Ann Sanders Woodyard, PhD, CFP®


Department of Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics

University of Georgia

213 Dawson Hall

Athens, GA 30602



Kansas State University – Doctor of Philosophy in Human Ecology with specializations in Family Studies and Personal Financial Planning. May 2010. Dissertation: The goodness of giving: An exploration of the effects of having a charitable orientation on perceived wellness.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill – Master of Business Administration with concentrations in Finance and International Business. May 1987.

Kansas State University – Bachelor of Arts in Physical Science. May 1982.


Certified Financial PlannerTM designation achieved August 2003.

Certificate education received through the University of Missouri at Kansas City, 2001.

Teaching Experience

University of Georgia

  • Theory of Households, Consumer Economics, and Financial Behavior I (HACE 8100). Fall Semester 2013. Three credit hour survey of contemporary theories of consumer and household decision-making.

University of Alabama

  • Advanced Personal Financial Planning and Counseling Techniques (CSM 460/560). Spring Semester 2010, Spring Semester 2011, Spring Semester 2012, Spring Semester 2013. Three credit hour Capstone course for undergraduate and graduate students consolidating student knowledge base into case production and customer communication. For Spring 2011 session, redesigned class to meet Case Preparation requirements of CFP Board, effective 2012.
  • Personal Investment Planning and Management/I (CSM 404/504). Fall Semester 2009, Fall Semester 2010, Fall Semester 2011, Fall Semester 2012. Three credit hour course for undergraduate and graduate students focused on investments from the perspective of the individual investor. Covers the basics of investing, securities markets, risk and portfolio management, commons stocks, and common stocks valuation and analysis. (Note prior to Fall Semester 2012, CSM 404/504 covered all material current offered in this course and CSM 414/514).
  • Personal Investment Planning and Management II (CSM 414/514). Spring Semester 2013. As of Fall 2012, the Investment section of the core curriculum has been taught over two semesters rather than one. Under the new plan, the second semester now covers fixed-income investing, mutual funds, asset allocation, options, derivative securities, and alternative investments.
  • Time Value of Money (CSM 300). Fall Semester 2012, Spring Semester 2013, Summer 2013. One credit hour online course to introduce time value concepts to students entering the personal financial planning core curriculum. Present value and future value of lump sums, annuities, and annuities due are introduced along with financial planning examples. Other concepts introduced include serial payments, nominal rates, Internal Rate of Return, Net Present Value, and basic housing decision-making.
  • Consumer Protection (CSM 401). Spring Semester 2010, Fall Semester 2010, Spring Semester 2011, Fall Semester 2011, Spring Semester 2012. Three credit hour course for senior undergraduate students covering the laws and agencies affecting the consumer’s well-being and sources of consumer information. With a focus on written presentation, academic articles regarding consumer issues and current developments in consumer protection form the core of the course.
  • Professionalism in Consumer Sciences Management (CSM462). Fall Semester 2009, Spring Semester 2010, Fall Semester 2010 (co-coordinator), Spring 2011, Fall 2011, Spring Semester 2012 (co-coordinator). Three credit hour course for undergraduate and graduate students in Consumer Sciences providing professional guidance, outside speakers, service opportunities, and skills development in presentations and writing.

Kansas State University

  • Introduction to Personal and Family Finance (FSHS 105). Fall semester 2007, Spring semester 2008. Three credit hour University General Education course taught to 72 and 48 students during three fifty-minute periods per week. Topics covered include basic financial planning, time value of money, goal-setting and career planning, budgeting and cash management, credit and major buying decisions, investment fundamentals, risk management, employee benefits, retirement planning, education planning and estate planning.
  • Living Wi$ely: Three Simple Rules. 2007 - 2008. In conjunction with practicum with the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas, taught a basic financial management curriculum in a classroom environment for faith-based groups and a community health organization.
  • Young Investor Program for Kansas Extension Agents, Manhattan, KS. 2007. Based on Starting your investment program with $1 to $1,000, trained family and consumer science extension agents in financial management curriculum.
  • Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Manhattan, KS, 2006. 4-H Discovery Days, Kansas State University. Classroom presentation of basic financial principles for high school students. Two presentations to a total of 27 attendees.
  • Value-Added Producer Grant workshop. Manhattan, KS, 2005. Developed and conducted a workshop for agricultural entrepreneurs preparing to apply for Value-Added Producer grants from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

IBM Global Services

  • Pricing analyst training. Somers, NY, 1996-1997. Classroom-style corporate training for financial professionals new to services pricing. Developed curriculum, including models and case studies. Taught four sessions and 60 professionals.

