The Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Training Cetnre, Pachmarhi, M.P.– 461881

Ph. No. 07578 – 252026 (O), 252153 (R), Fax No. 07578 – 252541 - E-Mail :

Circular No. 02 / 2016 / 734-38 Dated : 19th May, 2016


All the State Secretaries,

State Associations of

Bharat Scouts & Guides,

Indian Union.

Sub : Annual Training Report for the Year 2015-2016 (Scout Wing)

Sir / Madam,

As the financial year is already closed on 31st March, 2016 and all the training records are have been finalized.

National Training Centre, Pachmarhi will have to send a consolidated Training Report of all the State Associations of Bharat Scouts and Guides to National Headquarters for its inclusion in Bharat Scouts & Guides Annual Report. Therefore, you are requested to send your Annual Training Report for 2015-2016 in the enclosed proforma with all annexure. The soft copy has already been sent by E-mail and the same will also be available in BS&G website (National Circular Section).

Kindly request your State Training Commissioners (S) to prepare the Annual Training Report (Scout Wing) highlighting the achievements in training courses and events and send it to National Training Centre, Pachmarhi on or before 30th June, 2016. The following points to be followed before sending the same to NTC :

1.  ATR should be sent before last date to NTC, Pachmarhi. Soft copy can also be sent by E-mail but printed copy with signature and seal is must.

2.  ATR should be given in the same format provided by NTC. The soft copy sent by E-mail can also be used, it will also be available in the National Headquarters website :

3.  All the Annexure (11 Numbers) may be printed in separate pages and additional sheets may be used if required.

4.  Duly filled with all the annexure ATR will be accepted by the NTC, Pachmarhi.

5.  Clearly mention the name of courses (specially Basic, Advanced and HWB) conducted by state with the name of LOC, name of trainers (assisted in the course), number of candidates attended, number of qualified, date and place of course. The same record will be verified during the renewal of Hon’ble Charges.

6.  ATR receiving without annexure will not be entertained and will be returned back.

7.  It is observed that courses are not conducted as per SOT. The courses strength should be as per Scheme of Training (Scout Wing).

Soliciting your co-operation and with thanks.

Yours in Scouting,

( M. S. Qureshi )

Joint Director, NTC

Encl.: 1. ATR format – 2 Pages.

2. ATR (10 Annexure) 5 pages.

Copy to :

1.  All the NHQ Office Bearers.

2.  All the Asst. Directors.

3.  The State Commissioner (S) for information.

4.  The State Trg. Commissioners (S) for immediate action.


YEAR 2015-2016

Name of the State : ______

Name of the STC (S) : ______

A. Total No. of Trainers as on 31.03.2016 CUB SCOUT ROVER

a. A.L.T. ------

b. L.T. ------

B. Total No. of H.W.B. Parchment Holders

as on 31.03.2016 ------

C. Place and date of Training Team Meet

conducted during 2015-2016 ------

ACHIEVEMENTS DURING 2015-2016 / No. of Courses conducted / No. attended
( Please don’t write participants number attended in National / NTC / Regional courses )
1. / Basic Courses conducted as per
Annexure No. 1.
a. Cub / ______/ ______
b. Scout / ______/ ______
c. Rover / ______/ ______
2. / Advanced Courses conducted as per
Annexure No. 2
a. Cub / ______/ ______
b. Scout / ______/ ______
c. Rover / ______/ ______
3. / H.W.B. Courses conducted as per Annexure No. 3.
a. Cub / ______/ ______
b. Scout / ______/ ______
c. Rover / ______/ ______
4. / Training Study Certificates registered at NTC
a. Cub / ______/ ______
b. Scout / ______/ ______
c. Rover / ______/ ______
5. / No. of Parchment received during
a. Cub / ______/ ______
b. Scout / ______/ ______
c. Rover / ______/ ______
6. / No. of ALT Hon’ble Charges received
a. Cub / ______/ ______
b. Scout / ______/ ______
c. Rover / ______/ ______



Page 2.

7. / No. of L.T. Hon’ble Charges received
a. Cub / ______/ ______
b. Scout / ______/ ______
c. Rover / ______/ ______
8. / Special Courses / events conducted as per
Annexure No. 4. / No. of Courses Conducted / No. of
a. Patrol Leader Trainers (Training Course) / ______/ ______
b. Commissioners’ Courses / ______/ ______
c. Secretaries Courses / ______/ ______
d. Trg. Counsellors Course / ______/ ______
e. Badge Instructors Course / ______/ ______
f. Camp Fire Leaders Course / ______/ ______
g. Organisers Course / ______/ ______
h. Group Leaders Course / ______/ ______
i. Refresher/Re-orientation Course / ______/ ______
j. MOP (Messenger of Peace) / ______/ ______
k. Surf Smart / ______/ ______
l. Free Being Me / ______/ ______
m. Any other Special Courses (Please mention name of the course) / ______/ ______
Total No. of Courses / ______/ ______
9. / Informal Training conducted as per Annexure No. 5.
a. Seminars / ______/ ______
b. Forum / ______/ ______
c. Workshop / ______/ ______
d. Symposium / ______/ ______
e. Exhibitions / ______/ ______
10. / a. No. of D.T.Cs. as per Annexure No. 6 / ______
b. No. of Training Counsellors as per Annexure No. 7 / ______
11. / Participation in National Level Training Courses as per Annexure No. 8 / ______
12. / Details of Trainers assisted in National level Adult Training Courses – 2015-2016. Annexure No. 9. / ______
13. / Advancement of Unit Leaders (As on 31.03.2016) Annexure No. 10. / ______



