ANNEX III – Questionaire for Mayors
3rd Global Report on Decentralization – GOLD II
“The Governance of Basic Public Services”
Questionnaire for policy‐makers and executive representatives
(Mayors or Presidents of local or sub‐national authorities)
The aim of the questionnaire you are about to fill in, is to gather the opinion of city leaders (Mayors, local government CEOs, City Managers) on the current situation of the local basic services they are responsible for. This survey attempts to identify the main problems and constraints faced by local decision-makers in their daily and long-term operation of their city. Drawing on this study, UCLG will build recommendations to respond to these challenges and of improve the general access and provision of these basic services to citizens.
This questionnaire will be used by the CEMR and the UCLG Word Secretary to contribute to the Third Global Report on Decentralization and Local Democracy, and specifically to the reflection on the European region. This report will analyse the role of local authorities in the governance of local basic service, as well as the current situation of service provision.
The study will focus on eight local basic services which are:
-Waste collection and treatment
-Public transport
-Heat supply
We thank you for your time and help. By providing your vision of your local developed and policy you ensure that CEMR and UnitedCities and Local Governments can better represent you and work with in the regional and international community to have your issues hear and addressed. If you provide your contact information, once the study is completed, we will ensure that you receive a copy of the final work.
Please, once responded, send back the questionnaire to: ,
For more information please contact: Ms. Saida Sagitova
How to fill in the form
Please, when filling in,
1. Specify the value or, if needed, mark with any suitable sign the variant in the corresponding column when you answer the questions.
2. In case if between the answers in the column there is a variant of answer “Other”, please specify your variant in "Comments".
Questionnaire for Mayors / Councilors / Local Governments CEO Part A. General Information
Name of city /local government / Name of local government / Population:A.1. Which of the following services are direct responsibilities of your local government or of an inter-municipal cooperation in which you participate?
Sectors / Municipality / Inter-municipalcooperation / Other levels of sub-national governments / National government
Water supply
Public transport
Heat supply
A.2. What kind of entity (public or private) provides the following services at the local level?
(eg: under your jurisdiction (by the municipality, local public company, inter-municipal), private company, provided by higher level of government, etc.) (please tick)
Municipality / Inter-Municipal
structure / Local
company / Local Public – Private Partnership (PPP) (local contract / Other subnational government
(including federated state) / National government / National company / National PPP
(national contract / Totally privatized
Water supply
Public transport
Heat supply
If PPP contract or private entity, pleasename it:
If higher(s) level(s) of government(s), pleasename it:
A.3 In cases when the ownership of the main foundations belongs to authorities, but the foundation itself is run by the private operator, what kind of agreement do the local authority and private operator enter in?
Sector / Operating agreement / Management agreement / Lease / A lease with investment commitments / Concession
Water supply
Public transport
Heat supply
Name of local government
Part B: Quality and extent of basic service provision
B.1.How would you judge the situation of basic services in your city?Consider the quality, regularity, if the cost makes the services accessible for all users, if the majority of the population has access to these services. (please tick)
No service / Very bad / bad / Basic minimum / Satisfactory / Good / Excellent
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Water supply
Public transport
Heat supply
B.2.If you have some areas of the city or some group of population with limited or not access to basic services
B.2.1. What percent of the city population have limited access or lives in informal settlements with limited access or not access to basic services (approximately)? (please tick)
Sectors / Less than5% / 5-10% / 11-15% / 16-20% / 21-30% / 31-40% / More than
Water supply
Public transport
Heat supply
B.2.2. Are there legal or institutional difficulties extending services to those groups or inhabitants living in informal settlements? (eg: irregular land tenure, difficulties to identify clients, nonpayment, incapacity of the operators to deliver, etc.)
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Name of local government
Question B.3. How can you estimate the financial situation in rendering of public services?0 – insufficient information; 1 – there is a lack of funds even for operating activities; 2- there are enough funds only for operating activities; 3 - there are enough funds both for operating activities and investing.
0 / 1 / 2 / 3
Water supply
Public transport
Heat supply
Part C. Governance issues
For each local service listed below, please indicate your opinion on the degree of responsibility you have, as the LocalAuthority, in the final decision (PLEASE TICK AND ADD YOUR COMMENTS IF NECESSARY).
