Unit 3 Project Rubric: 50 Total Points

45-50 points / The project includes an original working thesis sentence with three thesis key points. Body-paragraph topic sentences are original and introduce a thesis key point. / The order of thesis key points corresponds with the order of topic sentences. Transitions begin topic sentences as they move from one thesis key point to the next. / All sentences are easy for readers to follow, accurate, and informative. / Sentences are not fragments or run-on sentences. No major grammar and/or mechanics errors exist.
The entire project is double-spaced in 12-point font.
40-44 points / The project includes an original working thesis sentence with three thesis key points. Body-paragraph topic sentences are original and introduce a thesis key point. / The order of thesis key points corresponds with the order of topic sentences. Topic sentences may lack transition as they move from one thesis key point to the next. / Most sentences are easy for readers to follow, accurate, and informative. / Sentences are not fragments or run-on sentences. Minor grammar and/or mechanics errors exist. The entire project is double-spaced in 12-point font.
35-39 points / The project contains a thesis sentence which is on topic but needs revision. The thesis sentence may not include three key points, or key points may be different ways to refer to the same idea instead of being three distinct key points. / The order of all thesis key points may be on topic but may not correspond to the thesis sentence’s key point order. Topic sentences may not follow the thesis sentence. / Some sentences are significantly difficult to follow and/or do not contain informative tone. The tone may be persuasive instead of informative. / Numerous minor and serious grammar errors exist and affect communication.
30-34 points / The project’s thesis sentence may hint at a topic, but it does not fulfill many of the requirements for a thesis sentence with three key points. / The order of the thesis sentence does not correspond in many ways with the order of the topic sentences. / Most sentences are significantly difficult to follow and/or do not contain informative tone. The tone may be persuasive instead of informative. / Many minor and serious grammar errors exist and affect communication of ideas.
0-29 / Project meets none or few of the assignment’s guidelines.
The components outlined for a “D” project are not met.
Topic was not on approved list.
Grammar errors are so excessive that ideas are difficult to follow.
Project may be plagiarized (Plagiarism Explanation).