rectory Phone & fax: 999-2823
(CR) ParishCenter phone: 999-2472
(D) Rectory & Church phone: 683-5744
Deacon Louis Meiners
Phone: 683-5795(H) 712-254-0085 (cell)
November 18, 2007 – Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mon10:30AM (D)Adoration/Reconciliation
11:00AM (D)Healing Mass
Allan & Ambrose Haubrich,
Sally Grossman
12:00PM (D)American Legion Lunch
Tues6:00PM (D)Louis Hoffman, Cletus Halbur
8:15AM (HS)Holy Spirit Kuemper Grades K-5
Wed6:00PM (CR)Thanksgiving Eve Mass
Marlene Ramsey, Judy Meiners
Thurs8:00AM (D)Thanksgiving Day Mass
Jan Kasperbauer, John B. Seidl Family
Sat5:30PM (CR)Mark Mueggenberg, Sally Grossman
7:30PM (D)Sabina Sporrer, Joe Sporrer Jr, Cluster Parishioners
Sun 8:00AM (D)Don Schechinger, Ambrose & Ann
10:00AM (CR)Brandon Duncan, Don Wanninger, Cluster Parishioners
Fiscal Year: 01 July 2007 – 30 June 2008
For week of 11/11/07
Adult $2,180.00.00; Loose $116.00; Youth $5.50;
DAA – 60 pledges, $4,512.60
St. Joseph:
For week of 11/11/07
Adult $1,722.00; Loose $132.50; Youth $32.90;
DAA – 54 pledges, $3,812.00
MASS ATTENDANCE COUNT, thanks to everyone who has been making an extra effort to be attending weekend masses either at Annunciation Coon Rapids or St. Joseph Dedham so that we have a good number count during this month of November when the Bishop is asking for those statistics. There are some who are attending at the nursing home, but that doesn’t help with our count.
DAA UPDATE: thanks to everyone who has been making generous pledges to the Bishop’s Diocesan Annual Appeal. Shows that Bishop that our parishes can pay its bills.
St. Joseph – we are now $2,035.85 from our 2007 DAA goal.
Annunciation – we are now $1,546.40 from our 2007 goal.
Please drop your pledges and payments in the weekend collections. DAA envelopes have been placed in the pews.
CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT special collection. Life at the poverty line leaves nearly 40 million Americans handing on for dear life – hanging on to feed their families and to keep a roof over their heads. The Catholic Campaign for Human Development supports self-help projects of people working together to break the cycle of poverty. You can make a difference. Be part of the numbers that care – if you have not so far, give generously to CCHD by using your special collection envelopes
RECEIVING HOLY COMMUNION, when approaching the altar for Holy Communion, first of all make a bow with your head behind the person now receiving, secondly, raise hands high enough even with your chin (if not receiving on the tongue). Remember, no gum chewing during mass.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES will not be held this week. Remember to attend mass for Thanksgiving.
FIRST CONFESSIONS for the Second Graders of both St. Joseph & Annunciation 6:30pm Wed. November 28.
ST. PATRICK’S – BAYARD HOLIDAY RAFFLE & Luncheon will be Sunday, November 18 from 11-1 at the BayardCommunity Center.
ANNUAL ECUMENICAL THANKSGIVING SERVICE 7pm Sunday November 18th at the AscensionLutheranChurch, Coon Rapids. Everyone welcome.
SYMPATHY AND PRAYERS, we wish to express our sympathy to Geri Shirbroun whose brotherDon Hussman died Sunday November 11. Please remember to pray for Don and his family.
PRO-LIFE RALLY Would you like to help sponsor a student attending the March for Life rally in Washington, D.C.? Carroll Area Iowans For Life is committed to help these students. Please send donations to: Carroll Area Iowans for Life, PO Box 792, Carroll, IA51401.
CCD RELIGIOUS EDUCATION, more parents are needed to sit in class rooms as a teachers aid to help handing out papers and with the discipline. There are some kids that just won’t settle down. If able to help, call the Parish Office. Also, need more attending the Wednesday 7:30pm mass.
SIOUXLAND BLOOD BANK will be at the Annunciation Church Parish Center Coon Rapids on Dec. 4 from 1-6 pm.
November 2 – Anne Anthofer
November 19 – Louis Anthofer
November 30 –Chuck Bedford
They would love to hear from their church family on their special day! Father Pick’s birthday is on November 20, so remember to wish him a happy birthday as well!
