Annual General Meeting AMA
Robyn Headifen, Dave Lovell, Lauris Crook, Phil Doyle, Marie Fitch
Tony Accepted
Minutes of previous meeting
Looking at school v individual members is an ongoing process
Motion that the minutes of 26 March 2014 be accepted Tony Carried
Presidents Report (Attached) (Tony)
Points raised - still looking into our advocacy role, hence the forum after the AGM.
Recognised Gillian’s role in AMA
Good to get some new people on AMA executive and therefore some new ideas
Motion that Presidents report be accepted Tony/ carried
Treasurers Report attached
Grateful for Jan Woolford’s support
Tony mentioned executive expenses which have gone up quite a bit. This is as a result of reimbursing executive members for travel to meetings and events.
We have a healthy bank balance. Some of it has come about due to the savings we made by not having a permanent office person. Also from the last Conference we did. That is why this year’s Conference has a cheaper registration and we are giving out numerous scholarships.
Motion that the Treasurers Report be accepted Tony /carried
Appointment of Verifier
Motion that Julie East be appointed as verifier Tony /carried
Membership fees
Motion that the current membership fee structure is retained Tony/carried
Motion of thanks to Tony as President was given
Election of Officers
Nominations / Nominator / SeconderTony Carey (President) / Jan / Marion
Angela Hawkins (Secretary) / Jan / Kerri
Sheila Singh (Treasurer) / Angela / Phil Glass
Rachel Passmore (Vice P) / Mala / Kerri
Steve Buckley / Brenda / Ricky
Gillian Frankcom / Trevor / Gail
Ricky Pederson / Trevor / Steve
Alan De Los Santos / Mala / Catalina
Vaughan Mitchell / Mark / Steve
Susie Zhen / Ricky / Ranee
Phil Glass / Brenda / Jan
Kerri Spooner / Alan / Mala
Irene Bennet / Steve / Kiran
Fred Furlan / Trevor / Kerri
Mala Nataraj / Kerri / Alan
Jan Wallace / Tony / Rachel
Masina Ma Po’eTofaeono / Tony / Ranee
Ranee Prasad / Susie / Gail
Kiranjeet Kaur / Brenda / Angela
Steve, Gillian, Ricky, Mala and Jan will be coopted members
Motion that the Executive members receive free individual membership
Other Business
Vaughan raised the issue of replacing the defunct paper newsletter with an e newsletter. People could make contributions to this. Mala expressed an interest.
Possibility of using social media to publicise AMA
Life membership – Trevor Wilson Nominated Tony/carried unanimously
Tony gave a summary of Trevor’s contributions and involvement.