Explanation: 1= Local Authorities are not involved in decisions 4 10 = Local Authorities fully responsible for decisions.For example: 6= Local Authorities share decisions with other entities (or level of governments) and have limited influence on final decisions;7= Local Authorities share decisions with other entities (or level of governments) and have influence on final decisions
Question C.1. Who defines the services objectives to be achieved for public services at local level? (standards of access, quality, rates, etc)
LAs are not
involved in
decisions / LAs have very little power in decisions / LAs have little
power in decisions / LAs share
others / LAs
weigh heavily in decisions / LAs are fully responsible for decisions
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Water supply
Public transport
Heat supply
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Name of local government
Question C.2. Who makes decisions on the management modes of local services (in house, inter-municipal (public-public) cooperation, public, mixed, private company, etc.)?LAs are not
involved in
decisions / LAs have very little power in decisions / LAs have little
power in decisions / LAs share decisionswith
others / LAs
weigh heavily in decisions / LAs are fully responsible for decisions
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Water supply
Public transport
Heat supply
Question C.3. Do you have de facto control over service providers?
(de facto : in practice)
LAs are not
involved in
decisions / LAs have very little power in decisions / LAs have little
power in decisions / LAs share
decisions with
others / LAs
weigh heavily in decisions / LAs are fully responsible for decisions
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Water supply
Public transport
Heat supply
Question C.4. Who decides on service rates and the methods of financing the delivery?
Examples: taxes, direct payment by users, subventions, social supports
(LA = Local Authorities)
LAs are not
involved in
decisions / LAs have very little power in decisions / LAs have little
power in decisions / LAs share
decisions with
others / LAs
weigh heavily in decisions / LAs are fully responsible for decisions
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Water supply
Public transport
Heat supply
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Name of local government
Question C.5. How would you evaluate the quality of the relationship you have with the others levels of government that participate in the delivering process?Eg: national government or other levels of government,
No relations / Bad / Unsatisfactory / Regular / Satisfactory / Good / Very Good / Excellent
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Water supply
Public transport
Heat supply
Question C.6.How have your responsibilities (scope, management, organization) for the following services evolved over the last 5 years?
(LA = Local Authority)
LA lost all
responsabilities / LA lost the
part of its
responsabilities / LA lost some important responsabilities / LA lost
responsabilités / No
change / LA was
a few
responsabilities / LA was invested
with some new
responsabilities / LA was invested
responsabilities / LA was
invested with
a large part of its current
responsabilities / LA was invested
with all its current
for these services
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Water supply
Public transport
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Name of local government
Part D. Past and future of basic services in your city / local government
Question D.1. How the situation of these services evolved in your local authority during the last 5 years?years?
Consider if access has got worse or better, the cost for users (change in price) or cost to the local government (greater cost at theexpense of other service)
Strong degradation / Degradation / No change / Very weak Improvement / Improvement / Total Improvement
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Water supply
Public transport
Heat supply
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Name of local government
Question D.2. What is the impact of the current global economic crisis on the basic local services?Have the finances and investments, quality, tariffs and access gotten worse or better during this period
Strong degradation / Degradation / No change / Very weak Improvement / Improvement / Total Improvement
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Water supply
Public transport
Heat supply
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Name of local government
Question D.3. What are the principal challenges that will impact basic services in the next 10 years? (Tick relevant boxes)Water supply / Sanitation / Waste / Public transport / Electricity supply
Lack of funding to improve or extend service provision
Rapid growth in population
Lack of support from higher levels of government
Legal and institutional framework
New technologies
Changes in population (migrations, youth, aging population)
Ageing infrastructures
Adaptation to climate change
Increased energy prices
Development of renewable energies
The development of new services to meet new demands
Implementing disaster risk reduction (floods, etc.)
Specific urban areas issues
Rural areas issues
Question E.4 Progress on the Millennium Development GoalsNational governments agreed to a series of targets for improving basic service provision in the Millennium Development Goals. Although the targets are national, could you comment on whether within your city there is progress towards these goals?
By 2015, reduce by half the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water (relative to 1990)
By 2015, reduce by half the proportion of people without access to safe sanitation (relative to 1990)
By 2020, achieve significant improvements in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers
Progress towards the United Nations Millennium Development Goals
National governments have agreed on a series of goals to improve the provision of and access to basic services within the framework of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. Although the goals are national, can you comment on whether your city is making observable advances towards these objectives (at if so which ones)? ______
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