Annual Meeting 26 April 2009

President Tammie Hoover thanked Melissa Haars, Heidi Trotter, and Michelle Catlett for planning the dinner and decorating the tables.

Tammie thanked the board members for this year, and announced that Neil Bernstein, Dawn Gifford, Nancy Krutzfield, and Sandy Bodnarek were leaving the board with thanks.

Tammie then introduced the new board: Carrie Chistenson, Jessica Marks, Tammie Dixon, Charlotte Hays, Melissa Haars, Barbara Hames-Byrant, Tammie Hoover, Becky LeDuc, Mike Pokorny, Sheila Smith, Heidi Trotter, and Carol Vester.

Tammie spoke about some of the challenges and duties that the board and the club would face in the coming year, and she mentioned that Charlotte and she had attended a USFSA seminar on board functions. They hope to incorporate some of the ideas learned at this seminar into our club.

Becky reported on membership: We have close to a record number of members at this time, and we had 32 first time members join the club. She has a more detailed report, if desired.

Melissa reported on synchro. We had 10 skaters on the Pre-Juvenile team, and our numbers fluctuated with an injured skater (off-ice injury). There were 9 skaters on the Beginners team. The teams skated 3 competitions.

Charlotte reported on efforts for the Midwest-Pacific Synchronized skating competition for January. She expects 2500-3000 skaters, and she currently has 1000 motel rooms reserved.

Cari reported on coach liaison and adult skater information. She said that Lisa is doing a good job as skating director bringing new skaters and families into the rink. Rosie Keen has organized some adult skaters for dance class that are coached by Tanya.

Tammie thanked Dawn and Nancy for a great job on organizing the Ice Show.

There will be a rink open house next weekend, and EIFSC will have a table.

Tammie also said that we are trying to bring Dan Hollander in for a workshop in the fall.

The meeting was adjourned with thanks to everyone who contributed the club over the last year.

Respectfully submitted,

Neil Bernstein