Student Handbook
File: AC-E-1
Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity
In compliance with Titles VI & VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, the Americans with Disabilities Act and Colorado law, Genoa-Hugo School District C-113 does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disability or need for special education services in admissions, access to, treatment, or employment in educational programs or activities which it operates.
Complaint procedures for Title IX and Section 504 have been established for students, parents, employees and members of the public. The following person(s) have been identified as the designated employee(s) to coordinate compliance activities for the district:
As referenced in exhibit ACE-E-1, specific complaints of alleged discrimination under Section 504 or the ADA (disability) should be referred to:
220 West 7th Street
P.O. Box 247
Hugo, CO 80821
As referenced in exhibit JBA-E, specific complaints of alleged discrimination under Title IX (sex) should be referred to:
220 West 7th Street
P.O. Box 247
Hugo, CO 80821
Complaints may also be filed with the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, 1244 Speer Boulevard, Suite 310, Denver, Colorado, 80204-3582
ACADEMIC STANDARDS: Requirements for Graduation Page 4
Withdrawal from School
Enrolling Students
Valedictorian and Salutatorian
Honor Roll
Academic Lettering Requirements
Grading and Eligibility
Semester Tests
Post-Secondary Options Courses (Dual Credit)
Work Experience
Post-Secondary Requirements
Counseling Program
Summer School, Correspondence Courses
Student Use of Electronic Communication Devices
Computer Network and Internet Policy
ATTENDANCE: Student Responsibilities Page 11
Excused Absences
Unexcused Absences
Illness Policy from the School Nurse
MISCELLANEOUS: Lunch and Breakfast Page 14
Insurance and Accidents
CONDUCT AND First Level - Teacher Handled Page 17
DISCIPLINE CODE: Second Level - Refer to Administration
EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: Emergency Evacuation Procedures Page 23
Tornado Emergency Procedures
ATHLETICS: Practice Rules and Procedures Page 24
Seasonal Sports Offered
Rules of Conduct
Riding School Vehicles for Activities
Lettering Requirements
ACTIVITIES AND Activities Page 29
GENERAL INFORMATION: Activity Lettering Requirements
Clubs & Organizations
General Information (Meetings, Monies, Fund Raising, Field Trips, Student Dances)
Requirements for Graduating: High School graduation requirements are based upon units of credit earned in grades 9, 10, 11 and 12. Before selecting a subject, be sure that you have completed the required prerequisite course work. College entrance requirements and/or your future vocational plans should be considered in selecting courses.
A senior must be in attendance at least one complete semester to receive a Genoa-Hugo High School diploma. Correspondence courses must be completed and results available by May 1 of the senior year for graduation purposes. Seniors must meet all graduation requirements to participate in the graduation ceremony. Graduates at the graduation ceremony need to follow the same dress code and behavior expectations as school.
--Diploma Requirements: The requirements for graduation are 26 units of credit; classes must be completed with a 60% or above. Students who fail courses will lose the ability to make choices on their schedule. Some courses will have prerequisite requirements, i.e. pass Alg. I before Alg. II; pass Bio.I before Bio.II; pass Physical Science before Physics and Chemistry. Independent study courses must have prior approval; i.e. Bio III, Geology II, Science Fair, online courses.
Regular Diploma RequirementsFreshman / Sophomore / Junior / Senior
English / 4 / English 9 / English 10 / English 11 / English 12
Social Sciences / 4 / Geography / World History / American History / American Government Economics
Mathematics / 3 / Algebra 1
Geometry / Geometry
Algebra 2 / Algebra 2
College Algebra
College Trigonometry
College Statistics
Science / 3 / Physical Science / Biology 1 / Botany
Biology 2
Environmental Science
Physical Education / 1 / Physical Education or met by sports*
Keyboarding / .5 / Keyboarding
Computer Apps. / .5 / Computer Applications
Health / 0.5 / Health (Anytime in 9-12)
Elective Courses / 9.5
Total / 26
*The physical education one-credit requirement may be fulfilled with successful completion of three sport seasons of any combination. NOTE: A student must complete two years of Cheer in order to fulfill the PE one-credit requirement. If the PE credit is earned through sports participation, the grade will not be calculated in the GPA.
