ANNEX 1 – to Request for Tender no. 12/03/2017/CD20 dated 20.03.2017



  1. Name and address of tenderer and its registration details, including NIP (tax ID):




  1. Name, phone number and e-mail of the contact person:




  1. Value of the tender as per the wording of the tender evaluation criterion for price:
  1. Net price : ……………………… [in words: ……………………….]
  2. Gross price : ……………………. [in words: ……………………….]
  1. Terms of delivery
    a) the possibility of creating inventory: YES / NO (choose the appropriate answer)
    b) the possibility of successive orders: YES / NO (choose the appropriate answer)
  1. Form and date of payment: ……………………………….
  2. Validity of the offer::

I/ we declare that I am /we are bound with this offer for a period of 90 days from the submission deadline.

I/ we declare that I/ we accept the substantial provisions of the agreement, constituting Annex 5 to the inquiry.

Place and date: ………………………..


Signature of Tenderer or Tenderer's authorised representative

and company seal (if Tenderer is an entity that runs business activity)

ANNEX 2 – to Request for Tender no. 12/03/2017/CD20 dated 20.03.2017

The Form of range and prices

Material name / The number of packages / Pack sizes / The unit net price of 1 piece / The unit gross price of 1 piece / The net price of 1 (one) package / The gross price of 1 (one) package
Pyrogen Free Test Tubes, uncapped and foil wrapped, pack of 50 / 50000
Pyrogen Free Dilution tubes, uncapped and foil wrapped, 30 per pack / 780
Pipette tips, endotoxin-free, , 100-1000 ul volume, compatible with the Eppendorf Research plus pipettes and Finnpipette F2 / 6720
Pipette tips, endotoxin-free, , 1-100 ul volume, compatible with the Eppendorf Research plus pipettes and Finnpipette F2 / 13440
LAL Reagent Grade Multi well plates (compatible with ELx808 microplates reader) / 150

Place and date: ………………………..


Signature of Tenderer or Tenderer's authorised representative

and company seal (if Tenderer is an entity that runs business activity

ANNEX 3 – to Request for Tender no. 12/03/2017/CD20 dated 20.03.2017


I, the undersigned ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………....., [name and surname of Tenderer or its authorised representative], declare that …………………………………. [name oftenderer]has / I have no personal or capital links with Contracting Entity.

Capital or personal links are understood as mutual ties between Contracting Entity
or persons authorised to bind Contracting Entity or persons who act on behalf of Contracting Entity in connection with preparing and conducting the procedure for selection
of a contractor, and the contractor, which are in particular the following:

1.participation in a partnership as a partner of a civil law partnership or general partnership,

2.holding a least 10% of shares,

2.serving as a member of a supervisory body or a managing body, acting as a registered representative (prokurent) or an attorney,

3.being a spouse, a relative by lineal consanguinity or affinity, by collateral consanguinity to the 2nd degree or affinity to the 2nd degree, or a person linked by way
of adoption, custody or legal guardianship.

Place and date: ………………………..


Signature of Tenderer or Tenderer's authorised representative

and company seal (if Tenderer is an entity that runs business activity)

ANNEX 4– to Request for Tender no. 12/03/2017/CD20 dated 20.03.2017


I, the undersigned ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………....., [name and surname of Tenderer or its authorised representative], declare that …………………………………. [name oftenderer]

1) have/ has the appropriate knowledge and experience to perform the contract
in the highest standards

2) have/ has a financial situation that guarantees the performance of the whole order

Place and date: ………………………..


Signature of Tenderer or Tenderer's authorised representative

and company seal (if Tenderer is an entity that runs business activity)

Attachment no. 5 to the Request for Proposal no. 12/03/2017/CD20 dated 20.03.2017


§ 1.

1.This Agreement is concluded as a result of the Provider’s Tender being selected in the Request for Proposal no. 12/03/2017/CD20.

2.The subject of the agreement is a successive delivery of the materials covered under the Tender and ordered by the Ordering Party to the number and assortment indicated
in the orders. The Provider’s Tender together with the attachments submitted with the Request for Proposal no. 12/03/2017/CD20 (Attachment no. 1) are an integral part of this Agreement.

3.The Provider declares that the assortment constituting the subject of this agreement complies with the tender submitted as part of the Request for Proposal
no. 12/03/2017/CD20.

4.The Provider is obliged to provide the Ordering Party with individual orders on the terms specified in this agreement.

5.The prices indicated in the Tender are final and may not be changed until the subject
of the agreement has been executed.

6.The amounts indicated in the Tender may be changed depending on the Ordering Party’s needs.

§ 2.

  1. The materials covered under the Tender shall be delivered to the Ordering Party by the Provider to the number and in the assortment specified in the orders made individually by the Ordering Party.
  2. The Ordering Party has the right to make orders with any frequency and to any content of the assortment.
  3. Under this agreement, the Ordering Party has the right to purchase the assortment
    in a total amount less than that indicated in the Request for Proposal and the Tender, and the Provider shall have no right of claim against the Ordering Party.
  4. The Provider ensures that orders can be made 8 hours a day, Monday through Friday, between ……… and ………. in the following ways:

-by phone at the number ______,

-by fax at the number ______,

-by e-mail at the e-mail address ______,

-in writing at the address ______.

