Dale & Valley Homes Complaints System and Procedures

Staff Guide

January 2008

Introduction from Chief Executive of Dale & Valley Homes

Customer comments, complaints and compliments are a valuable resource. We need to treat them as such, and encourage our customers to make their views known.

We need to ensure that our customers feel they have been dealt with fairly, professionally and courteously. This is equally important whether the complaint has been upheld or not.

We also need to ensure that we learn from complaints by collecting and analysing them and addressing any issues about the way we operate.

The system and processes set out in this guide are intended to help us achieve our objectives.

Peter Chaffer

Chief Executive

Dale & Valley Homes


This Complaints System and Procedures Guide has been developed for staff at Dale & Valley Homes to aid them in logging and dealing with complaints made by Dale & Valley Homes customers.

The guide is split into four sections.

Section 1 looks at the Complaints System Protocol and covers how, as staff; we should investigate a complaint once one is made and what we should do in terms of preparing to respond to the complaint, speaking to the complainant and dealing with the complaint.

Section 2 of this guide describes in detail how to input complaints on to the new Dale & Valley Homes Complaints System which is located on your Lotus Notes Workspace.

Section 3 outlines the publicity we provide to customers on the Complaints Process and identifies the 3 key stages within the Complaints Process.

Section 4 of the guide contains a template of the Acknowledgement Letter, Action Taken Letter and Progress Letter. The Acknowledgement Letter for stage 2 of the Complaints Process is also included within this section. These letters should be used when corresponding with customers.

If staff have any queries, or require any further information, they should contact either the Access and Customer Care Services Assistant or the Access and Customer Care Manager who are the responsible Complaints Officers for Dale & Valley Homes.

Staff training in respect of the Complaints System and Procedure has been undertaken. However, if you are a new staff member or if you would like some refresher training on the Complaints System, contact the Access and Customer Care Manager who can arrange training for you.



The following information aims to provide some guidance as to how staff should investigate a complaint. This contains information on how staff should prepare to respond to the complaint, how to speak with customers about their complaint and how to deal with the complaint itself. If you require clarification regarding any of the information contained within this section, please contact the Access and Customer Care Manager.


  • When you receive a complaint, you should try to:

- Allow time to make sure that you understand the problem

- Check your files for any previous notes or letters about the problem

- Be aware of this protocol and service standard leaflet (available in all
offices and on the Dale & Valley Homes website) particularly the
standard timescales we have set and must keep to

- Be aware of the facilities that could help the customer to make their
complaint (e.g. translation services; Braille, CD Rom, Large Print and
Audio Cassette availability)

Speaking to the Complainant

  • When you receive a complaint, you should discuss the complaint with the customer. You will get a better understanding of the problem and this is a more personal way of dealing and liasing with the customer.
  • Avoid being defensive, this does not solve the problem and may make the situation worse.
  • Allow time to assess the issues raised so everyone is clear of the facts and we understand fully what the problem is.
  • Avoid making assumptions. If you have not upheld past complaints by a customer, do not assume that you will not uphold their new complaint.
  • Look at the problem from the customer’s point of view.

Dealing with the Complaint

  • Break the complaint down into separate issues and make sure you reply to them all.
  • Think about how you can resolve the problem and the timescale that might be involved to do so.
  • Discuss the complaint with your manager and colleagues. They might have investigated a similar complaint or have some suggestions for how you could resolve the complaint.
  • Have a look in the Complaints database to see if there have been similar complaints and how they have been dealt with.




The following information aims to give a step-by-step guide to how complaints should be entered on to the Dale & Valley Homes Complaints System and the various ways you may receive a complaint from a customer.

Overview - The details to be recorded for each complaint

When you create an entry in the Dale & Valley Homes Complaints database there are certain pieces of information you need to include – this information must be included for all complaints received:

Name, address, telephone number, email address of complainant

  • Details of complaint
  • Complaint code
  • Location of complaint

Officer responsible for dealing with the complaint

  • Any immediate action to be taken
  • Date resolved

Ways you will receive a complaint and what you need to do

There are a number of ways that customers can make complaints to Dale & Valley Homes. These ways are identified below along with a procedure for each:

Receiving a complaint by phone

  1. If the complaint can be resolved instantly by you:
  • Detail the complaint on your Complaints Login Form
  • Send completed Complaints Login Form to either the Access and Customer CareManager or the Access and Customer Care Services Assistant to input into the Complaints system.
  1. If the complaint requires further action from you:
  • Complete an entry in the Complaints database, including all the information requested.
  • Contact the complainant to explain that you will be investigating this complaint further and that you will be sending an Acknowledgement Letter within the next 3 working days to confirm this.
  • Click on Acknowledgement Letter in the Complaints database and complete the relevant information - (this must be undertaken within 3 working daysof receiving the complaint)
  • Post the Acknowledgement Letter to the complainant
  • Investigate the complaint within 10 working Days.
  • Once you have resolved the complaint - click on Action Taken Letter in the Complaints database and complete the relevant information – (this must be undertaken within 10 working daysof receiving the complaint)
  • If more time is required to resolve the complaint, click on Progress Letter in the Complaints database and complete the relevant information.
  • Post to complainant
  1. Complaint that needs to be passed onto another Officer:
  • Complete an entry in the Complaints database, including all the information requested.
  • Contact the complainant and explain that (name of Officer) will be investigating their complaint further and that you will be sending an Acknowledgement Letter within the next 3 working days to confirm this.
  • Click on Acknowledgement Letter in the Complaints database and complete the required information - (this must be completed within 3 working days of receiving the complaint)
  • Post the Acknowledgement Letter to the complainant.
  • Ensure that the name of the responsible officer is entered on to the Complaints database in the relevant field and they are notified as to their responsibility of investigating the complaint.

Receiving a complaint by letter / complaints form

  • An entry must be made in the Complaints database and must include all information as requested.
  • You must scan the received letter / complaints form into the system and attach this document within the entry on the Complaints database.
  • Contact the complainant and explain that their complaint is being dealt with and that you will be sending an Acknowledgement Letter within the next 3 working days to confirm this.

Follow procedure (as detailed in Investigating a complaint)

  • Complete Acknowledgement Letter in the Complaints database and complete the required information – (this must be completed within 3working days of receiving the complaint)
  • Investigate the complaint within 10 working days.
  • If the complaint is resolved within the 10 working days timescale - click on Action Taken Letter in the Complaints database – (this must be completed within the 10 working days deadline from receiving thecomplaint)
  • If more time is needed to resolve the complaint, click on and complete the Progress Letter in the Complaints database – (this must be completed within the 10 working days deadline from receiving the complaint)

Receiving a complaint from the Complaints database (from Access and

Customer Care Manager, Access and Customer Care Services Assistant or other officer)

  • Contact the complainant and explain that their complaint is being dealt with and that you will be sending an Acknowledgement Letter within the next 3 working days to confirm this.
  • Send Acknowledgement Letter to complainant.

Follow procedure (as detailed in Investigating a complaint)

  • Investigate the complaint within 10 working days.
  • If the complaint is resolved within the 10 working days timescale - click on Action Taken Letter in the Complaints database – (this must be completed within the 10 working days deadline from receiving thecomplaint)
  • If more time is needed to resolve the complaint, click on and complete the Progress Letter in the Complaints database – (this must be completedwithin the 10 working days deadline from receiving the complaint).

Receiving a complaint by email

  1. Complaint that can be resolved instantly by you:
  • Detail the complaint on your Complaints Login Form
  • Reply to the complainant electronically
  • Send completed Complaints Login Form to the Access andCustomer CareManager or the Access and Customer Care Services Assistant to input into system.
  1. If the complaint requires further action from you:
  • Complete an entry in the Complaints database and include all the information requested.
  • Email the complainant explaining that you will be investigating this complaint further and they will be sent an Acknowledgement Letter within the next 3 working days confirming this. Ask if they would like to receive all further correspondence electronically.
  • Click on Acknowledgement Letter and complete the relevant information - (this must be completed within the 3 working days deadline from receiving the complaint)
  • Send Acknowledgement Letter to complainant by agreed method.
  • Investigate the complaint within the 10 working days deadline.
  • Resolve the complaint - click on the Action Taken Letter and complete the relevant information (this must be completed within the10 working days deadline from receiving the complaint).
  • Send Action Taken Letter to complainant by agreed method.
  • If more time is needed, click on and complete the Progress Letter.
  • Send Progress Letter to complainant by agreed method.
  1. Complaint that needs to be passed onto another Officer:
  • Complete an entry in the Complaints database including all the information requested.
  • Contact the complainant and explain that (name of Officer) will be investigating their complaint further and that you will be sending an Acknowledgement Letter within the next 3 working days to confirm this.
  • Click on Acknowledgement Letter in the Complaints database and complete the required information - (this must be completed within 3 working days of receiving the complaint)
  • Post the Acknowledgement Letter to the complainant.
  • Ensure that the name of the responsible officer is entered on to the Complaints database in the relevant field and they are notified as to their responsibility of investigating the complaint.