Prayer Chain: Please contact Lois Hoffman 999-5584 or Luella Esdohr 684-5269
WednesdayNov 21/6:00pm/Thanksgiving Eve:
S – Amber Donahue, Marissa Donahue
L- Cathy Nees
EM-Jim Mohr, Cherrie Mohr, Teresa Gelhaus (Steve Kult – Choir Comm)
G-Mike Klocke Family
U-Don Meiners, Tom Meiners
Saturday Nov 24/5:30pm: R- Doreen Schroeder
S – Beth Gelhaus, Heidi Esdohr
L- Jerry Kult
EM-Steve Kult, Pat Kult, Sandy Wurr
G-Dick Oswald Family
U-Dave Wallace, Dennis Wurr
Sunday Nov 25/10:00am: R-Rosemary Paulsen
S- Nikole Anthofer, Abby Tunning
L-Jim Heithoff
EM-Jon Heydon, Jessica Heydon, Ruth McKenzie
G-Ed Golay Family
U-Kevin Dorpinghaus, Kip Hays
ANNUNCIATION GIFT TO GOD pledge cards. Pledges $81,550.00; Payments $21,625.00; 2nd collection $17,782.08. How about considering a big Christmas present to Jesus for the renovation & updating AnnunciationChurch?
CORRECTION ON THE BEEF & NOODLE DINNER: We served 228 people instead of 128. Great job everyone!
Prayer Chain: Please contact Ruth Schreck 683-5885
Thursday Nov 22/8:00am/Thanksgiving Day/Adult Choir:
S-Mallory Klocke, Will Klocke
L-Nadine Hoffman
EM-Gary Sporrer, Kevin Schultes, Lorraine Klocke
G-John Hoffman Family
U-Jody Meiners, Leon Meiners
Saturday Nov 24/7:30pm:
S-Grant Schultes, Jordan Schultes
L-Carol Klocke
EM-Dale Klocke, Mary Klocke, Tricia Wolterman
G-Eugene Kitt Family
U-Bob Peter, Don Schmitz
Sunday Nov 25/8am/Unity Choir: $Counters – Lori Willenborg, John Hoffman, Nadine Hoffman
S-Pat Irlbeck Family
L-Jeremy Irlbeck
EM-Pat Irlbeck Family
G- Pat Irlbeck Family
U-Pat Irlbeck Family
THE MONTHLY HEALING MASS on the 3rd Monday of the month at Dedham St. Joseph will be 11am on Monday November 19. Confessions and Adoration will begin at 10:30am. The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, will be administered during the 11am mass. Everyone always welcome, even from other towns. Anointing the Sick – Come deepen your Spiritual Journey with Jesus the Healer.
A TURKEY LUNCH will be served immediately after the Healing Mass down at the AmericanLegionBuilding to which everyone is invited. If you wish as in the past, you may bring a salad or dessert.
DEDHAM QUASQUI ADS need to be finished up as soon as possible. If you would like an ad in the “Dedham Quasquicentennial Book” please contact Steve or Sue Seidl. $200 for a full page, $100 for ½ page, $50 for ¼ page ad. If you’re not sure what to do, we can help you design your ad. Just give us a call 712-683-5849. Also, Memorial Ads are now for sale..$25 for 1/8 page ad for your loved one. Example:
DEDHAM LEGION AUXILLARY MEETING will be on Monday November 19th at 7:00 at the Dedham Legion Hall.
THE DEDHAM LEGION FAMILY will be hosting a Feather Party on Sunday, November 18th at the Legion hall. Doors open at 5:00 with bingo starting at 6:00pm. Turkeys and hams will be given as prizes. Food will be available. Bars to be served with the lunch are being sought from members.
ST. JOSEPH CHRISTMAS PARTY will be Sun, Dec. 2 starting at 3:30pm. Having a Willey wine-tasting party and invited people from the Willey Winery for a short presentation. Instead of doing a big meal, there will be wine, appetizers & desserts.
A man dies and goes to heaven. Of course, St. Peter meets him at the pearly gates.
St. Peter says, "Here's how it works. You need 100 points to make it into heaven. You tell me all the good things you've done, and I give you a certain number of points for each item, depending on how good it was. When you reach 100 points, you get in."
"Okay," the man says, "I was married to the same woman for 50 years and never cheated on her, even in my heart."
"That's wonderful," says St. Peter, "that's worth three points!"
"Three points?" he says. "Well, I attended church all my life and supported its ministry with my tithe and service."
"Terrific!" says St. Peter, "that's certainly worth a point."
"One point? Golly. How about this; I started a soup kitchen in my city and worked in a shelter for homeless veterans."
"Fantastic, that's good for two more points, " he says.
"TWO POINTS!!" the man cries, "At this rate the only way I'll get into heaven is by the grace of God!"
"Come on in!"