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World Trade
20 October 2003
Committee on Subsidies
and Countervailing Measures


Annex VII(b) of the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures

Updating GNP per capita for Members listed in Annex VII(b) as foreseen in

Paragraph 10.1 of the Doha Ministerial Decision and in accordance

with the methodology in G/SCM/38

Note by the Secretariat

  1. In paragraph 10.1 of the Doha Ministerial Decision on Implementation-Related Issues and Concerns (document WT/MIN(01)/17, para. 10.1) Ministers:

"Agree[d] that Annex VII(b) to the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures includes the Members that are listed therein until their GNP per capita reaches US$1,000 in constant 1990 dollars for three consecutive years. This decision will enter into effect upon the adoption by the Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures of an appropriate methodology for calculating constant 1990 dollars. If, however, the Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures does not reach a consensus agreement on an appropriate methodology by 1January2003, the methodology proposed by the Chairman of the Committee set forth in G/SCM/38, Appendix 2 shall be applied. A Member shall not leave AnnexVII(b) so long as its GNP per capita in current dollars has not reached US$1,000 based upon the most recent data from the World Bank."

  1. Pursuant to this paragraph, as of 1 January 2003, the methodology set forth in document G/SCM/38, Appendix 2 applies.
  2. As foreseen in paragraph 10.1 of the Doha Ministerial Decision on Implementation-Related Issues and Concerns and in application of the methodology in G/SCM/38, the Secretariat informs the Committee of updated calculations reflecting: (i)GNI[1] per capita in constant 1990 dollars covering the three most recent years for which data are available (1999-2001)[2]; and (ii) GNI per capita in current dollars for the year 2001.

i) Annex VII(b) Members, GNI per capita at constant 1990 dollars, 1999-2001

1999* / 2000 / 2001
Bolivia / 743 / 742 / 735
Cameroon / 820 / 821 / 854
Congo, Dem. Rep. / 91 / 87
Côte d'Ivoire / 806 / 774 / 759
Dominican Republic / 1150 / 1218 / 1232
Egypt / 775 / 797 / 811
Ghana / 456 / 460 / 469
Guatemala / 1044 / 1052 / 1054
Guyana / 761 / 753 / 751
Honduras / 681 / 700 / 706
India / 502 / 513 / 534
Indonesia / 681 / 708 / 748
Kenya / 363 / 356 / 352
Morocco / 1018 / 1016 / 1072
Nicaragua / 486 / ... / ...
Nigeria / 302 / 307 / 309
Pakistan / 459 / 465 / 466
Philippines / 804 / 822 / 832
Senegal / 757 / 779 / 806
Sri Lanka / 660 / 688 / 697
Zimbabwe / 639 / 615 / 558

*1999 data in italics are as already contained in G/SCM/38

ii) Annex VII(b) Members, GNI per capita at current dollars, 2001

Bolivia / 911
Cameroon / 532
Congo, Dem. Rep. / 91
Côte d'Ivoire / 614
Dominican Republic / 2362
Egypt / 1527
Ghana / 262
Guatemala / 1773
Guyana / 836
Honduras / 949
India / 464
Indonesia / 649
Kenya / 366
Morocco / 1139
Nicaragua / ...
Nigeria / 300
Pakistan / 408
Philippines / 965
Senegal / 467
Sri Lanka / 856
Zimbabwe / 687
  1. Accordingly, Annex VII(b) to the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures includes the following Members that are listed therein until their GNP per capita reaches US$1,000 in constant 1990 dollars for three consecutive years: Bolivia; Cameroon; Congo; Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Ghana, Guyana, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Senegal, Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe.


[1] The World Bank data series formerly identified as Gross National Product ("GNP") is now published as Gross National Income ("GNI"). This change reflects the implementation of the System of National Accounts 1993 ("SNA 93"). Although the underlying concepts are different (GNP being a measure of product, and GNI being a measure of income), the values calculated are the same.

[2] Figures for 1990-1999 are as already contained in G/SCM/38. As agreed in G/SCM/38, step 3, values of GNI per capita at constant 1990 dollars for the period 1990 - 1999 are not modified with subsequent revisions of the series. To derive GNI per capita at constant 1990 dollars for 2000, the growth rates for 2000 over 1999 at constant 1995 dollars, derived as foreseen in G/SCM/38 tableB, have been applied to the 1999 GNI per capita values in constant 1990 dollars, as set forth in G/SCM/38, tableC. The same methodology has been applied to derive the 2001 GNI per capita values in constant 1990 dollars.