Annexure No. 1. : Details of Basic Courses
/ Sec. / Place / District / Date / No. of Participants / Leader of the Course / Name of the Course Staff /
From / To


Annexure No. 2. : Details of Advanced Courses
/ Sec. / Place / District / Date / No. of Participants / No. of Qualified / Leader of the Course /
Name of the Course Staff
From / To


Annexure No. 3. : Details of H.W.B. Courses
/ Sec. / Place / District / Date / No. of Participants / No. of Qualified / Leader of the Course /
Name of the Course Staff
From / To


Annexure No. 4. : Details of Special Courses
/ Name of the Course / Place / District / Date / No. of Participants / Leader of the Course /
Name of the Course Staff
From / To


Annexure No. 5. : Details of Informal Courses
/ Name of the Course / Place / District / Date / No. of Participants / Leader of the Course /
Name of the Course Staff
From / To


Annexure No. 6. : Name of District and District Training Commissioners
(1) / Name of the District
(2) / Name of the D.T.C.
(3) / Qualification
(4) / Sec.
(5) /
Name of other Trainers in the District

Note : Give the names of all the districts of your state. If DTC is not appointed please give the name of incharge DTC with his Scouting Qualification.


Annexure No. 7. : Name of Training Counsellors

/ Name of the Training Counsellors / For how many Unit / Section / Qualification /

Whether undergone Training Counsellors Course,

if so place and date


Annexure No. 8. : Participation in Adult Training Courses 2014-2015 - Name and Date of the Courses.
SL. NO. / Courses with Dates / B. Commr. :13-15 Apr.15 / Adv. RSL : 13-19 Apr.15 / Adv. CM : 13-19 Apr.15 / B. RSL : G-A 1-5 May.15 / B. RSL : GB 1-5 May.15 / HWB CM : 11-17 May.15 / HWB SM : GA 11-17 May.15 / HWB SM GB : 11-17 May.15 / HWB RSL : 11-17 May.15 / ROT(S) : 15-17 May.15 / Pre-ALT (CG) : 1-5 May.15 / Adv.Comm : 26-28 May.15 / Handi.&Voc : 26 May-4Jun.15 / Pre-ALT GA : 31 May-4 Jun.15 / Pre-ALT GB : 31 May-4 Jun.15 / Pre-ALT GC : 31 May-4 Jun.15 / Nat Youth F. : 1-5 May.15 / ALT(S) GA : 8-12 Jun.15 / ALT(S) GB : 8-12 Jun.15 / ALT(S) GC : 8-12 Jun.15 / ROT ER 8-12/6/15 WB / RR S.Camp Pro : 14-20 Sep.15 / 44th LT(S): 5-9 Oct.15 / Pre-ALT Doddb :5-9 Oct.15 / Pre-ALT Palode : 26-30 Oct.15 / ALT(S) : 16-20 Nov.15 / ROT Palode : 28-30 Oct.15 / ROT Salem : 18-20 Aug.15 / Mapping : 18-20 Nov.15 / Quarter Master : 18-20 Nov.15 / Pioneering : 18-20 Nov.15 / Star Gazing : 18-20 Nov.15 / Signalling : 2-4 Dec.15 / Estimation : 2-4 Dec.15 / First Aid : 2-4 Dec.15 / Pre-ALT GA : 27-31 Dec.15 / Pre-ALT BB : 27-31 Dec.15 / ARPM Seminar : 10-14 Jan.16 / ROT(S) : 12-14 Jan.16 / Total
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31 / 32 / 33 / 34 / 35 / 36 / 37 / 38 / 39
No. of participants attended the course from your State

Note : If no body attended write Nil :


Annexure No. 9. : Details of Trainers assisted in National Adult Training Courses


/ Name of the Trainers / ALT / LT / Name of the Course / Place / Date /


From / To


Annexure No. 10. :

Unit Leader Advancement (As on 31.03.2016)

Sl / Details of Unit Leaders / Cub / Scout / Rover
1. / Number of Units
2. / No. of Unit Leaders Existing
3. / No. of Unit Leader Basic Trained
4. / No. of Unit Leaders Advanced Trained
5. / No. of Unit Leaders Completed Training Study
6. / No. of Unit Leaders attended successfully HWB Courses
7. / No. of Unit Leaders received HWB Parchment
8. / No. of Unit Leaders attended successfully Pre-ALT Course
9. / No. of Unit Leaders who are ALTs.
10. / No. of Unit Leaders who are LTs.

