
The emphasis of the report should be on PLO and CASLO assessment, action items emerging from those assessments, and a table listing the top three budget requests from each degree program. Bullet points are certainly acceptable for the sections requiring written responses. Finally, if you respond to the system data please keep each section (demand, effectiveness and efficiency) to 100 words or fewer. Refer to the ARPD Instructions when you upload your report elements to the system website.The roman numerals indicate the corresponding system item number for when you upload your report to the UH System website.

Select Maui College and your program in the drop down menus.

On the page that shows the Quantitative indicators, click on “web submission”. You will log in to get to your program submission pages.

Remember to click on “save” icon for EACH SECTION.

See the end of this document for more assistance with web submission.

2014-15 Program Review preparation guidelines

Program Name: Business Careers


II. Analysis of the Program

  1. Briefly respond in 100 words or less for each cautionary and/or unhealthy Quantitative Indicator:
  2. Demand Indicator: While this shows a lowered demand, it does not account for entrepreneurial activity, nor does it likely fully account for all types of business positions. Overall, the actual demand is much likely higher than indicated.
  1. Efficiency Indicator: The average class size and associated fill rates have declined in recent years. We will need to focus on a leaner schedule while also focusing on an increased FTE for each student that will increase the demand for classes. We will also need to focus on additional recruitment efforts via counselors, again focusing on a higher FTE for any student entering the program.
  1. Effectiveness Indicator: While the successful completion rate held steady at 70%, the persistence rate has dropped markedly in recent years. We will need to work more closely to identify high risk students and associated methods to retain them. This may include outreach by the instructor, counselor, and/or Program Coordinator via phone, e-mail, and/or Laulima.
  1. Any new significant program actions (new certificates, stopout, gain or loss of positions) as results of last year’s action plan. We gained a new full-time instructor position.
  1. If relevant, share a brief analysis for any Perkins Core Indicator not met.n/a

III. Action Plan

  1. Action Plan
  1. PLO- To be addressed: 3. Develop a sense and appreciation of Entrepreneurship. The goal is to increase the exposure to entrepreneurship throughout each class by ensuring there is at least some focus on this topic in every class, not just primarily in BUS 125 (this may include activities, guest speakers, etc.). Also, we will work with the counselors to increase the focus on entrepreneurship as potential students examine the program.
  1. Program improvement- We will work with the counselors to increase enrollments via determining proper program fit, particularly for entrepreneurship. A particular focus will be on increasing student connection to their program, perhaps via clubs, organizations, and other activities to be determined.

IV. Resource Implications:

List of top three resource requests (IV):

Budget request / Amount / In 100 words or less describe how does this request relate to the strategic directions (see below for condensed list of themes, goals, objectives) / If outside of the Strategic Plan provide rational for the request (in 100 words or less).
Ka Lama Computer Labs Manager / $50,000/yr. / This supports Objective 3 of Quality of Learning. The KCL manager supports the KCL open lab (which has about the same traffic as the TLC) While the TLC has 2 full time personnel the KCL only has 6 assigned time credits from faculty. The KCL also maintains its own machines along with rooms 201, 204, 206A, 206B, and 209. / This position also supports all other programs that schedule classes in the Ka Lama computer rooms.
Full time faculty for Business Careers / $60,000/yr. / Objective 1 Quality of Learning. With the retirement of the present Program Coordinator of Business Careers this program needs another full time faculty member.


Provide a brief description of your program and program mission:

The Business Careers program provides quality credit instruction to students and business professionals who wish an affordable education in a supportive environment. The program provides the first two years of a business education that can be used to enhance career possibilities and used as a springboard for additional education


  1. PLO selected for assessment(click on the PLO assessed – it will turn green).
  1. Industry Validation (check all that apply):

Advisory Committee Meeting(s) _X_, How many? _1 (informal)_

Did Advisory Committee discuss CASLO/PLO? Yes__ No_X_

Coop Ed Placements _X_ Fund raising activities/events __ Service Learning _X_

Provide program services that support campus and/or community

Outreach to public schools __

Partner with other colleges, states and/or countries _X_

Partner with businesses and organizations __

Other__ Describe______

  1. Expected level of Achievement:

For the PLO assessed, 65 % of students completing the assignment/course expected to meet expectations for the assignment/course.

  1. Courses (or assignments)Assessed: BUS 125
  1. Assessment strategy/Instrument/Evidence (check all that apply):

Work Sample__ Portfolio__ Project __ Exam _X_ Writing Sample __

Other__ Please explain______

  1. Results of program assessment:
  2. The following were present at the PLO assessment: Business Careers, English
  3. Strengths and weaknesses (best practices and educational gaps) found from PLO assessment analysis. We found that the results showed not enough rigor in ENG 209 to meet requirements; the ENG department has agreed to increase the rigor of this course.
  1. Other comments:

Describe CASLO assessment findings and resulting action plans. Go to Laulima UHMC CASLO Assessment for your program’s “Assessment results” and summarize below.

CASLO assessment findings / Action plan to address findings
The “minimally passing” evidence did not seem to support a skill level of Quantitative Reasoning at a level appropriate for the degree. / Review and possible revision of assessment instruments.
There were mixed results when considering if graduates of the degree generally develop the necessary quantitative skills to be successful. / Review and possible revision of syllabi and/or assessment instruments.
  1. Next steps:

For program learning outcomes (check all that apply):

Assess the next PLO_X__ Review PLOs___ Adjust assignment used for PLO___

Adjust course used for PLO___ Meet with Advisory Committee__X__

Other___ Please explain:

System website:

Select Maui College and your program in the drop down menus.

On the page that shows the Quantitative indicators, click on “web submission”.

You’ll log in on the next page.

When the page with tabs comes up, click on Analysis tab.

Click on “edit”. Copy and paste from this document into each section. If you are pasting from Word, you need to click on the “W” icon and then paste into the box that pops up (like in Laulima). See green arrow below.

REMEMBER TO “SAVE” EACH SECTION! (red arrow in pic below).

You’ll be entering information into:




-External (if your program has an external exam)