Joplin Fire Department

Training Division
303 E. Third Street

Joplin, Missouri 64801

(417) 624-0403

(417) 625-4709 (Fax)

August Training Plan Notes

Focus: Truck Company Operations – August’s training focus is on Truck Company Operations. Our primary goal will be to re-familiarize with aerial setup and controls through single company training as well as spend time working on roles, responsibilities, and functions of the truck company on scene through our lecture.

For stations that do not have an aerial apparatus we have scheduled a day in which the reserve aerial will come around to your station to do all core competencies assigned at that time. This date has been placed on the calendar and in firehouse.

Additionally, we will be doing a multi-company drill at the end of the month incorporating our tanker, mutual aid agencies, and drafting operations.

Company Training

·  Lecture – Truck Company Operations

o  A Shift – 8/12/2014

o  B Shift – 8/19/2014

o  C Shift – 8/14/2014

·  Multi-Company – Drafting/Water Shuttle Evolution

o  A Shift – 8/27/2014

o  B Shift – 8/25/2014

o  C Shift – 8/29/2014

·  Core Competency Training – Stations 2, 4, & 6

o  A Shift – 08/15/14

o  B Shift – 08/22/14

o  C Shift – 08/26/14

Core Competencies

·  Aerial Setup for Rescue (FC-080) – Personnel will work as a crew to setup and deploy the aerial device in a rescue mode. Special attention should be given to crew efficiency, operator efficiency, and overall general knowledge of how the aerial functions to provide a timely rescue effort.

·  Cone Drill for Aerial Ops (FC-081) – This skill drill is designed to provide the aerial apparatus operator an opportunity to become proficient with judging depth and distance when placing the aerial. Special attention should be made to ensuring the operator controls the aerial without causing any unnecessary shaking of the aerial device.

·  Aerial Apparatus Positioning (FC-082) – This skill drill is to provide the entire crew an opportunity to table top discuss aerial apparatus positioning at a variety of locations.

·  Short-Jack Evolution (FC-083) – Driver/Operator will set up the aerial with the assistance of his crew to deploy the aerial in a confined space area utilizing the technique of “short-jacking”.

·  Aerial Setup for Master Stream (FC-084) – As a crew you will work to setup the aerial apparatus for master stream operations. You will be asked to set up your water supply through the pump and then also set it up through the waterway in the back.

·  Firefighter Operations on an Aerial (FC-085) – This skill is designed to give the firefighter a chance to ascend and descend the ladder correctly, carry equipment, operate the tip controls, and communicate with the aerial operator. Personnel should make sure that the ladder belt is used for safety during the evolution.

EMS CEU’s will be Abdominal Injuries (Module V)

EMS CEU’s will be covering abdominal injuries and will provide 2 hours of CEU’s for module 5. CEU’s will be pre-recorded and available for viewing on the website.

Training Hours

Training hours for the month are broken down as follows:

FC-080 (Aerial Setup for Rescue) / 2 hours / Fire, Driver
FC-081 (Cone Drill) / 2 hours / Fire, Driver
FC-082 (Apparatus Positioning) / 1 hour / Fire, Officer, Driver
FC-083 (Short-Jack Evolution) / 1 Hour / Fire, Driver
FC-084 (Aerial Setup for Master Stream) / 2 hours / Fire, Driver
FC-085 (FF Operations on an Aerial) / 2 hour / Fire
EMS CEU (Abdominal Trauma) / 2 hours / EMS Module V
Lecture – Truck Co. Operations / 2 hours / Fire, Driver, Officer
Multi-Company – Water Shuttle/Draft / 2 hours / Fire, Driver, Auto Aid
Total Training (Formal Training Plan) / 16 / 14 – Fire
12 – Driver
3 – Officer
2 – EMS Module 5