SECTION 3 – Information for Customers, Dale & Valley Homes Complaints Working Group and Key Stages within the Complaints Process

Information given to customers on the Complaints process

As well as Dale&Valley Homes staff, customers also need to be made aware of the Complaints process and how it operates. In order to achieve this, Dale & Valley Homes have developed a leaflet for customers specifically based on the Complaints process along with a section on Complaints which has been contained within the new Service Standards Booklet. The information contained within this leaflet is detailed below:

Got a problem?

We want to provide goodquality services for everyone. But things can go wrong. If they do, we need to know so we can put them right and learn from them.

What do I do if I am unhappy with one of your services?

If you have not previously brought the matter to the attention of Dale & Valley Homes, then you should contact the Access & Customer Care Team, requesting that action be taken.

Comments & Suggestions

You can make general comments and suggestions about our service by completing the attached form, contacting the Access andCustomer Care Manager or emailing Dale & Valley Homes on

If you feel that your particular concern has not been given proper attention, or has been mishandled by the Council, you may then wish to complain.

You can complain in one of the following ways:-

  • Completing the attached complaints, comments, suggestions form;
  • Completing the on-line complaint form at ;
  • Telephone call to any officer;
  • Email to any officer.

We will send you an acknowledgement letter and let you know who is dealing with your complaint within three working days.

Alternatively, you can complain to the Access and Customer CareManager in writing, by email or over the phone. They will contact the Service Manager responsible for the service you are complaining about.

Access and Customer CareManager

Louise Butler

Dale & Valley Homes, 1st Floor, Civic Centre, Crook, Co. Durham. DL15 9ES

Tel: 01388 761946Minicom: 01388 761515


The Dale & Valley Homes Access & Customer Care Working Group

An Access & Customer Care Working Group has been developed for Dale & Valley Homes that consists of both Dale & Valley Homes staff and customers. Part of the remit of the Dale & Valley Homes Access & Customer Care Working Group is to monitor, review and report on the complaints received from customers and on the Complaints Process/System itself.

The Access & Customer Care Working Group will be required to report regularly to the Dale & Valley Homes Board of Management and will also be responsible for making recommendations in light of progress with the monitoring and reviewing of complaints and the service developments arising from analysed complaints including any trends that may be evident.

The Access & Customer Care Working Group aim to ensure that the Complaints Process runs smoothly and that our promises to customers in respect of reporting and handling complaints is met.

The three stages within the Complaints Process

There are three stages to the Dale & Valley Homes complaints process:

Stage One

Your complaint is sent to the relevant Assistant Director responsible for the service, who will investigate your complaint and reply to you within 10 working days.

If we cannot resolve the complaint within 10 working days, we will send you an update letter to inform you of the progress. We will respond fully within a further 10 working days.

Stage Two

If you are unhappy with the Assistant Director’s reply at the end of Stage 1, you can appeal to the relevant Director.

We will let you know that we have received your appeal within three working days of you contacting us. The Director will investigate and reply to you within 15 working days.

If we cannot resolve your complaint for any reason, we will send you a follow-up-letter after the first fifteen-day period, and will respond fully within a further 10 working days.

Stage Three

If you are unhappy with the Director’s reply you can appeal to the Chief Executive of Dale and Valley Homes.

Your appeal to the Chief Executive will be acknowledged within two workings days. The Chief Executive or chosen officer will investigate your complaint.

The investigator is independent of the service you are complaining about and will send you a report on the matter within 25 working days.

The contact details for the Chief Executive are:

Mr Peter Chaffer

Dale and Valley Homes

1st Floor,

Civic Centre, Crook,

Co Durham,

DL15 9ES

Tel: 01388 761637
Minicom: 01388 761515

Local Government Ombudsman

If you are still unhappy after Stage 3, you can contact the Local Government Ombudsman, an independent person who investigates allegations of administrative fault that causes injustice.

The Ombudsman who deals with Dale and Valley Homes is at:

Local Government Ombudsman
Beverley House
17 Shipton Road
YO30 5FZ
Phone: 01904 663200
Fax: 01904 663269

You can get a copy of the Local Government Ombudsman’s leaflet, ‘Complain about the Council? How to complain to the Local Government Ombudsman’ by phoning or writing to the address above. Or you can download it from the Ombudsman’s website,

If you have an enquiry about the Local Ombudsman's service you can telephone their Advice Line on 0845 602 1983.

How do we make sure everyone is treated fairly?

We value all people in WearValley.

We want to make sure that everyone can use the complaints system.

We want to make sure we treat our customers fairly when making any complaints about us.

To help us treat our customers equally we ask them to tell us their gender, age, ethnic origin and if they are disabled. If they are using the online complaint form, these questions are included.

The information our customers give is confidential. We will only use it for Dale & Valley Homes and Housing monitoring purposes to ensure we deliver the best possible service tailored to their needs.