Prevention Research Centers’

National Community Committee

Spring Business Meeting

Atlanta, Georgia

April 7, 2010

(Attendance roster is attached below)

The meeting was called to order by Chair, Sandy Good. Welcome and introductions were held and roll call was taken.

A moment of silence was held to acknowledge and honor those families who have lost loved ones in the mining accident in West Virginia.

Treasurer’s Report – Paul Gilmer

This is the first report given by the first appointed treasurer. Paul reported that there is a balance of $1,802.00 held in the Lena Mae Foundation and receivables of $400 for the project in New Mexico. A motion was made by Chuck Conner to accept the treasurer’s report; 2nd by Susan Kuntz. Motion carried.

NCC Committee Reports:

PPO Committee – Rosemarie Rodriguez-Hager

Rosemarie reported that the latest version of the NCC Operating Procedures was approved during the NCC Annual Meeting in October 2009. The committee is currently reviewing changes recommended by several committees and will be adding definitions for the treasurer. If anyone would like to recommend any additional changes to the document, all recommendations must be submitted to the PPO Committee 90 days prior to the NCC’s Annual Meeting in October 2010. Allrecommendations submitted will be brought before the full committee 30 days prior the fall meeting and a vote will be taken during the meeting.

Communications Committee – Curtis Jones/James Bratton

Since Curtis was unable to attend the meeting, James Bratton reported that the new NCC archive page is up and running.

User name is NCCmember

Password: Archive09!

NCC members are urged to browse, access, and use the information provided at the site. The archive contains updated contact list for each NCC member, past meeting minutes from conference calls and in-person meetings, and other important documents such as the NCC Operating Procedures. Once approved, all of the subcommittee executive summary reports and the NCC work plan will be available on the site as well. There is a calendar section on the site to inform members of any upcoming meetings, conference calls, or relevant conferences. If you would like to add information/events to the calendar pleasecontact theNCC secretary, Theresa Rudder (). The secretary will then contact the PRC office to have these additions submitted to the archive.

A survey will be distributed during the NCC annual meeting in October to get formal feedback on the Archive however for immediate input, comments, or questions, feel free to contact Sharrice, James, and/or Curtis at anytime.

Fund Development Committee – Imogene Wiggs/David Collins

Discussions are being held regarding the NCC applying to be a 501c-3. More information will be needed before a decision can be made. There will be more discussion to follow.

Content Committee – Linda Pekuri/Gary Tang

This committee has been working to complete the Work Plan. This is a living document and will be updated and changed as needed. One phase of the plan is the NCC CBPR Best Practice Award. This awardis to be given in 2011, which is to recognize the outstanding efforts of the local PRC that are putting CBPR principles into practice. The criteria for this award are currently being developed. The other phase is the NCC Community Engagement Award. All NCC members and PRC directors should have received information about this award earlier this year. This information is also available in the NCC Archive in the Subcommittee section under Content Committee.

NCC Annual Planning Meeting

Gary Tang announced the Annual Planning Meeting will be held in Seattle, WA, October 11-13, 2010. Plans are being made to have CBPR training provided by Dr. Bonnie Duran. NCC members are urged to attend.

SIP 13 Update

Announcement by Freda Motton: SIP 13 is proud to present its first publication! Each PRC will receive a copy.

Presentation of 6 month Executive Summary – Sandy Good

The following information was shared:

  • Convened monthly NCC conference calls – from Nov 2009 through March 2010
  • 4 special leadership conference calls to organize the NCC Work Plan
  • Organized the spring meeting agenda and presided over it.
  • Joined the PRC steering committee meetings and gave progress reports of what the NCC is doing.
  • Antonio has been asked to facilitate a discussion regarding thematic networks within the NCC.
  • Chuck Conner will form adhoc committee to try to continue communication with those PRC’s who did not receive funding.
  • Ad hoc committee by Freda for dissemination of NCC products.
  • Facilitated the award of 16 NCC scholarship requests through SOPHE for attendance at this conference. All 16 were awarded.

Summary of the NCC Work Plan

This work plan was initiated under the leadership of Chuck Conner and Sylvia Stevens-Eduoardduring the NCC Annual Planning Meeting held in West Virginia (2008). Initially this plan came from the Logic Model of the PRC. It will serve as our compass to meet our goals. Questions regarding the plan were discussed and changes suggested:

Under Section C: PPO chair, Rosemarie Rodriguez-Hager, asked why the PPO was given the responsibility of implementing the Thematic Networks. After further discussion, it was determined that “Thematic Group” be changed to “Focus Areas” and a new committee will be assigned as the responsible party.

Under Section D – Technical Assistance – it was noted that the planning should not be deferred but should be noted as “in progress”.

NCC Sustainability & Leadership – (E) #1 deliverable – needs more explanation. After further discussion it was determined that the fellowship training done at Rochester was the model for this deliverable. Regional Directors and past chairs would be asked to be the responsible group.

