Genetically Engineered Foods

Use the Internet information linked below to explore the basic questions on the topic:
1.) What is food biotechnology?
2.) What are genetically engineered foods?
3.) What are the potential benefits of genetically engineered foods overall?
4.) What are the potential risks of genetically engineered foods overall?

Food Biotechnology: Enhancing Our Food Supply - Sept. 2000 - A brochure developed by the International Food Information Council Foundation to describe the benefits of food biotechnology and genetically engineered foods.

Background on Food Biotechnology - Dec. 2000 - Background information on food biotechnology and genetically engineered foods. This overview is written by the International Food Information Council Foundation.

Task 1: Environmentalist

You are a world-renowned environmentalist from a major advocacy group. You have been asked to assess the risks and benefits of food biotechnology from an environmentalist point of view for an upcoming conference.
Your main concern is that crops developed from genetic engineering may overcome or destroy the balance of nature. You are also concerned with the need to feed the world's population while balancing the needs for the environment.
Your task is to collect and analyze information from multiple viewpoints and then formulate a statement to present at the World Food Conference on Food Biotechnology.
Your topic at the conference is:
"Are genetically engineered foods destroying our environment?"
You, as the environmentalist will develop this statement based on informed decision making skills.
Use the Internet information linked below to answer these questions specifically related to Environmentalist:
1.) What are the potential benefits of food biotechnology to the environment and to the issue of world hunger?
2.) What are the potential risks of food biotechnology to the environment and to the issue of world hunger?
3.) Are the benefits worth the risks and why?
These web sites provide viewpoints from both sides of this hot issue. Please keep an open mind as you develop your opinion regarding genetically engineered foods and the environment/ world food issues.

  • Background on Agriculture and Food Production - Dec. 2000 - Background information on the agricultural industry and food production in the United States. This overview is written by the International Food Information Council Foundation.
  • Background onInternational Food Issues & Resources - Dec. 2000 - Background information on international food issues and resources. This overview is written by the International Food Information Council Foundation.
  • Food Biotechnology - Benefits for Developing Countries - Jan/Feb 1999 - Article written by the International Food Information Council Foundation, describing the benefits of food biotechnology for developing countries.
  • Environmental Hazards of Genetically Engineered Plants - This article was found on the Friends of the Earth web site. It outline the possible hazards of genetically modified foods to the environment.
Task 2: Scientist

You are a world-renowned scientist from a major university. You have been asked to assess the risks and benefits of food biotechnology from a scientist's point of view for an upcoming conference.
Your main belief is that food biotechnology if used in a responsible way can solve a multitude of world food issues.
Your task is to collect and analyze information from multiple viewpoints and then formulate a statement to present at the World Food Conference on Food Biotechnology.
Your topic at the conference is:
"Are genetically engineered foods the cure for world food issues?"
You, as the scientist will develop this statement based on informed decision making skills.
Use the Internet information linked below to answer these questions specifically related to Scientist:
1.) What are the benefits of genetically engineered foods?

2.) What are the risks of genetically engineered foods?

3.) Do the benefits outweigh the risks and why?
These web sites provide viewpoints from both sides of this hot issue. Please keep an open mind as you develop your opinion regarding genetically engineered foods and science.

  • The Weight of the Evidence: Assessing the Safety of Biotech Foods - May/June 2000 - Article written by the International Food Information Council Foundation, describing the safety of biotech and genetically engineered foods.
  • Imagine a Healthier World - March 11, 2001 - This article was found on the Better Foods web site. It was written by Bruce M. Chasy for the Chicago Tribune. In this article, the new genetically engineered food 'golden rice' is discussed. 'Golden rice' has an increase amount of beta-carotene (precursor to vitamin A) and iron in it. This rice has the potential to be very beneficial to developing nations. Bruce M. Chassy is the assistant dean of biotechnology outreach at the College of Agricultural Consumer and Environmental Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
  • New Food Biotech Analysis Reduces Allergy Risks - Mar./Apr. 1997 - Article written by the International Food Information Council Foundation, describing the process to ensure that biotech foods will be introduced into the food supply without any significant risk to people with food allergies.
Consumer Advocate

You are a concerned consumer who wants to know more about genetically engineered foods and how these foods may affect the health of your family. As a concerned citizen you have posted a web page on the internet to inform other families about genetically modified foods and the potential health issues associated with these foods. You have been asked to assess the risks and benefits of food biotechnology from a consumer's point of view for an upcoming conference.
Your task is to collect and analyze information from multiple viewpoints and then formulate a statement to present at the World Food Conference on Food Biotechnology.
Your topic at the conference is:
"What the consumer needs to know about genetically engineered foods?"
You, as the consumer advocate will develop this statement based on informed decision making skills.
Use the Internet information linked below to answer these questions specifically related to Consumer Advocate:
1.) What should the consumer know about genetically engineered foods?
2.) What are the benefits of genetically engineered foods from the consumer's perspective?
3.) What are the risks of genetically engineered foods from the consumer's perspective?
4.) Do these benefits outweigh the risks and why?
5.) Should genetically engineered foods be labeled?
These web sites provide viewpoints from both sides of this hot issue. Please keep an open mind as you develop your opinion regarding genetically engineered foods and the consumer.

  • Genetically Engineered Foods Causing Some Concerns - Sept. 26, 2000
  • Seed Company Drops Biotech Cornin Wake of Second Recall - Article found on regarding the recall of Safeway taco shells that contain corn flour made from genetically engineered StarLink corn. This is a second recall on taco shells within a month due to the use of StarLink corn.
  • The Good, theBad and the Genetically Engineered - Jan. 13, 2000 - Article found on regarding the potential risks and benefits of genetically engineered foods.
  • Food Makers Want Biotech Food Tests - May 4, 2000 - AP - This article was found on Better Food web site and written by the Associated Press. In this article the Grocery Manufacturers of America members want the government to develop tests that will help them tell apart the genetically engineered crops from those of conventional varieties. The GMA members also want to know whether ingredients in processed food items include gene-altered crops.
  • Health Risks Associated with GE Foods - This article was found on the Friends of the Earth web site. It describes potential health risks from genetically engineered foods.