Refereed Publications

Woodyard, A. S. & Grable, J. E. (2013). Doing good and feeling well: An exploration of the relationship between charitable activity and perceived personal wellness. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations.doi:10.1007/s11266-013-9382-5

Robb, C. A., Babiarz, P., & Woodyard, A. (2012). The demand for financial professionals’ advice: The role of financial knowledge, satisfaction, and confidence. Financial Services Review, 21(4), 291-305.

Woodyard, A. S., & Robb, C. A. (2012).The gender gap and financial knowledge.Journal of Financial Therapy, 3(1). doi:10.4148/jft.v3i1.1453

Babiarz, P., Robb, C. A., & Woodyard, A. S. (2012).Family decision making and resource protection adequacy.Journal of Consumer Affairs,46(1), 1-36.

Robb, C. A., & Woodyard, A. S. (2011).Financial knowledge and ‘best practice’ behavior. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 22(1), 60-70.

[Submitted 3/2013] Woodyard, A. S., & Robb, C. A. What we know, how we feel, and what we do: Predictors of financial satisfaction. Journal of Family and Economic Issues.

Extension Publications

Maddux, E. M., Sanders, A., Mace, D., & NASD Design Team.(2006, Revision).Starting your investment program with $1 to $1,000. Manhattan, KS: K-State Research and Extension. (Available in hard copy, CD and online at )


[Submitted]ACCI (2014) Robb, C. A., Seay, M., Babiarz, P. & Woodyard, A. S. Bounded rationality in risky financial assets.

[Submitted] ACCI (2014) Woodyard, A. S. & Robb, C. A. Knowledge and practice in cash and credit behaviors.

Woodyard, A. (2013). Measuring financial wellness.Poster presentation for the 2013 American Council on Consumer Interests annual conference, Portland, OR.Presented April 2013.

Babiarz, P., Woodyard, A. S., & Yilmazer, T. (2013).In sickness and health: The impact of adverse health events on entrepreneurial outcomes of married households. Research paper presentation for the 2013 American Council on Consumer Interests annual conference, Portland, OR.Presented April 2013.

Robb, C. A., Babiarz, P., & Woodyard, A. S. (2012).The demand for financial professionals’ advice: The role of financial knowledge, satisfaction, and confidence. Research paper presentation for the 2012 American Council on Consumer Interests annual conference, Memphis, TN. Presented April 2012.

Woodyard, A. S. (2011). Is there a relationship between doing good and feeling well?Research paper presentation for the 2011 Association for Research on Nonprofit and Voluntary Action, Toronto, ON, Canada.Presented November 2011.

Woodyard, A. S. (2011). What we know, how we feel, and what we do: Predictors of financial satisfaction. Research presentation for the 2011 Financial Therapy Association Annual Meeting, Athens, GA. Presented September 2011.

Woodyard, A. S. & Robb, C. A. (2011).The gender gap and financial knowledge.Poster presentation given at the 2011 American Council on Consumer Interests annual conference, Washington, DC.Presented April 2011.

Woodyard, A. S. (2011). Financial knowledge and “best practices”behavior. Research presentation given at the 2011 American Council on Consumer Interests annual conference, Washington, DC.Presented April 2011.Received second-place award for poster presentations.

Woodyard, A. S. (2010). The gender gap and financial knowledge: A life-stage exploration. Brief research presentation accepted by the Financial Therapy Association for their inaugural annual conference in Manhattan, KS.Presented September 2010.

Woodyard, A. S., Grable, J. E., Carr, N., & Britt, S. (2010). Are recipients of payday and car title loans more risk tolerant than others? Poster presented at the 2010 American Council on Consumer Interests Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.Presented April 2010.

