Annual Plan Progress Report Form

Strategic Planning

Annual Plan Progress Report


Office/ Program: ___FacilitesServices____Completedby:__Steve Renew__

Goal: 1 Implement Updated Facilities/Bond Construction Master Plan / Primary Person & Others Involved: Director, Facilities Services/EIS Pros
Objective: 1.1 Using approved updated master plan, produce schedules and cashflows to support a year by year construction plan. / Assigned Groups: Consultants/
Action Plan: 1.1.1. Coordinate with Bond Program Manager the development of construction schedule that matches approved project list and sequence. / Assessment Process: Ongoing throughout the year
Estimated Cost: / One Time / Funding Source:
Ongoing / Time Line:
November, 2010_(Yr) Education Plan is precursor to the Facilities Plan. Part 1 has only recently been completed. As specific data is available, the Facilities plan will be completed. Master Schedules and Cashflows have been produced, based on existing data. / February, 20___(Yr) / May, 20___(Yr)

Annual Plan Progress Report Form

Strategic Planning

Annual Plan Progress Report


Office/ Program: ___FacilitesServices____Completedby:__Steve Renew__

Goal: 1 Implement Updated Facilities/Bond Construction Master Plan / Primary Person & Others Involved: Director, Facilities Services/EIS Pros
Objective: 1.1 Using approved updated master plan, produce schedules and cashflows to support a year by year construction plan. / Assigned Groups: EIS Pros.
Action Plan: 1.1.2. Ensure RFP’s and RFQ’s are issued in a timely manner and that design teams progress on schedule / Assessment Process: Ongoing throughout the year
Estimated Cost: / One Time / Funding Source:
Ongoing / Time Line:
November, 2010_(Yr) RFQ’s for West Valley Integrated Design Team, WVC Construction Manger, Palm Desert Design Teams, and Palm Desert CM were issued on time resulting in signed or pending contracts / February, 20___(Yr) / May, 20___(Yr)

Annual Plan Progress Report Form

Strategic Planning

Annual Plan Progress Report


Office/ Program: _____Facilities Services______Completedby:____Steve Renew

Goal: 1 Implement Updated Facilities/Bond Construction Master Plan / Primary Person & Others Involved: Director, Facilities Services/EISPros, others
Objective: 1.2 Completing projects on time and on budget that will engender confidence in Public for a subsequent Bond campaign. / Assigned Groups: Director, Facilities Services/EISPros, others
Action Plan: 1.2.1 Manage project schedule from design to construction completion. Accumulate data to support evidence of good stewardship during existing Bond Program, and need for further Bond Program / Assessment Process: Ongoing
Estimated Cost: / One Time / Funding Source:
Ongoing / Time Line:
November, 2010Yr)
Projects continue to remain on schedule and budget as agreed upon. / February, 20___(Yr) / May, 20___(Yr)

Annual Plan Progress Report Form

Strategic Planning

Annual Plan Progress Report


Office/ Program: ____Facilities Services____Completedby:___Steve Renew

Goal: 2 Manage Changes in Facilities Service Levels to meet ongoing fiscal shortfalls / Primary Person & Others Involved: Director, Facilities Services/Assistant Director, Facilities Services
Objective: 2.1 Identify further opportunities for improving efficiencies in operating expenditures. / Assigned Groups: Director and Assistant Director, Facilities Services, consultants, utilities companies
Action Plan: 2.1.1 Implement projects for energy, gas, and water use reductions identified by 09-10 studies and strategies, to reduce consumption and/or cost / Assessment Process: Ongoing throughout year
Estimated Cost: / One Time / Funding Source:
Ongoing / Time Line:
November, 2010(Yr) Energy reduction project was identified and implemented resulting in a system that can reduce electric consumption by 1.6 million kwh per year. General campus consensus will have to be reached to put the potential savings into practice as regards thermostat settings. An incentive form SCE of more than $380,000 was received as a result of partnering with them. / February, 20___(Yr) / May, 20___(Yr)

Annual Plan Progress Report Form

Strategic Planning

Annual Plan Progress Report


Office/ Program: Facilities Services ______Completed by:_Steve Renew

Goal: 2 Manage Changes in Facilities Service Levels to meet ongoing fiscal shortfalls / Primary Person & Others Involved: Director, Facilities Services/Assistant Director, Facilities Services
Objective: 2.1 Identify further opportunities for improving efficiencies in operating expenditures. / Assigned Groups: Director and Assistant Director, Facilities Services
Action Plan:2.1.2. Strategize and implement methods to understand and manage campus customer expectations of services levels to meet increased square footage demand on same or fewer staff / Assessment Process: Ongoing throughout year
Estimated Cost: / One Time / Funding Source:
Ongoing / Time Line:
November, 2010(Yr) Campus faculty and staff appear not to have made allowance for the loss of M&O Supervisor and increased building space. Request for services continue to come in without regard to time or resources available. Response is largely reactive. / February, 20___(Yr) / May, 20___(Yr)

