PRESENT:32members attended.

APOLOGIES:Apologies were received from Mary Mitton,Paddy Bills and Rob Harris.

MINUTES OF PREVIOUS AGMThe minutes of the previous AGM held on October 23rd2013 were placed on the notice board last November and copies have been handed out tonight. The minutes were proposed as a true record byDoreenand seconded by Tinaand signed by the chairman John Brace.

MATTERS ARISINGDavid thanked the committee for taking into consideration the comments he raised about members being able to take part in the friendly and league matches.


Now a few votes of thanks:

To the committee and you the members for your support during the year, especially after I collapsed back in February and was on light duties for a period, back to good health now.

Nigel our Secretary for the support he gives me and the efficient way he carries out his duties plus all the extra tasks he undertakes i.e. hydraulic stays for our equipment box lid, obtaining fire retardant covers for the mats and sourcing matching replacement mugs hopefully we have cracked the problem of breakages and it won’t happen in future.

Thanks to Richard our captain for all the work he does it’s not an easy one organising fixtures picking teams, and keeping the members happy, he can’t please us all, all the time, but I think he has done well giving those who want to play an opportunity at times.

Thanks to Steve and June for continuing to have an involvement in running the clubs website together with Nigel, it has slipped a bit of late but I think its well worth continuing.

Rosemary our treasurer who does a grand job, has all the accounts well documented so that any time we can have a detailed look how we are doing in any particular field. She also organised the annual dinner at the Rushmere Golf Club, which we all enjoyed, and has it booked again for Friday the 27th March 2015.

Rosemary has also organised tonight’s buffet with some help from Brenda and other members.

I have organised some friendly matches which were fitted in between league games to give all members a chance to play in a competitive game without the pressures of the league, I think they have been enjoyed. A slight problem has occurred owing to our success in the first round of the Joe Rice cup, so our friendly with Holbrook on the 31st October had to be cancelled to allow us to play the second round match, I will reschedule the Holbrook game later.

Brenda for organising the refreshments, for the home matches with the help of members

Jenny for organising the draws at matches, with the help of Rob. Any donations of draw prices would be gratefully received.

Sunday the 28th September we hosted a charity tournament in aid of diabetes, which was run by Tony & Trish Finch and raised a fantastic sum of £600 which was donated to the Ipswich Hospital Diabetic Centre, Tony will say a few words later.

We are holding our in house competition finals and a fours competition on Saturday the 13th December with Christmasfare, please make an effort to come along it should be an enjoyable afternoon, more details later.

One last thing I would like to thank Mary for continuing to provide her delicious ginger biscuits, I think we should give her a thank you gift from the club, do you agree. The response was yes.

That’s enough from me so over to Nigel for the secretary's report.

SECRETARY’S REPORTAt the end of the club’s financial year, 30th September, the memberships stood at 40 members.

Your committee has met five times during the last year with the committee members attending at 87% attendance rate. This appears to be down on last year but the committee has had one less member as no one came forward last year.

I have been asked to clarify the times for the roll up on Tuesday and Wednesday. The start time on Tuesday is 1.30 pm finishing at approximately 4.00 pm and on Wednesday starting at 7.30 pm and finishing at approximately 10.00 pm. On match nights, as the games commence at 7.30 it would be appreciated if members could arrive by 7.15 pm so that the mats and refreshments are ready when the visiting team arrives.

TREASURER’S REPORTA copy of the balance sheet for the year ending 30th September 2014 was given to all members present which was self explanatory. A profit of

£269.13 was made. The current account had a balance of £1218.01, Premium account£1017.95and cash in hand £153.36. It was proposed by Davidand seconded by Kathy that the accounts be accepted as a true record. Agreed. Keith was thanked for auditing the accounts.

As the club finances are in a healthy state your committee reviewed them for the running of the club and propose to keep the membership at £10.00. The green fees for the roll-up on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday evening to remain at £1.50,and the green fees for the league and friendly matches to remain at £1.00,this is because at matches there are sufficient players to cover the hire of the hall. Proposed byPat,seconded by Peter H and agreed.

CAPTAIN’S REPORTIt has been a year of downs and ups, the first down was the winter league 2013-2014 where we finished bottom, so down to division two.

First up was retaining the inter-village shield against Somersham for the second year running, well done. Hopefully we will have the return match next April 2015 to be played at home, the date to be announced. Twelve club members played at Somersham and what a wonderful day we had, good company, refreshments ,a good win and finishing with fish and chips afterwards.

Second down was the summer league finishing bottom again, very poor show. Moving on.

Second up, a good start to the Joe Rice Cup. Knocked out Tuddenham in the first round. Second round to be against Bramford, the first match to be played at home, the information is on the notice board.

Third up is the good start to the winter league 2014-2015 season, played five, won four, well done keep it up.

In house competitions, we need to crack on as the finals day is approaching, 13th December, we need to getthe finalist through for the singles and pairs.

Fours competition to be drawn tonight and played on finals day, arrive at 12.00 pm commencing bowling at 12,

Tina is my vice-captain to help me when necessary and to help with any problems. Thanks Tina. Also to Nigel for booking the hall and correspondence, to Jenny for doing the draw and the food helpers, Brenda, and Rosemary etc. Last for your support without you we would not have a club. Thankyou.


ELECTION OF COMMITTEEThe AGM notice was put on the board on the 23rdSeptember,also, a notice asked for any nominations for committee to be handed to the Secretary by the 1st October.

The position of Captain has to be elected at the A.G.M, Richard wasproposed by Shelia seconded byPeter H. Agreed.

Paddy is prepared to continue as President,proposed by Pat seconded by Doreen.Agreed.Cliff has indicated that he wished to stand down as a committee member, a position he has held for eight years. Steve Parkin has agreed to join the committee proposed by Peter H seconded by Tony. Agreed. The remaining committee members consisting of John Brace, Rosemary Coe, Nigel Abbott and Barbara Head are prepared to continue, John proposed that we vote for them en-block. Proposed by John R and seconded by Trish. Agreed.

COMMENTS FROM THE FLOORTony thanked the members who assisted him during the charity day, which on raising £600.00 was a record for the event. He thanked those members who gave up playing so that the draw and the food from the kitchen was a success.

Peter H proposed a vote of thanks to the committee and the ladies for the work in providing the food.

Shelia asked if the club colours could be reviewed as some members were not wearing their green tops at league matches. This will be considered at the next committee meeting.

There being no other business the meeting was closed at 7.32 pm, followed with refreshments.