§ 3.

  1. The subject of the order shall be delivered and unloaded within ______working days from the date when the Ordering Party made the order via phone, e-mail or fax. The delivery
    of goods shall take place after the specific delivery date has been arranged via phone,
    e-mail or fax.
  2. The subject of the agreement shall be delivered to the Ordering Party at the expense and risk of the Provider.
  3. The materials delivered to the Ordering Party must be packaged in such a way that guarantees their safe shipping and storage. Sterile materials shall be packaged in sterile, individual units. Each series of the given material shall bear the manufacturer's quality certificate.
  4. The Ordering Party allows for a delivery of a larger/smaller number of packages (units per package) if the total number of units of a given material is maintained, depending
    on the size of the packaging.

§ 4.

  1. The Provider shall attach a VAT invoice to each delivery to the value of a given order,
    in accordance with the Provider’s Tender.
  2. The material’s unit price given in the Tender includes the costs of successive deliveries
    of the subject of the order to the Ordering Party’s registered office and the insurance for the time of delivery.
  3. The payment of the price for the delivered goods shall be made in the form of a transfer to the bank account indicated by the Provider, after the assortment has been delivered to the Ordering Party’s registered office, in accordance with the order, based on the VAT invoice issued by the Provider, within 30 days from the date of receiving a correctly issued invoice. The invoice issue date cannot be earlier than the date of the delivery
    to which the invoice relates.

§ 5.

  1. Should the Ordering Party find the delivered materials defective, it shall notify the Provider about any deficiencies, non-conformities or damages of the delivered assortment no later than within 14 days from the materials’ delivery date (complaint).
  2. The Provider is obliged to investigate the complaint immediately and provide the Ordering Party with the materials whose number and quality comply with the submitted order, no later than within 14 days from the date of submitting the complaint by the Ordering Party. The cost of handling the complaint shall be borne completely by the Provider.

§ 6.

  1. If a significant change in circumstances occurs where the implementation of the agreement is no longer in the Ordering Party’s interest due to reasons that could not be foreseen at the moment of concluding the agreement, the Ordering Party may withdraw from the agreement within 30 days from receiving information of the above mentioned circumstances. In such an event, the Provider is eligible to claim remuneration only for the partially executed agreement.
  2. The Ordering Party may withdraw from the agreement also if the Provider significantly breaches the provisions of this agreement, by which the parties consider in particular the Provider missing the delivery timelines mentioned in § 3 clause 2. The Ordering Partymay exercise its right mentioned in this paragraph to withdraw from the agreement until the date of the validity of the contract.
  3. The Ordering Party allows for changes to this agreement upon its conclusion.
    In particular, the Ordering Party allows for changes in the assortment constituting the subject of this agreement in the situation when the specified assortment is withdrawn from production and another one, with characteristics no worse than those stipulated
    in the agreement, is available. The Provider is obliged to document the assortment withdrawal in writing.

§ 7.

  1. The Ordering Party is eligible to charge a contractual penalty for a delivery delay to the amount of 5% of the value of the submitted order for each day of delay.
  2. Should the Ordering Party withdraw from the agreement by the fault of the Provider, the Provider is obliged to pay the Ordering Party a contractual penalty of 10% of the estimated value of the agreement referred to in the Tender as the Total Value of the Materials.
  3. Payment of a contractual penalty does not exclude the Ordering Party’s right to pursue claims exceeding the amount of the penalty fee.

§ 8.

  1. This agreement has been concluded for a definite period and is binding year from the conclusion.
  2. Any changes to the Agreement require written form under pain of invalidity. Any provisions in the documents, including confirmations of the acceptance of the delivery, certificates of acceptance or invoices shall not be considered as changes to the Agreement, unless they clearly state that they are. The parties exclude the possibility
    of a tacit acceptance of an offer that would change the provisions of this Agreement
    as well as the possibility to accept an offer subject to modifications or supplementations.
  3. Rights and obligations as well as claims against the Ordering Party transpiring from the Agreement may not be transferred by the Provider to third parties without the Ordering Party’s written consent.

§ 9.

  1. Any disputes resulting from the implementation of this agreement are subject to the Polish law and shall be resolved by the common court of competent jurisdiction in Łódź.
  2. The Agreement has been issued in the Polish, in 2 identical copies, i.e. 1 (one) copy for each Party.
  3. If the agreement should be concluded with a foreign contractor, the agreement shall be issued in two identical copies, each in the Polish and English version, one for each party. In case of discrepancies between the Polish and English version of the agreement, the Polish version shall be applicable.
  4. Any matters not regulated in this agreement shall be governed by the provisions of the Civil Code.
  5. The Request for Proposal no. 12/03/2017/CD20 and the Tender of the Provider submitted in the tender procedure constitute an integral part of this agreement.


Signature of Tenderer or Tenderer's authorised representative

and company seal (if Tenderer is an entity that runs business activity)