
January 20, 2012

Dear Members,

Seminaron"Safety in Crane Lifting Operations"

Date: / February 18, 2012 (Sat) Time:2:15 pm – 5:00 pm
(Registration at 2:00 pm)
Venue: / Room Y302, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon.
Organisers: / Health, Safety and Environment Office of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The Hong Kong Occupational Safety & Health Association
Speakers: / Steve Carter, Senior Plant Inspector for Leighton Contractors Hong Kong Ltd, is extremely knowledgeable in all areas of construction plant and in particular cranage. He was a Construction Industrial Training Board [CITB] instructor in the UK for over 15 years. Steve has been in construction for 45years and has in-depth experience in all aspects of plant and machinery management, inspection, testing and maintenance. He has advised a number of overseas manufacturers on aspects of equipment design.
Mark Gibbons, Senior Safety and Security Manager for Leighton Contractors Hong Kong Ltd, has been working in the field of safety for over 10 years in Hong Kong and been involved with numerous overseas projects in Asia in the capacity of safety auditor. He has helped to develop the course materials and deliver the Leighton Crane Appreciation Training Course since its inception in 2011. Mark has been a Registered Safety Officer since 2006.
Abstract: / In Hong Kong, and indeed the world, there are still far too many serious accidents relating to crane and lifting operations. Whilst a great deal of preventative effort is being made to help ensure awareness of risks, including through training, there still exists a large gap in knowledge amongst many people within the construction industry. This seminar is an abridged format of Leighton’s “crane appreciation course” that’s purpose is to help plug these gaps and to provide to a wider audience and enhanced awareness of some of the main risks and controls relevant to crane and lifting operations. The seminar will run for around 2 ½ hours and include a case study.
Language: / English
Participants: / 120 maximum (on a first come first served basis)
Registration: / You may complete the slip below via email or fax it back to the Association (Fax No.:2770 0542). Successful application will be notified in due course.
Certificate: / The seminar is free of charge and Attendance Certificate will be issued to members of HKOSHA and PolyU Staff/Student upon completion of the seminar. If any non-members who wish to obtain an attendance certificate, please contact our secretariat office at 23329210 Mr. Timmy Wong for special arrangement in advance.
No certificate will be issued to those who arrived after 2:30pm.

TC Chan

Chairman of CPD Committee

The Hong Kong Occupational Safety & Health Association

Reply Slip


To: Secretariat of HKOSHA / (Fax: 2770 0542)

GPO Box 7100, Central, Hong Kong.

Seminaron"Safety in Crane Lifting Operations"

at Room Y302, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon

at 2:15 pm - 5:00 pm on February 18, 2012 (Sat)

Name: / HKOSHAMembership No.:
Other Organization:
Contact Tel: (Office) / Mobile:
Email: / CPD Cert: Yes / No
Signature: / Date:

G.P.O. Box 7100, Central, Hong Kong.

Tel: 2332 9210 Fax: 2770 0542 Email: