February 28, 2016
1. Welcome & Call to Order - Parish Council Chairperson - Murray Beitel
2. Opening Prayer: Lead by Fr. Gary Lindenbach
3. Adoption of Agenda as presented:
4. Adoption of the Minutes of the Feb 22, 2015 Annual General Meeting:
5. Business Arising from the minutes:
6. Pastor Report: Fr. Gary Lindenbach
7. Committee Reports: All reports were distributed in the Annual Report
Questions, comments and discussions:
Parish Council Chair - Murray Beitel
Pastoral Assistant - Shannon Novak
Liturgy - Roberta Walsh
Hospitality - Rose Romanowich
Social Justice - Anita Hanna
Buildings and Grounds - Glenn Liski
CWL - Blanche Bellerive
K of C - Steve Hom
Youth - Trevor Novak
Motion to accept reports:
8. Finance – Don Barber
9. New Business:
10. Election of Officers for 2016 - Murray Beitel
11. Closing Prayer – Fr. Gary
Pastor's Annual Report
Years ago a Hollywood movie opened with the businessman standing in front of his office window, watching people buy their morning newspapers. As he stood there and he suddenly thought to himself, “What if I could buy tomorrow’s paper today?”
The thought of being able to do this excited him beyond words. He thought of all the business opportunities that would open up to him. Then something strange happened. A shriveled up old man entered his office with tomorrow’s newspaper. He handed it to the businessman and said “I’ve decided to grant your wish.”
The rest of the movie dealt with what happened to the businessman as a result of the knowledge of the future and how it changed his life in the most remarkable and unexpected ways.
I can’t give you tomorrow’s newspaper, but I can give you something even better when it comes to your future. I can give you the magic formula for happiness. That formula is summed up in what the Pope has called for in this year. This year is the Jubilee Year of Mercy, and that is the formula. Mercy for others, mercy for ourselves, and recognition of the mercy of God.
All of us have done things in our lives that we now regret and would like to erase. That is what mercy is all about, that is what this year is all about. We are called to be a people of forgiveness, a people who reflect the forgiveness and the mercy of God to others. And so as we go about our everyday lives we remember that we are called to be emissaries of the Lord.
In the future as we look back at the newspaper of our lives we will recognize that the world is a better place because we brought forgiveness more fully into it with our actions. We have found the magic formula for happiness.
We have completed 2015, St. Anne’s continues to grow in charity, service and love. Thank you to all of those who have participated in any way in our church, your work is much appreciated. St Anne’s parishioners are very generous and supportive. This Year of Mercy is a call to continue that participation in our community and in our world.
Once again thank you for your participation in our community and looking forward to another year of growth.
May God bless you in this coming year and may His Mercy be always part of your life.
Father Gary.
Father Gary Lindenbach
Parish Council Chairperson Report
Letter to St Anne
As Chairperson I would like to extend a blessed year to you, your families, and our wonderful staff and priests at St. Anne parish.
St Anne’s offers a diverse selection of ways to serve, live in our faith and enrich our lives. They include the Children’s liturgy, hosting Coffee Sundays, The Neighbour Project, becoming a lecturer, Eucharistic Minister, collections, welcoming, gift bearing, the musical ministry, CWL, Knights of Columbus, St. Anne’s Youth the Conquest Boys program, etc. We are very grateful to all those who serve in this capacity, and I encourage others to take part in these roles.
I would like to thank all parish staff and board member for their contributions of time and talent, which will be shared in their reports. We said goodbye to a number of loyal parishioners this past year, and recently to our beloved archbishop Daniel Bohan. We are happy to see new members and families joining the congregation.
Many thanks to Glen Liski for becoming our Building & Grounds Chair. Although our building is showing its age in certain aspects, and upgrades and funding is ongoing, noticeable improvements have been made with his help and that of Don Barber, Father Peter, Donovan Novak and others. Don Barber graciously accepted the position of Finance and his contributions are very much appreciated. Also special thanks to Rose Romanowich for her endless contributions in Hospitality and fundraising.
