Hidden Oaks Association
Annual Board Meeting Minutes
June 10,2017, 10:00 a.m.
Rockport Country Club
Board Members:
Maurice Sutton—President
Erika/Vernon Berckmoes—Vice President
Karen Snyder—Secretary
Sandra Suech – Board member
Phyllis Holcomb- On-site property manager/board member
The president called the meeting to order at 10:07 a.m. and quorum was established. The proxies and the attendance register are on file in the office. Theboard and the home owners present introduced themselves.
Old Business:
Approval of minutes from 2016 Annual Meeting: Vernon Berckmoes made a motion to waive the reading of last year’s minutes and approve. Brenda Crabtreeseconded, and the motion carried.
2016-2017 Accomplishments/Unfinished Business:
President Sutton reviewed accomplishments for 2016-2017:
- Gutters have been cleaned throughout condominium complex;
- Trees trimmed and stumps removed;
- Community Utility closets repaired/redone, with three remaining to be completed;
- Pool maintenance is now completed by Hidden Oaks maintenance rather than hiring a pool company, saving the HOA money;
- Sprinkler/irrigation system now maintained by Hidden Oaks maintenance;
- Dryer vent tool purchased and cleanout has begun – dryer vent tools cleans the vent from the outside to the attic area.
Discussion: Several owners had questions, including if this is going to be completed for all units or if a work order should be done. If owners wish to have it completed with priority status, a work order should be completed and sent to Phyllis. Otherwise, units will be completed as part of maintenance as time permits. Also, if an owner wants the inside dryer vent cleaned, the owner can contact HOA maintenance to arrange a time, with the owner responsible for payment of the service based on the hourly salary of maintenance.
- Established a means of traffic/speed control through the purchase of a radar/speed gun, thereby negating the need for speed bump installation.
Discussion: Phyllis explained the process of warnings/fines, and noted that several warning letters have been sent to owners. Please note that if a unit is rented, the owner will receive the notice and is responsible for notifying the renter, and will also be responsible for paying the fine if the speed infraction continues.
- Grounds improvement/landscaping installations in various areas of the complex;
- Water well pump motor has been replaced with an upgraded model;
- New signage has been installed throughout various locations of the complex;
- Parking lines have been repainted throughout the complex.
Financial Report:
Nick Johnson of Johnson and Creekmore presented the financial report, which showed the balance sheet and the statement for the fiscal year ending May 31, 2017.
- Nick reviewed budget line items that went significantly over, Insurance and Grounds Maintenance. The Grounds Maintenance overage was due to the tree trimming and gutter cleaning, which were items not budgeted. Overall, Nick reported that the HOA is in good shape.
Discussion: Jill Fuller suggested to Nick that he email statements to save on postage and paper usage. Nick agreed and asked that any owners wishing to receive emailed statements instead of paper mailing can email him the request, including the email address to be used.
- If you have any billing questions, contact Nick Johnson at or Johnson & Creekmore,2611Hwy35N., Rockport, TX, 78382, (361)729-9707.
New Business:
Concern: Phyllis reported that previous roofers had installed arrestors incorrectly, and this is now
causing leaks in several units, and encouraged unit owners to look for leaks, and make a work order
for repair. There have also been some reports of window leakage from the windows that were
installed several years ago. These repairs will be budgeted/paid out of Major Repairs.
Compliment: Phyllis noted that the new maintenance person, Doug, has been doing an excellent job. He works part time, usually Tuesday-Friday and has taken on the responsibility of pool maintenance and sprinkler maintenance.
Concern: Brenda Crabtree expressed a concern regarding people using the pool that are not
tenants/owners, and are not accompanied by owners if they are guests. Discussion included the
reminder that if you notice someone at the pool who you believe is not authorized to be there, you
have the right to check on them and ask them to leave, or even call the police, if needed.
Compliment: Jim Godfrey, property manager for Peter Sandritter, thanked Phyllis for the work she
does as on-site property manager.
Concern: Mr. Godfrey also expressed a concern about the number of dogs allowedper unit, asking
about a specific unit. Maurice noted that the matter had been addressed by the board, and
explained the extenuating circumstances surrounding that issue. Prior to purchase, the
owner had been incorrectly informed by the realtor regarding restrictions. This resulted in more specific terms being stated in the rules and regulations, as well as the board making the decision to allow the owner to keep the dogs already owned, with several caveats: follow established rules regarding dogs, and no replacement of dogs beyond the allowed two dogs in the future.
Goals/Direction for 2017-2018:
- Gutterscreening – priority: A lot of money was spent cleaning the gutters out, and now we need to keep them cleaned out. Bids have already been received and installation will soon be scheduled;
- GFI plug replacement: GFI plugs located on the outside porch areas. While the plugs are an owner expense rather than an HOA expense, it was discussed having the HOA replace these plugs, since the plugs are not up to code and it would be less expensive to replace all the outside plugs at once. If owners need/want to replace individual unit plugs prior to the scheduling of all being replaced, it will be at owner expense;
- Replacement of the mailboxes – another priority;
- Signage designating buildings A-E will be researched: This is needed for emergency situations to expedite location of units;
- Replacement of outside light fixtures above stairwells and porches;
- Painting of all units: Maurice explained that bids have been received, but how and when to start this project is the question. Discussion included keeping the dues the same, raising the dues, or assessments. Several expressed the desire to keep the dues the same, with assessments to build up a reserve for the painting. The board will be exploring options and discussing. One option the board decided upon is a $200 assessment due by March 2018 to begin the reserve for painting. It was also noted during the discussion that Nick will indicate receipt of assessments either on the monthly statement or a separate statement.
Meanwhile, Phyllis stated that she is having someone check on the wood/trim and the cost to replace any needed areas prior to any painting.
2017-2018 Budget Adoption:
Phyllis presented the proposed adoption. Motion made by Jill Fuller, second by Tom Jaggard, to
accept the budget as proposed. Motion carried.
Nominations for Director Opening:
Motion made by Vernon Berckmoes, second by Phyllis Holcomb, to have Sandra Suech continue as
board member. Motion carried.
President Sutton declared the meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m.
Hidden Oaks Association
Executive Session
June 10, 2017 11:26 a.m.
Rockport Country Club
Following the regular meeting, the Board Members retired to Executive Session.
Board member positions will remain the same:
Maurice Sutton – President, term expires 2018-2019
Vernon/Erika Berckmoes – Vice-President, term expires 2018-2019
Karen Snyder – Secretary, term expires 2019-2020
Sandra Suech – Board Member, term expires 2020-2021
Phyllis Holcomb – Board Member, term expires 2019-2020; On-Site Property Manager
After discussion of items to be addressed at upcoming board meeting, it was decided the
next board meeting will be on July 19, 2017, at 4:30 p.m. in the board room at Hidden Oaks Condos.
Motion by Phyllis Holcomb, second by Sandra Suech, to adjourn meeting. Motion carried and the meetingwas adjourned at 12:00.