On Thursday 13 March, Annandale Speakers held the penultimate meeting of the season at the Queens Hotel, Lockerbie. President, Clive Thawley, welcomed Eric Usher as a guest for the evening and then handed over to Donald Martin who was the designated ‘Mr Speaker’. Donald introduced each speaker in turn with style and wit in equal measure.

First up was George Gilhooly with “Break a Leg”. This was an insight into various theatrical superstitions, which was full of facts and delivered in George’s inimitable style, culminating in informing us all as to why the last line of a play should not be delivered at rehearsal.

The next contribution came from John Edgar with “Angels and Demons”, which took us on a light hearted and mystical trip that the Rev I. M. Jolly would have enjoyed. John always has something different up his sleeve and tonight was no exception.

The club’s very own bird watcher, Bobby Smith, brought the first half to a close with his title of “Curtains Up”. We were treated to a heart-warming tale about his dear friend and fellow bird watcher, Jim, from back in war time and their trips to places like The Windmill and Smithfield. This was Bobby at his best, resulting in a speech well delivered in a relaxed manner which was enjoyed by all.

After tea, Topics were in the very capable hands of David Bell who chose his clients carefully to ensure we were given a wide variety of views on subjects such as Irish Rugby, Channel 4 ‘Strippers’, Global Population, Winter Olympic Sports and Women Continuing to Smoke During Pregnancy to name but a few. All were extremely well answered to time by Bruce Edensor, Brian Shaw, John Reid, John Cannon, SandyGrant, Michael Dickie and Ronnie Callander.

Kenneth Morland lead us into the second half with “A Bolt from the Blue”, which had everyone on the edge of their seat. Nobody ‘Nods Off’ when Ken’s at the rostrum! He started his talk on rugby, which then lead on to Queen of the South and finally ended up talking about Susan Boyle, showing in each case how life can produce many surprises. Ken’s talks are always humorous, light-hearted and very, VERY enjoyable and tonight was no exception.

Last speaker for the evening was Andrew Armstrong with “A Turn Up for the Books”. He gave us a very interesting and educational talk on Tuberculosis, highlighting the fact that at one time it was the most common cause of death in the UK. He explained how over time various medication and sanatoria, including

Lochmaben Hospital, eventually eradicated the disease. Andrew brought to a close a very enjoyable evening.

The vote of thanks was given by Timekeeper, John Kerr, to Mr Speaker, Topics Master and Critic, Robert Jardine, who just about escaped intact.