We look forward to the coming year and the opportunity to live and serve in our faith.
Murray Beitel
Chairman of the Board
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Finance Committee Report
The 2015 Financial Summary is set up to show the financial information for:
a. St. Anne’s Parish Operating Account.
b. Remitted Account – This account shows donations to St Anne parish that are forwarded to specific charities (an example World Missions etc.).
c. Building Fund.
d. Memorial Account.
e. Good Neighbor Account.
Notes Regarding St. Anne’s Parish Operating Account.
1. The 2015 Weekly Collection is 4.85% higher than the weekly collection in 2014.
2. The 2015 Total Other Revenue is 18% lower than in 2014.
3. 2015 Total Revenue is 2.9% lower than in 2014.
4. Total Expenses for 2015 are 7.8% higher than in 2014.
5. Parish Net Income in 2015 is lower than in 2014 as the amount that was received as a rebate from the Annual Diocese Appeal was smaller. Income from the weekly collection is up by 4.8%
6. The Parish Operating Account balance started the 2015 year with $51,601 and ended the year with $55,749.
The 2015 estimate is based on:
1. A 5% increase in Collection Revenue,
2. Total Other Revenue is expected to be lower and the rebate from the Diocese Annual Appeal will be lower, and
3. Total Expenses are estimated at a 2% increase over 2015.
4. A loan payment of $10,000 will be taken out of the Building Fund.
These estimates result in a Net Income in the Parish Operating Account of $1,100 in 2016 and will bring the balance in the Parish Operation Account to $55,849.
A special thank you to Theresa for keeping the accounts up to date and helping to complete this report.
A very special thank you to St. Anne’s members. We are a smaller parish and we have remained financially viable and in addition the members of this parish are most generous in supporting a number of other charities.
St. Anne’s 2015 Financial Summary
Year Year Estimated Total
2014 2015 For 2016
$124,835 $130,867 Total Regular Collection (Envelope & Loose) $136,000
$63,888 $52,314 Other Revenue and Donations $48,000
$188,723 $183,181 PARISH TOTAL REVENUE $184,000
$89,068 $98,090 Wages, Salaries and Benefits $103,000
$55,447 $52,313 Church Expenses $55,000
$19,191 $26,836 Hall Expenses $23,000
$2,373 $1,794 Rectory Expenses $1,900
$166,080 $179,033 TOTAL EXPENSES $182,900
$22,643 $4,148 NET INCOME - Parish Account $1,100
$42,819 $51,601 Parish Operating Balance Beginning of Year $55,749
$13,861 Loan Payment *
$51,601 $55,749 Parish Operating Balance End of Year $55,849
* This year's principle payment on the loan of $8407 was taken from the Building Fund account on the advice of the Diocese office.
Building Fund Beginning of Year Balance $10,880
Donations $9,668
Loan Payment $8,407
End of Year Balance $12,141
Memorial Fund Beginning of Year Balance $11,695
End of Year Balance $11,695
Good Neighbor Beginning of Year Balance $1,147
Donations $2,173
Withdrawal $2,441
End of Year Balance $879
Remitted Funds Beginning of Year Balance $0
End of Year $5,700
Parish Loan Beginning of Year Balance $53,597
2015 payment $8,407
End of Year $45,190
This year's principle payment on the loan of $8407 was taken from the Building Fund account on the advice of the Diocese office.
Submitted by
Don Barber
Financial Chairperson
Pastoral Assistant
What a privilege I have in being the pastoral assistant for our parish. To be able to journey alongside those families preparing for sacraments, to visit the sick and the shut-ins, as well as meeting with those who are preparing to celebrate the lives of their loved ones, who have passed from this life into the next, is such a gift.
On February 1st, 2015, we hosted the Consecrated women and men of our Archdiocese during the Year for Consecrated Life. Many of the religious orders were represented followed by a time of food and fellowship in the hall.
This past year, we celebrated 9 baptisms - 7 at St. Anne and 2 at Campion College. We also celebrated First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation with 3 of our young parishioners. The children are always such a delight to spend time with as they continue to grow in their love for Jesus. The parents and families are always very involved in the faith formation of their children.
