ANNEX – Role and responsibilities of the High-Level representative
{Head of the Secretariat}
Rue Neerverld 107
1200 Brussels
Place, Date
Subject: Letter of appointment - Country High Level Group Representative
Dear Mr/Ms {Head of the Secretariat},
I am pleased to notify you that name of the body, country, has appointed, name/last name, as High-Level Representative of the EUREKA Association in compliance with the EUREKA Regulatory Corpus.
The newly appointed representative replaces name/last name. {optional}His/her mandate starts from … and ends … {/optional}.
Role and responsibilities are set in the attached annex, which has been accepted by Name/last name as nominated for the function of High-Level representative.
Contact details:
Name/last Name
Organization name
Full Address
With regards,
Signature of the Minister or the national public authority legally empowered to appoint an HLR:
- EUREKA and the EUREKA Association
EUREKA is a publicly-funded, intergovernmental network, involving over 40 countries. EUREKA’s aim is to enhance European competitiveness by fostering innovation-driven entrepreneurship in Europe, between small and large industry, research institutes and universities. By doing this, EUREKA concentrates the existing potential of experts, of knowledge, research facilities and financial resources in a more efficient way.
EUREKA is a leading open platform for international cooperation in innovation.
Against this background, an international not-for-profit organisation called "EUREKA Association” has been constituted in accordance with the Belgian Law in 1986 to act as the central support unit for the network. The EUREKA Association is also responsible for the implementation of the Eurostars Joint Programme dedicated to the R&D-performing SMEs and co-funded by the European Communities and EUREKA member countries.
- Role and voting rights
The High-Level representative is acting on behalf of the Minister of the country represented in EUREKA and Association bodies. Role of the High-Level Representative in the different bodies are defined and described in the EUREKA Regulatory Corpus.
- Conflicts of interests
The High-Level representative should ensure that decisions are taken objectively in the interests of EUREKA and the Association.
The High-Level representative should avoid any conflict of interest. They must be aware of interests that could impair their current or future independent professional judgment on all representations. In case the High-Level representative becomes aware of any potential conflict of interest with its position, he/she shall promptly inform EUREKA and resigns from his/her position as soon as it appears by letter addressed to the Head of the Secretariat (and a copy of the letter by email to the Secretariat including the Chairperson in CC).
I understand and agree my duties as High-Level representative of EUREKA and of the not-for-profit organisation “EUREKA Association”.
Name of the newly appointed HLR
Location, date and Signature