--Honors Diploma Requirements: High school students may elect to pursue an honors diploma, which would be declared prior to the junior year. The honors diploma will fulfill the minimum CCHE (Colorado Commission on Higher Education) college entrance requirements for Colorado public universities. The honors diploma requirements for graduation are 28 units of credit; specific classes to satisfy these requirements are listed below. Honors students will be recognized at graduation. The student must have a minimum 3.5 GPA to qualify for an honors diploma.
Honors Diploma RequirementsFreshman / Sophomore / Junior / Senior
English / 4 / English 9 / English 10 / English 11 / English 12
Social Sciences / 4 / Geography / World History / American History / American Government Economics
Math / 4 / Algebra 1
Geometry / Geometry
Algebra 2 / Algebra 2
College Algebra
College Trigonometry
College Statistics / Pre-Calculus
College Algebra
College Trigonometry
College Statistics
Science / 4 / Physical Science / Biology 1 / Biology 2
Physics / Biology 2
Foreign Language / 2 / Spanish 1 / Spanish 2
Fine Arts / 1 / Music, Art, Drama (Anytime in 9-12)
Physical Education / 1 / Physical Education
Keyboarding / .5 / Keyboarding
Computer Apps. / .5 / Computer Applications
Health / 0.5 / Health (Anytime in 9-12)
Elective Courses / 6.5
Total / 28
*The physical education one-credit requirement may be fulfilled with successful completion of three sport seasons of any combination. NOTE: A student must complete two years of Cheer in order to fulfill the PE one-credit requirement. If the PE credit is earned through sports participation, the grade will not be calculated in the GPA.
*Volunteer Service Requirement: In order to receive an honors diploma, a student must complete 40 hours of volunteer service during their high school career. (beginning with the class of 2017)
Registration: Pre-registration will be held in the Spring. After school begins, students have the first week to make schedule changes with the approval of the principal, teacher, and parent as deemed necessary. After the first week no class changes can be made except in very special circumstances. Class change for the sake of convenience will not be granted.
Withdrawal from School: Parents of students who are leaving Genoa-Hugo School during the school year must check their child out through the office. Bills owed the school must be paid and all school property returned or the student may experience delays in record transfers.
Enrolling Students: Students transferring into the district will be granted the incoming grades and related credit. Students must be enrolled at least 80% of a quarter to earn credit for a course that was not continued from the previous school. If actual percentage grades are not available for transfer courses, the following scale will be used to enter incoming grades into transcripts:
A+ = 98%, A = 94%, A- = 90%, B+ = 88%, B = 84%, B- = 80%, C+ = 78%, C = 74%, C- = 70%,
D+ = 68%, D = 64%, D- = 60%, and F = 59%, S = 80% (will not be included in GPA)
Valedictorian and Salutatorian: Valedictorian and salutatorian will be calculated at the end of the second semester of the senior year based on the cumulative grade point average. A senior must be enrolled on the first day of the school year to be eligible for valedictorian or salutatorian. Also, to be eligible for valedictorian or salutatorian, the student must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5. If the criteria is not met, a student will not be selected. (beginning with the class of 2016)
Honor Roll: The honor roll will be published at the end of each semester. Most classes count toward semester honor rolls; some classes are not included in the GPA and do not count toward honor roll (i.e. work experiences, study halls, teacher’s aide). The Superintendent's honor roll is composed of students who have a semester grade point average of 3.8 - 4.0. The Principal's honor roll is composed of students who have a semester grade average of 3.3 - 3.799.
Academic Lettering Requirements:
· Students must be on the honor roll for two consecutive semesters. (3.3-4.0 GPA)
· Students must not receive a major disciplinary offense. (decided by administration)
· The first year a student is awarded an academic letter he/she is awarded a patch and a star.
· The next 1-3 years a student letters in academics he/she is rewarded a bar.
Grading and Eligibility: Grades on report cards will be expressed in numerical values by the teacher. Numerical grades will be used in computing a student’s grade point average (GPA) at the end of each semester.
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = 0-59 No Credit
-- Semester grades will be recorded and placed on the final transcript in numerical form.
-- Weekly progress reports for students with grades below 70% will be sent home. Parents may also contact the office to gain access to grades via online through Edustar.
-- Ineligible students will not be allowed to attend field trips or academic competitions that are not a requirement of the class. (i.e. Knowledge Bowl, Science Fair, Honor Band, Honor Choir, Speech Meets, college trips, non-required FFA trips).
-- All work should be turned in by the assigned due date. Late work must be turned in at the end of the week to be considered for the next eligibility period (which is Mon. through Sun.).
-- Late work grades will be determined by teacher discretion, but can be no more than 50% off the first day assignment is late and the possibility of no credit after the first day.
-- The first eligibility list will be submitted three weeks after the beginning of each semester.
-- Within the first week of each semester, students will be allowed to drop (add) a class without penalty.
-- If a student requests to drop a non-required class after the drop/add period and before the end of a semester, no credit will be granted. Depending on the time of the request, the current grade may remain on the transcript with no credit given.
-- Incomplete grades may be given by the instructor along with a make-up plan; the principal will be notified of incomplete grades. Incomplete grades must be made up according to this plan with time limit not to exceed two weeks or it becomes a grade of "F". Incomplete grades are for extenuating circumstances and not for late work. Incomplete grades will not be given at the end of second semester. A zero may be placed in the grade book until the work is completed; therefore, the student may be ineligible until the final grade is submitted.
-- The final grades of each semester will be mailed. Parent/teacher conferences will be held at the middle of each semester and progress reports will be given to the parent/guardian at that time.
-- Parents and students should periodically check grades on Edustar. Contact the office to get enrolled.
-- You should expect to have some homework each day. The amount of homework you have will often depend upon how well you can use your classroom time.
-- Late homework will receive credit at the teacher's discretion. This includes major projects for which due dates have been established well in advance.
-- If a student knows ahead of time about their absence, they are to fill out a pre-arranged absence form.
-- After an absence, it will be the student’s responsibility to get missed work from the teacher. The office may gather missed work from the teachers if a parent or sibling is able to pick it up after school.
-- All work missed due to an excused absence can be made up for full credit during the time granted by the teacher, at least one day grace for each excused day absent.
-- All work missed due to in-school suspension must be made up and will receive credit.
-- All work missed due to an unexcused absence will be assigned a partial or no less than 50% credit. Out-of-school suspension qualifies as an unexcused absence.
Semester Tests: Semester testing may occur during the last week of each semester for grades 9-12. The testing schedule, if needed, will be prepared by the principal and distributed to the staff and students.
Post-Secondary Educational Options Courses (Dual Credit): The Colorado Post-Secondary Educational Options Act provides students an opportunity to take college classes. Some PSEO courses are available in the regular classroom and some may be night classes. Students will be required to take the MCC college entrance exam before enrolling in PSEO classes. The results of this test and high school grades will be reviewed for placement. Administration must approve all dual credit courses before the district will grant high school credit or pay for the course.
It shall be the responsibility of the pupil to apply for the College Opportunity Fund stipend ( and pay for books and fees at the time of enrollment for all PSEO courses taken per academic semester. The initial cost of all PSEO courses will be paid by the school district. The district will be financially responsible for two courses of the highest credit per academic semester. The student will then be billed by the school for all additional tuition (beyond the two courses). The student must successfully complete (grade C or better) all PSEO courses or the district will bill the student for the tuition. Classes taken during the summer will not be paid for or reimbursed by the district. Both students and parents will sign a PSEO contract. For more information regarding the PSEO program contact the counselor or principal.