Robb, C. A., Babiarz, P., & Woodyard, A. S. (2010).Are you life confident? Family decision-making and income replacement adequacy. Poster presented at the 2010 American Council on Consumer Interests Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA. Presented April 2010.

Sanders, A. (2007).The 2006 Retirement Confidence Survey and family life educator opportunity. Poster presented at the 2007 National Council on Family Relations’ 69th Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. Presented November 9, 2007.

Sanders, A. & Mace, D. (2004).The Low-carb craze: Back to the future? Paper presented at the Risk and Profit Conference of the Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics, Manhattan, KS, available at


Sanders, A. & Maddux, E. M. (2007).Measuring performance change leading toward financial quality of life in retirement as a result of participating in an investor education worksite program for beginning investors. In M. J. Sirgy (Ed.), From Quality of Life Concepts to Quality of Life Performance Measure: Proceedings of the 2007 International Society of Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS) Conference, San Diego, CA (p. 90). Blacksburg, VA: ISQOLS Central Office.


Runner-up (with P. Babiarz and C. A. Robb), Article of the Year, Journal of Consumer Affairs, 2012. Award presented April 2013.

Nominee, Last Lecture Series. Nominated and selected by students across the University of Alabama. Award presented April 2012.

American Council on Consumer Interests Annual Conference Poster Competition. 2011. The gender gap and financial knowledge. Second place, shared with Dr. C. A. Robb.

The Marjorie J. and Richard L. D. Morse Family and Community Public Policy Scholarship, Kansas State University. 2007. Short-term consumer cash loans: Looking backwards and forwards.


Conference Speakers Committee, American Council on Consumer Interests, 2013 – present.

Advising Committee, College of Human Environmental Sciences, University of Alabama, 2013.

New Professional Advisory Council, Financial Planning Association, 2012 – present.

Selection Committee, Joseph Rowland Achievement in Teaching Award, College of Human Environmental Sciences, University of Alabama, 2012.

Student Health Financial Health Committee, University of Alabama, 2011 – 2013.

Consumer Education Committee, American Council on Consumer Interests, 2010-2012.

Nominee, Nomination and Election Committee, American Council on Consumer Interests, 2012.

Faculty Sponsor, Capstone Financial Planning Association, University of Alabama. 2009 – 2012.

Student Affairs Committee, College of Human Environmental Sciences, University of Alabama, 2009 – 2013.

Graduate student interview team member, Director search, School of Family Studies and Human Services, Kansas State University, 2009.

Member, Search Committee, Personal Financial Planning faculty positions, School of Family Studies and Human Services, Kansas State University. 2008.

President, FSHS Graduate Student Association.School of Family Studies and Human Services, Kansas State University.2005-2007.

Graduate student interview team member, Dean search, College of Human Ecology, Kansas State University, 2006.

Funded Activities

Pilot Research Funding Grant, Dean of the College of Human Environment Sciences, University of Alabama. Monies to fund a pilot program on Financial Social Networking Opportunities for Women (FinSNoW). Awarded November 7, 2011. Amount: $2,500

Active and Collaborative Learning Grant, Office of Institutional Effectiveness, University of Alabama. Awarded for developing classroom innovations utilizing group activities to stimulated academic experiences.May 2010. Amount: $1,000

Practicum Experience

The Episcopal Diocese of Kansas, 2007 and 2008. As a member of the Stewardship and Development Committee and in an additional role as a practicum student, worked with the diocesan Director of Stewardship and Development in conducting meetings, evaluating an annual giving program, vestry consultation, consultant selection and evaluation, organizing fundraising events and other opportunities.

Guest Lecturer Experience

Women’s Health Symposium, West Alabama HIV Prevention Network, November 2011. Three Fundamental Practices of Financial Empowerment

Student Dietetic Association, University of Alabama, April 2010. Ten Steps to Establishing Financial Wellness.

Convention Services and Event Planning (HRIMD 463), Kansas State University, 2007.Basic negotiations and career planning for the hospitality industry.