Throughout the year, we remembered and celebrated the lives of 6 of our parishioners who passed on to eternal life with God. On All Souls Day & All Saints Day, everyone was given an opportunity to light a candle in memory of a loved one. Please continue to pray for all of those in our parish who are grieving the loss of loved ones and for the eternal repose of the souls who have gone before us, including Archbishop Daniel Bohan.
As a pastoral assistant, I continue to attend deanery meetings which include the Regina priests and pastoral assistants, working together to build a stronger church. I also am part of the Archdiocesan Vocations Committee as well as a representative of St. Anne at the Whitmore Park/Hillsdale Ministerial Group, which includes all Christian churches. This past year, I was also placed on the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council as the Vocations Representative.
I have heard the phrase “it is so good to come home to St. Anne” numerous times this past year. Whether it was from parents who have brought their children to be baptized to family members bringing their loved ones for a funeral Mass, we have much to be thankful for that we are considered “home”.
Praise be to God for all that we have and may we all continue to grow in our friendship with Christ and extend that to each person we meet.
Shannon Novak
Pastoral Assistant
Liturgy Committee
It takes many people and many hands to make our Liturgies beautiful and meaningful. I would like to take this opportunity to thank those of you who dedicate your time to head up these ministries. Your time and talent is greatly appreciated.
Lectors & Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Paula Mills 306-586-7336
Environment Shannon Novak 306-585-1609
Music Marilyn Wappel 306-586-2125
Gift Bearers Rochelle Kramer 306-584-7312
Altar Servers Braden Novak
Children's Liturgy Kim Schaan 306-737-1559
Welcomers Phyllis Kaiser 306-584-3505
Sacristans Roberta Walsh 306-584-7474
Thank you to Brad and Wendy Breit for your many years of looking after Altar Servers as well as Andrea Bellerive for your dedication to Children's Liturgy. We welcome Braden Novak who has taken over the Altar Servers, Kim Schaan the Children's Liturgy and Phyllis Kaiser the Welcomers.
Of course I need to thank all of you who volunteer in these ministries as well! We are truly blessed to have a very involved Parish. We could not operate without you!
I know Kim Schaan was looking for one or two people to assist her with Children's Liturgy. Please consider if you would like to help out in this Ministry.
We are also in need of more Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharistic. Someone may be approaching you in the near future to ask if you would like to join this Ministry. Please consider prayerfully if you could see yourself serving in this Ministry. It is a great honour to serve your fellow parishioners the Body and Blood of Christ. You can contact Shannon Novak or Paula Mills for Sunday and Roberta Walsh or Rochelle Kramer for Saturday. We like to have enough Ministers so everyone is scheduled once a month. We will be training new Ministers in early March.
2015 saw the addition of another music group. The Filipino Choir sings on the third Sunday of the month. Welcome!
A huge thanks of course goes out to our Parish staff; Father Gary Lindenbach, Father Peter Pham, Theresa Schulz, Parish Coordinator and Shannon Novak, Pastoral Assistant. It is always a pleasure working with you!
Pope Francis has declared this year an Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. Before his passing Archbishop Daniel Bohan encouraged everyone to read the Bull of Indiction. What is the Bull of Indiction? It is the proclamation of the Year of Mercy set forth by Pope Francis indicating the main ways it will be implemented, recognizing the spirit in which it was announced, as well as the desired outcomes hoped for by the Pontiff. You can find the document on line at or by searching Bull of Indiction. A few copies will be available in the vestibule of the church for those who do not have a computer.
The year began on December 8, 2015 and will end on November 20, 2016. We are very excited to bring to you opportunities to learn about and to receive God's incredible grace of mercy and forgiveness! We will also mindfully focus on ways in which we can further extend this grace to others. Watch the bulletin for upcoming events. We hope you join us throughout the year to take advantage of the many opportunities for spiritual growth and mercy!
It has been an honour to serve you this past year as Liturgy chair.