A motion was made by Linda Forys and 2nd by Darrell Sabbs to accept the work plan with revisions to be brought forth to the October meeting for adoption. Discussion was held regarding the changes made as well as questioning of whether we should change the dates listed under the title.

C 6, E1, and time frame (2010-2014) – Roll call vote was taken. Motion carried.

Oral Health Presentation: Ralph Fuccillo

Information was shared about awareness of chronic disease due to oral health issues. This is a pressing health problem. Could this be something the NCC wants to promote or want to take the opportunity to get funding regarding oral and systemic health? It was asked: How do we put this on our table? How do we go forward with this? It was suggested that ways would be by: Information sharing; possible special interest project; and establish a framework of community based networks. Ralph will send a concept paper to the Leadership team for discussion during their monthly calls in order to begin the process of addressing this issue.

2010 PRC/SOPHE Conference Sessions featuring NCC Presenters/Moderators

It was noted that the following PRC/NCC members were presenting or participating directly in the SOPHE/PRC Conference:

West Virginia – Chuck Conner – Advancing the Science of Community Intervention

Rochester – Matt Starr – How to reach out to deaf awareness during public health emergencies; using the internet; Poster session – Attitude of breast feeding for deaf mothers

NYU – Addressing Diabetes through CBPR

Colorado – Screening children in the school systems before school starts

Arizona – Community health workers/and/or diabetes – Family focused interventions

San Diego – Plenary session on CBPR

St. Louis – SIP 13 results – Translating evidence-based physical activity interventions with and within racial/ethnic minority communities: Issues to Consider

NCC Thematic Networks- Antonio Tovar

Antonio pointed out our strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities that are available as we work together as groups that share similar focus. Due to time constraints, Antonio’s “hands on” exercise was not done but it was suggested that he bring the exercise for funding to include the oral health as a topic to our Fall Planning meeting.

Action Items:

  1. An evaluation will be put together by Sharrice and she will send it out to the membership via e-mail.

Next conference call is scheduled for Tuesday, April 15, 2010 at 4:00 pm (ET).

Theresa Rudder


Attendance Roster

FirstName / LastName / PRCName
Ethan / Berke / Dartmouth Medical School
Katrina / Brooks / Johns Hopkins University
Robert / Chavez / University of Colorado
David / Collins / Morehouse School of Medicine
Chuck / Conner / West Virginia University
Won Kim / Cook / University of California at Berkeley
Henryetter / Curtis / University of Arkansas
E. Hill / De Loney / University of Michigan
Lourdes / Fernandez / University of Arizona
Linda / Forys / University of Texas at Houston
Ralph / Fuccillo / Harvard University
Julie / Geiser / University of Colorado
Paul / Gilmer Jr. / West Virginia University
John P. / Giroir / West Virginia University
Sandy / Good / University of Kentucky
Catherine / Haywood / Tulane University
Ella / Heard-Tremmell / Morehouse School of Medicine
Lisa / Hoffman / San Diego Prevention Research Center
Margarita / Holguin / San Diego Prevention Research Center
Winona / Hollins-Hauge / University of Washington
Anna / Huff / University of Arkansas
Smiti / Kapadia / New York University School of Medicine
Won / Kim-Cook / University of California at Berkeley
Susan / Kunz / University of Arizona
Sheila / Lamb / University of California at Los Angeles
Darlene / Leysath / University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chikezie / Maduka / University of Maryland
Joann / Malumaleumu / Oregon Health and Science University
Liza / Marron / University of Colorado
Gabriel / McNeal / University of Minnesota
Freda / Motton / St. Louis Prevention Research Center
Onie / Norman / University of Arkansas
Jazmin / Nuno / San Diego Prevention Research Center
Jenny / Oliphant / University of Minnesota
Linda / Pekuri / University of South Carolina
Albert / Ramirez / Texas A&M University System Health Science Center
John / Reid / University of Rochester
Rosemarie / Rodriguez-Hager / University of Minnesota
Theresa / Rudder / University of Colorado
Laural / Ruggles / Dartmouth Medical School
Darrell / Sabbs / Emory University
Anna / Schulte / New Mexico
Jennifer / Scofield / Case Western Reserve University
Carol / Smathers / Ohio State University
Eugenia / Smith / Boston University
Matthew / Starr / University of Rochester
Sylvia / Stevens-Eduard / Harvard University
Gary / Tang / University of Washington
Antonio / Tovar / University of South Florida
Charmayne / Turner / Johns Hopkins University
Imogene / Wiggs / St. Louis Prevention Research Center
Laura / Windwehen / Texas A&M University System Health Science Center
CDC Staff
James Bratton / Communication Specialists
Elizabeth Hill / Research Fellow
Shantrice Jones / Research Fellow
Sharrice White-Cooper / Community Liaison
Other Guests
Calvin Criner / Arkansas PRC
Carol Smathers / Ohio State University PRC
Alexander White / Unknown
Linda Goodson / Tulane PRC
Tom Struzick / Alabama PRC
Malaika Washington / CDC