Money and Relationships (FSHS 300), Kansas State University, 2006.Introductory financial planning for relationship enhancement and management.

Consulting Experience

The Episcopal Diocese of Kansas, 2008.As an extension of activities begun during practicum experience, participated in focus group analysis for prospective capital campaign, developed survey to solicit clergy input for continuous improvement of annual giving program. Provided creative, consulting, and editorial assistance for annual giving programs and planned giving curriculum.

Academic Experience

Graduate Research Assistant, Kansas State University. 2008 – 2009. Under supervision of Dr. J. E. Grable, provided assistance in grading for FSHS 760, Retirement Planning and Employee Benefits and FSHS 836, a graduate course in Financial Planning Case Studies.

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Kansas State University. 2007- 2008. Under supervision of Dr. J. E. Grable, assisted in the development of the Kansas State University Consumer Finance Survey. This survey instrument is intended to gather data from three demographically diverse communities on the uses of short-term cash consumer loans, with the intent of expanding the body of knowledge and conducting research for dissemination through publication and teaching.

Graduate Teaching Assistant, 2005 – 2007.Under supervision of Dr. E. M. Maddux, assisted professor with teaching Time Value of Money concepts to financial planning students. Edited content and developed marketing materials for an Investor Education program for young adults. Trained county extension agents to provide Investor Education to end users.

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Summer 2006. Under supervision of Dr. J. E. Grable, reviewed financial management journals from 1982 to present for articles that used scales as measures of financial criteria for individuals. Summarized findings in spreadsheet form and prepared a binder of articles, scales, and summaries.

Student Assistant, Kansas State University.2007.Under supervision of Dr. L. A. Coulson, supplemented online instruction by developing exercises using SoftChalk software. Classes include certificate level Fundamentals of Financial Planning, Families, Employee Benefits, Retirement Planning, and Insurance for Families, and Investing for the Family’s Future.

Business Experience

Stepp & Rothwell 2002 – 2004. Analyst for nationally ranked financial planning firm specializing in high net worth clients. Overland Park, KS.

AXA-Equitable 2001-2002.Financial consultant selling retirement planning services and financial products.Received recognition as top performing first-year sales person for regional territory.

IBM Global Services 1993 – 2001. Pricing analyst, financial analyst, global pricing analyst, business development program manager. Kansas City, MO, St. Louis, MO, Somers, NY, Johannesburg, South Africa, Southbury, CT.

International Business Machines 1987-1993. Financial administrator, systems engineer.Stamford, CT, White Plains, NY, Kansas City, MO.

Westin Hotels 1982-1985. Food and Beverage division controller, other positions. Kansas City, MO.

Extension Experience

Extension Assistant, Kansas State University, 2004 – 2005. Kansas Agricultural Innovation Center, Department of Agricultural Economics.Facilitated business plan development for entrepreneurs in agricultural industry.

Board of Directors Experience

Prentice Concert Chorale, Tuscaloosa, AL. 2012 – 2013. Assistant Treasurer, 2012-2013.

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Manhattan, KS. 2006 – 2009.

William Baker Choral Foundation, Roeland Park, KS, 2003 – 2005; Treasurer, 2004.

International Study

FSHS 700 – Peace and Conflict in Northern Ireland. Derry, Northern Ireland. Summer 2007.

Professional Affiliations

Financial Planning Association (FPA), Northern Alabama chapter, 2010 – present.

Financial Planning Association (FPA), Kansas City chapter. 2001 – 2009.

National Council on Family Relations (NCFR). 2005 – 2008.

Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA). 2008 – present.

American Council on Consumer Interests. 2010 –present

Financial Therapy Association. 2010 – present

Academic Honors

Golden Key academic honor society.Initiated 2007.

Phi Kappa Phi honor society recognizing and promoting academic excellence. Initiated 2007.

Kappa Omicron Nu honor society for human sciences. Initiated 2006.

Phi Upsilon Omicron honor society for family and consumer sciences. Initiated 2006.

Alpha Lambda Delta academic honorary.Initiated 1979.

Putnam Scholar, Kansas State University. 1978 – 1982.

National Merit Scholarship Finalist. 1978.