Annette Langen has written several books about Sophie’s favourite toy rabbit, Felix, who is able to roam the world on his own. Felix visits the Taj Mahal, the Great Wall, the pyramids, Kenya, Rome and other places. From each place Felix sends a letter to Sophie telling her about what he has experienced.

On Tuesdays you will have your chance to tell a story of what you and/or your favourite toy might see, hear, smell, taste, and touch if you/it went to an exotic place.

Anne will read two of the books to you and (insert name of your favourite soft toy if it is travelling) when you come for the first session.

The difficulty is that Felix seems to travel almost by magic, but you are wiser than that! You know about using aeroplanes and taxis, and hotels, and money and things like that. So instead of travelling by magic could you please decide where to go, and then find the maps, the ways to get there, how to travel and what it will cost. Make sure you also find out about what there is to see, hear, taste, feel and smell in the place you might visit.

We can then decide how we will tell your story using stop motion, words, diorama, cartoon, what ever. I would like the story to be told using pictures or photos or models or drawings or film – something that does not involve hundreds of words!

Anne Jackson

M. Gifted Ed

Grad. Dip. Education (Literacy)

Grad. Dip. Counselling

(03) 9808 1460

381 Burwood Hwy coach to the gifted



ABN: 29 703 513 381


Tuesday ‘school’

Encouraging and developing autonomous learning

These groups provide support for gifted students, including the 2e, in their development of self motivated learning. Previous groups have shown just how capable gifted children are if they are allowed time and space to follow through on an idea. It is not a day off from school, the students work very hard!

The atmosphere will support learning from peers, the constructive use of the world wide web, the use of interviews, books and other texts, experimentation and discussion.

This term I will offer a chance for those of us who are fascinated by the other people and places in the world to create a visual story. No travel experience necessary but the need to be open to big ideas is essential.

Time 9:00 – 3:30

29/4/08 – 27/5/08 (5 weeks)

Cost: $150

Where: Mindful! 381 Burwood Hwy, Burwood, 3125

Please book by 22/4/08 – first come first served