Minutes, AFA Schriever Chapter 147 Board of Directors Meeting
22 January 2015
• Ed Peura opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. He installed the newly elected/appointed officers and board members that were present: Steve Scott, Steve Pluntze, Rick Reaser, Tav Taverney, Marcia Peura, Mary Guyse, Bill Harding, Lee Rosen, Don Tomajan, and Mark Williams. Ed thanked the Board for its support the past two years and passed the gavel to Steve Scott.
• Steve S. introduced new Command Chief, CMSgt Craig Hall, who is now officially the SMC military liaison, and welcomed LMU ROTC Commander Joe Gordon, LMU cadets Nathaniel Lee (new Cadet Commander) and Jenessa Nakagawa, and Brenda Pluntze, the Chapter newsletter editor.
Secretary's Report
• The November Board Meeting minutes were approved without changes.
• Air Force Ball: An AF Ball debrief is set for 1:00 pm, 29 Jan, at Lockheed Martin. All are welcome. All payments have been received; all bills have been paid. There is a net income of just over $50,000. Rick will send an updated summary. Alison has reserved 20 Nov at the Beverly Hilton for the next ball.
• Salute to SMC Awards Banquet: 15 May is reserved at the LAX Marriot, and planning will begin very soon.
• Executive Forum: Steve S. will check with Gen Greaves about the format and POC for planning. Who will chair the event will be discussed at the ExCom meeting this afternoon.
Topics for Discussion
• Steve P. announced the Nominating Committee (Don Tomajan, Nancy Insprucker, Chris Beres, and Dave Murphy), and Steve S. appointed them.
• Steve S. appointed committee chairs. Changes from last year: Christina Diaz is taking over Public Affairs, and Joe Boyle is taking over Community Partners. Ed P. will head up the selection committee for the Schriever Wall of Honor. Elaine Knauf resigned from the Board as of 1 Jan.
• Steve S. wants to focus on establishing a Speakers Bureau and Congressional liaison and updating the Bylaws and other policies. He is open to other ideas.
Treasurer's Report
• Rick presented the January finance report, which shows a bank balance of $130,732.52. Based on input from Mark W. for CyberPatriot, he will add an extra $1,000.00 to the Education budget and, based on last year’s expenses, will estimate an amount for the Wall of Honor engraving and reception. The financial report with these two changes was approved by the Board.
• Rick suggested adding support for TARP (rocketry) and TechTrek (engineer/science camp for girls).
• Brenda Pluntze reported that the non-operational Spouses Club has morphed its scholarship program for high school seniors into the LA Military Charitable Fund (LAMCF), a 501(c)(3), with Cindy Horejsi in charge. Scholarship applications are due 27 Feb. Brenda will pass along Jerry Saunders’ info to Cindy so that she can contact him for Chapter support. Email for LAMCF is .
Airmen/Family Support
• Chief Hall said he was officially appointed last week as the SMC Liaison to the Board and looks forward to working with us. He and Brad will have a budget of $5,000.00 to work with this year; Chief Hall will help direct our spending in the right direction.
• Don said the call has gone out for nominations for Salute awards, and he is expecting the letters back soon. He will be sending requests to board members for volunteers to help rank the nominations.
Base Scholarships
• Bill Harding reported that requests for nominations will go out in March, with a 31 May deadline for filing.
Community Relations
• Joe Boyle, now in charge of Community Partners, described the program and his vision for future CP events. Most companies represented by board members are not CPs. Joe encouraged board members to get their companies to become CPs and had applications available for everyone.
• Visions: [The report from Chris H. was inadvertently skipped over. National could not find local school classrooms for three of our sponsorships, and Chris OKed giving them (this year only) to three Oklahoma classrooms. Oklahoma was 50 sponsors short, and we made three teachers very happy.]
• Teacher of the Year: On 1 Feb Laura Pope will send out a reminder to all schools of the 1 Mar deadline for nominations. She has received only one nomination so far
• CyberPatriot: Mark Williams reported five area teams (El Segundo High 4 middle schools in Redondo Beach Palos Verdes Peninsula) are in the semi-finals. He presented a detailed budget for $6,000.
Governance & Bylaws
• Bob Wickwire said he is still waiting for input about the re-establishment of the Schriever Chapter as a 501(c)(3). Ed P. promised to focus on that soon. It was also pointed out that the committee structure in the Bylaws needs to be revised.
• Nancy Insprucker said the spring mixer has been moved to the first Friday in March to avoid being so close to the NDIA dinner. Mary Guyse said AFA membership information will be handed out at the Defense Tech & Intel Career Fair on Friday, 30 Jan.
Public Affairs
• Steve S. commented on another outstanding newsletter produced by Steve and Brenda Pluntze. Steve P. asked the Chief and the LMU ROTC commander and cadets to submit articles and photos for the newsletter. We all thanked Brenda for continuing as newsletter editor.
ROTC Relations
• Lt Col Joe Gordon again thanked the Board for its support. The cadets who received last year’s scholarships were very grateful.
• Cadet Janessa Nakagawa discussed the progress on planning for the area conclave (ARCON, Area 10, Oct 2015). She is working with Nancy FitzGerald and will give her a proposal soon.
National AFA
• No report.
• No report.
New Business
• Executive Reception Policy: Changes to the 22 Oct 2013 version were discussed. The policy was approved by the board with the following changes/additions: 1) Government Attendee Guidelines, first bullet: SPO Directors “& Air Base Group Commander (or their 0-6 deputies, if directors are unable to attend)” added; 2) fourth bullet: a “to” (between invited and attend) and “However, aides or security for SMC/CC, AFSPC/CC or other command generals will be admitted if requested by the general” added; 3) Industry Attendee Guidelines: changed to read “Invitees should be in leadership positions”; 4) Air Force Ball Participant Guidelines, fourth bullet: “, AFA National Chairman of the Board, and other AFA National officers” added.
• Tav walked into the meeting unassisted with his two 6-week-old titanium knees!
Meeting was adjourned at 1:20; minutes submitted by Marcia Peura.
In Attendance: Ed Alexander, Joe Boyle, Lt Col Joe Gordon, CMSgt Craig Hall, Mary Guyse, Bill Harding, Nancy Insprucker, Chris Kalivas, Jim Knauf, C/Cmdr Nathaniel Lee, Bob Marohn, Mitch Mitchell, C/Capt Jenessa Nakagawa, Alison Osterberg, Ed Peura, Marcia Peura, Brenda Pluntze, Steve Pluntze, Brian Polanco, Laura Pope, Steve Quilici, Rick Reaser, Steve Scott, Tav Taverney, Don Tomajan, Bob Wickwire, Mark Williams
Next meeting 26 Feb 2015