Annual Plan Progress Report Form

Strategic Planning

Annual Plan Progress Report


Office/ Program: Facilities Services ______Completed by:_Steve Renew

Goal: 3 Increase commitment to Districts’ Sustainability Policy through Facilities practices / Primary Person & Others Involved: Director, Facilities Services/Assistant Director, Facilities Services
Objective: 3.1 Increase level of sustainability in facilities operating practices / Assigned Groups: Director, Assistant Director, Facilities Services
Action Plan: 3.1.1 Investigate and strategize expanding recycling program to food waste stream. / Assessment Process: Throughout year
Estimated Cost: / One Time / Funding Source:
Ongoing / Time Line:
November, 2010(Yr) Have not begun this action as yet. / February, 20___(Yr) / May, 20___(Yr)

Annual Plan Progress Report Form

Strategic Planning

Annual Plan Progress Report


Office/ Program: Facilities Services ______Completed by:_Steve Renew

Goal: 3 Increase commitment to Districts’ Sustainability Policy through Facilities practices / Primary Person & Others Involved: Director, Facilities Services/Assistant Director, Facilities Services
Objective: 3.1 Increase level of sustainability in facilities operating practices / Assigned Groups: Director and Assistant Director, Facilities Services
Action Plan: 3.1.2 Expand procurement and use of cost effective “green” and recycled supplies and materials / Assessment Process: Ongoing throughout year
Estimated Cost: / One Time / Funding Source:
Ongoing / Time Line:
November, 2010(Yr) Have increased “green cleaning” products to approximately 90% of inventory / February, 20___(Yr) / May, 20___(Yr)

Annual Plan Progress Report Form

Strategic Planning

Annual Plan Progress Report


Office/ Program: Facilities Services ______Completed by:_Steve Renew

Goal: 3 Increase commitment to Districts’ Sustainability Policy through Facilities practices / Primary Person & Others Involved: Director, Facilities Services/Assistant Director, Facilities Services
Objective: 3.2 Increase level of sustainability in construction projects / Assigned Groups: Director and Consultants
Action Plan: 3.2.1 On key District projects, build to and register if cost effective, higher LEED standards than previous projects / Assessment Process: Ongoing throughout year
Estimated Cost: / One Time / Funding Source:
Ongoing / Time Line:
November, 2010(Yr) Have set standard for new and renovated building projects at LEED Gold. Have sent first LEED Gold building to DSA for review (Communication Building) / February, 20___(Yr) / May, 20___(Yr)

Annual Plan Progress Report Form

Strategic Planning

Annual Plan Progress Report


Office/ Program: Facilities Services ______Completed by:_Steve Renew

Goal: / Primary Person & Others Involved:
Objective: / Assigned Groups:
Action Plan: / Assessment Process:
Estimated Cost: / One Time / Funding Source:
Ongoing / Time Line:
November, 2010(Yr) / February, 20___(Yr) / May, 20___(Yr)


Strategic Planning - Annual Plan Progress Report


The Annual Plan Progress Report Form is to be completed in November, February and May of any given academic year to encourage and to document progress on the action plans established by programs, units, and areas. A separate Progress Report Form must be completed for each action planlisted on the program/unit/area’s Planning Form. Vice Presidents must also use the Progress Report Form to track the progress of action plans associated with institutional goals that have been assigned to their area.


1. On the first line, list the name of your program/unit/area and your name.

2. List the goal, objective and action plan to which this Progress Report pertains.

3. The “Primary Person & Others Involved” and the “Assigned Groups” refer to the people/departments that were listed on the Planning Form as being responsible for this action item.

4. In the “Assessment Process” box, list the actions that will be taken to measure the success and/or accomplishment of this action item.

5. In the “Estimated Cost” box, list the total of the “One Time” and “Ongoing” costs of implementing this action plan so far.

6. “Funding Source” - list the source of the expenses, whether they be general fund, categorical, or grant, etc.

7. “Timeline” - is the estimated schedule going forward until this action item is complete.

8. In the appropriately dated box (November, February or May), enter one of three responses: In Progress, Not Started, or Completed and answer the following questions as related to your response:

8A.If this action plan is “In Progress,” answer the following questions:

  1. What is your action plan for this strategy?
  2. Who is working on it?
  3. What tasks are you going to complete?
  4. What are your timelines?
  5. What progress have you made to date? What tasks have you completed?
  6. Is your work integrated with others responsible for this strategy? How?
  7. How will you determine if the tasks you complete make an impact? (How will you measure success, i.e. Success Factors?)
  8. Have you experienced barriers that have impacted work on this strategy?

Note: If previous progress report includes your work plan, provide an update on progress made to date. (put here the questions already prepared - called “Template 1”)

8B.If this action plan has “Not Started,” answer these following questions:

  1. When will you begin working on this goal/objective/action plan?
  2. Are there any barriers that have prevented work from beginning?

8C.If this action plan is “Completed,” answer these following questions:

  1. What progress was made during the reporting period?
  2. What is the outcome of your work on this strategy? What has been the impact?
  3. Are you planning to continue tracking or monitoring the outcomes? If so, how?
  4. Did you experience any barriers that impacted your work on this strategy? If so, what were they?
  5. Is this objective “Completed” or “Continuous Process?”

9. Please describe effective processes, approaches, or tactics employed to accomplish this action plan that you believe may help individuals working on other goals/objectives/action plans.

Ver. 2010-Nov.