Lanett City Schools

Interesting Facts


  1. Thisyear marks the 116th year of Lanett City Schools.
  1. All Lanett Schools are fully accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools/AdvancED.
  1. U.S. News and World Report lists Lanett High School as a 2013 Bronze Award recipient and as one of the top high schools in Alabama.
  1. Lanett High School offers three Advanced Placement Courses: AP U.S History, AP Composition and AP Literature.
  1. The ACCESS Distance lab at LHS allows students to use laptop computers to take on-line physics and foreign language. LHS courses are also taken electronically by other Alabama students through state-of-the-art technology.
  1. All ninth graders are required to take Army JROTC. Students can remain in the program as an elective through 12th grade.
  1. Students in 11th and 12th grade receive small group one-on-one remediation and enrichment geared to the Alabama Graduation Exam or ACT skills. Students in grades 3-6 receive additional math enrichment or remediation daily through a math connections class or small group classroom sessions.
  1. LHS and W.O. Lance Elementarywere accepted as Alabama Math, Science, Technology sites. Two weeks of summer training allow Lanett teachers to have access to lab kits to teach critical lab demonstrations where all students can participate in dissecting or other valuable hands-on learning.
  1. The Business and Marketing Department has an articulation agreement with Southern Union Community College which focuses on Information Technology. Lanett students can take these rigorous courses at LHS and receive college credit in the Information Technology field.
  1. Lanett students also enjoy dual enrollment opportunities with the Valley campus of Southern Union Community College.
  1. Plans are on the drawing board for a mentoring partnership as well as teacher preparation internships with Point University.
  1. Students in grades K-12 were required to wear school uniforms for the 2009-2010 school year.The year-long planning of this initiative included parents, teachers, administrators and community members.
  1. Advanced-level students at Lanett have the opportunity to participate in Accelerated High School with Southern Union Community College. Students must have an overall B average to take college courses.
  1. LHS students may attend the Chambers County Career-Technical School to train in specific career pathways.
  1. A new Robotics curriculum, in partnership with Auburn University, will be unveiled at Lanett High School during 2013-2014.
  1. New electives at Lanett Jr. High School include: Spanish, Business Tech Essentials, Geography, Environmental Science and Music Exploratory. All students are required to take the new visual arts course.
  1. Each school in the Lanett City School District has new state-of-the-art computer labs including a new 30 station mobile laptop lab at LHS.
  1. All junior high and senior high classrooms, computer labs, and media centers have mounted projectors and new teacher work stations.
  1. All classrooms in the district will feature Promethean interactive boards by 2013.
  1. All grades, attendance and library services are automated within the school district.
  1. The school system utilizes ALERT NOW as a means to automatically call parents with weather emergency information or school activity reminders.
  1. Lance Elementary offers a new Academic Academy for all 5th and 6th grade students. This innovative school within a school offers enrichment opportunities in science, literature, speech, and writing.
  1. W.O. Lance Elementary continues to offerart class as well as expanded music offerings for elementary students.
  1. Gifted students in grades 3-8 participate in Lanett’s state-recognized gifted and enrichment program. LHS students can apply to attend the SUCC STEM camp which provides enrichment in science, technology math and engineering.
  1. All student restrooms in the district have been renovated.
  1. A new façade and bus loading/unloading area at Lanett High School is now complete.
  1. Gym renovations, including floor restoration and new bleacher installation,is now complete at Lanett High and Lanett Jr. High.
  1. Lanett Junior High School and Lanett High Schoolreceived a state-of -the- art computerized, climate controlled heating and air system including a new air chiller.
  1. Construction is nearing completion on additional classroom space and a computer lab at Lanett Jr. High School.
  1. W.O. Lance Elementary received a new portico at the main entrance of the school to minimize students’ and guests’exposure to weather elements. Interior hallway painting is complete as well as a completed installation of a new boiler system.
  1. Renovations to Lanett High and Lanett Jr. High science labs are in progress.
  1. W.O. Lance Elementary sixth graders are enrolled in a new foreign language rotation this year while fifth graders continue takingD.A.R.E courses provided by the school’s D.A.R.E. officer.
  1. W.O. Lance Elementary continues to offer a Summer Enrichment Academy geared to high-end learners as well as a new kindergarten readiness camp during the month of June.
  1. Kindergarten – 8th graders can participate in the new STARS after school program housed at Lance Elementary. A summer camp is held for STARS students in June.
  1. Pre K camp is held in June at Lance Elementary. This popular program began in 2012 and prepares students for kindergarten.
  1. Lanett students in grades K-8 now participate in regular STEM(science, technology, engineering and math) labs. This innovative program is one of few in the state to provide hands on activities to such a large grade span.
  1. Enrollment has increased for the last three years and district leaders attribute the influx of new families to the growing economic base in Chambers County and neighboring areas as well as the innovative program offerings provided by each of the three Lanett schools.