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Featuring the Howling Wolves Community Choir
a fun and inclusive singing group, which includes FPP’s own Kathryn Livingston.

Saturday 15th July 2017

11.00am – 4.30pm - AGM will start at 11.30am

The Priory Rooms, Quaker Meeting House, 40 Bull Street, Birmingham, B4 6AF

This is First Person Plural’s third AGM as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) and there will be three vacancies for full members and one for an associate member to be elected onto the Board of Trustees. Please go to: where you can find the Nomination and Election Information Pack.

Also available for download from is the most recent Trustee Induction pack which contains documents, including FPP’s constitution, which will help you understand what kind of organisation you would be a trustee of, if elected.

We ask you to seriously consider nominating yourself for one of these places, after reading all the information. The deadline for receipt of nominations is Friday 23rd June.

Board members are expected to attend bi monthly meetings, four of these are Telephone Conference Calls and twice annually we meet at the office in Wolverhampton. Our ethos of working collaboratively, sensitively and in a way that is realistically sustainable and working within our capacity underpins our meetings. We will be holding a short meeting of the new Board immediately after the AGM on 15th July.

As always we welcome full and associate members to the whole day. Each member can bring one supporter or guest with them if wished. Organisational associate members may have a maximum of two places at the AGM/Open Day. We will be providing refreshments including a sandwich lunch. Vegetarian options will be included but other life-style choice dietary needs cannot be catered for. We will endeavour to meet any medically-required dietary needs if you let us know in plenty of time. To help us order enough lunches and to register your attendance or send your apologies, please email or complete and return the form below to let us know if you intend coming to the day.

For our 20th Birthday celebration we have invited The Howling Wolves Community Choir to perform a short concert of traditional, pop, and folk songs from across the world. Following the concert there is the opportunity, for those who wish, to share in the joy of singing at a natural voice workshop, facilitated by the Howling Wolves Choir leader, Carl Hodson. It doesn’t matter whether you think you can sing or not – you don’t even have to have sung before, and no music reading skills are required. It’s just plain non-judgemental fun. Of course, as usual for our member’s open meetings, there will also be the chance to relax and chat with other members and guests, over jigsaws, games etc.

Please bring along anything you would like to share during this part of the day e.g., jigsaws, colouring pens and paper. I know how daunting and anxiety making meeting up with others for the first time can be but for most who have taken this enormous step they have been glad they did.

On the day, we provide clear ground rules that we have put together over the years based on our experience of organising these days, to help ensure the day goes smoothly by trying to establish a safe and contained environment.

I look forward to seeing old friends and welcoming new ones.

With Best Wishes

Melanie Goodwin


AGM & MEMBERS OPEN MEETING Saturday, 15th July 2017


Return to FPP as soon as possible, to arrive by Wednesday 12th July at the latest

Please return this form to register your apology even if you are not able to attend

I will be attending* / Please accept my apologies for* (* delete as applicable)

the 2017 AGM & Members Autumn Open Meeting

Member’s Name: ______

Address:inc organisation’s name if an organisational member ______

______Post Code: ______

Daytime Telephone:______or Email: ______

Bringing a supporter/guest with you? Give their details below

(If your supporter is an FPP member s/he should complete own Attendance/Apologies Slip)

Tick here if you will probably be bringing a supporter/guest with you but cannot yet give their details.

Their Name: ______

Address: ______

______Post Code: ______

Daytime Telephone:______or Email: ______

Access Needs- Give details below of any access needs for yourself and/or your supporter / guest, including any medically required dietary requirements:


Return completed form to: First Person Plural, PO Box 2537, Wolverhampton, WV4 4ZL or give the information in an email sent to