Preliminary Research Project Proposal Form

1. Administrative Summary

Project Details

Project Title
Planned Start and End Dates
The expectation is that most projects will be funded for 3 years but longer or shorter projects will be considered. Projects can start at any time after 1 July 2015. However, the start date must be within the financial year 2015-16. / Start / / / End / /

Organisational Details

Organisation Name
Trading Name
Australian Business Number (ABN)
Australian Company Number (ACN)

Physical Address


Mailing Address (if different from Physical Address)


Administrative Contact

Mobile / Email

2. Project Staff

Chief Investigator

Position/ Job title
Role and expertise brought to the project
Mobile / Email

Other participants/investigators- List main contributors to the project

Position/ Job title
Role and expertise brought to the project
Organisation / Telephone
Mobile / Email
Position/ Job title
Role and expertise brought to the project
Organisation / Telephone
Mobile / Email

3. Project Description

Key Focus Area (select the one where your innovation will have greatest impact)

  1. Optimally-adapted varieties, plant breeding and release

  1. Soil health andnutrient management

  1. Pest, disease and weedmanagement

  1. Farming systems andproduction management

  1. Milling efficiency andtechnology

  1. Product diversification andvalue addition

  1. Knowledge and technologytransfer and adoption

  1. Capability development,attraction and retention

Industry Issue (200 words maximum)

What is the industry issue or opportunity being addressed? What would be the consequences for the industry if no action is taken? Have you consulted potential industry and/or end users of your planned research? If so, please list them.

Background and previous relevant research (500 words, plus 200 words for references)

Review existing knowledge and linkages to other research, and highlight gaps in knowledge which provide the rationale for conducting this project.Please list any previous relevant BSES/SRDC/SRAinvestment. If you are using background IP please indicate if you have freedom to operate. List relevant key references.

Specific research objectives(200 words maximum)

Clearly specify what this project seeks to achieve, in dot-point format. Objectives should be specific, measurable, realistic, achievable and time-related during the project.

Project methodology (500 words maximum)

Describe in dot-point format key activities and experiments to be conductedand their proposed timelines, to successfully deliver outputs and achieve project objectives.

Other key resources (150 words maximum)

Describe other key resources required to conduct the project (example equipment, facilities, or other collaborators other than those listed as co-investigators)

4. Results

What outputs will your project deliver?(200 word maximum)

In this section please list the knowledge, skills, processes, practices, products (e.g. manuals, equipment, workshops) or technology that will be derived from the project.

What outcomes will arise from your project? (200 word maximum)

Who is the target audience for adoption/use of project outputs?Will any third party be involved in delivering the outputs to users? If so, please list them. How will the knowledge or products developed in the project be used by those adopting?Examples include the use of scientific knowledge in further research, the adoption of a technique or tool, or a policy change.

What would be the potential impact on industry and society? (200 word maximum)

Describe the potential economic, social and environmental benefits (both quantitative and qualitative)to the Australian Sugar Industry. What is the size of the target market (e.g. number of growers, number of mills, quantity of production affected?) What will be the unit change in cost or revenue (e.g. yield/ha; $/t) that would be realised by the beneficiaries(in quantifiable terms if possible, including how that number was quantified)? What activities need to happen after the outputs of the project are achieved for benefits to be realised?

5. Financials

Project staff time allocations (% full time equivalent)

The Chief Investigator will be expected to contribute a minimum of 10% of their time to projects that they lead.

Project Participant/s / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3
Chief Investigator
Other Participants

Preliminary Budget

Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Total
SRA funding requested
Other Contributions
Indicative cash contributions from others (if any)
Indicative in-kind contributions.

Justification of other cash and in-kind contributions for the project

Contributor, brief description and estimated amount.

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Preliminary Research Project Proposal Form