Outline– Law of Attraction Teleclass Do’s and Don’t’s

Post class Assignments

Do’s and Don’ts for the Law of Attraction:

¨  Do tap on any major obstacles in your way, such as negative beliefs, (such as you don’t deserve happiness or success,) a lifetime of others telling you can’t have it all, or you’re not good enough, or your own beliefs that it’s ‘bad’ to be rich or successful, etc. You can group them all together initially into “These negative, limiting beliefs from my childhood”. Then after the first round of that, break the beliefs out, one at a time, at each tapping point, i.e. EB: This belief that I’m not good enough. SE: This belief that rich people are selfish or evil. UE: This belief that I’ll never amount to anything. UN: This belief that I don’t deserve success and happiness, etc. Keep going until the intensity or belief is at a zero!

¨  Don’t focus on what isn’t working, or on the lack of something. For instance, don’t focus on how negative your boss is, or how noisy your neighbors are and how you want to change them, or the inadequacies of your mate. Focus instead on attracting what you do want, to attracting peace, love and harmony into your life.

¨  Do focus on accepting others, and being grateful for the positive role others play in your life. If you want the situation to change, focus on a new job with an intelligent, appreciative boss, or new, quiet, sweet, neighbors that bring you brownies occasionally (or muffins). Focus on a loving, accepting, supportive life partner. Your existing one may start to magically change, or the universe may introduce you to someone with whom you’re more compatible. Be open to the possibilities.

¨  Do focus on thoughts that activate receptive vibrations in you, such as “I deserve success” “It’s my time”. “I know abundance for me is on the way” “I’m ready and willing to accept this gift.” “I’m so grateful for….” Negative emotions associated with your thought or focus; such as impatience, anger, frustration, fear, anxiety, or disbelief are all “red warning lights” that you’re not in the right place to receive your desire.

¨  Don’t try to figure out ‘how’ to do it. Do leave the mechanism up to source energy. Take opportunities as they come, but don’t try to figure out “how” to make things work. Allow the Universe, or source energy to show you the way. A friend of mine was trying to manifest a new home for her family. So she tried to figure out how many hours of overtime she’d need to put in, and how many extra projects she would have to do in order to earn enough money for the down payment. It may very well turn out that you need to work more hours, or even change jobs. But allow the Law of Attraction, this amazing source energy, to light the way for you. Listen to and watch for the clues that will show up in your life, guiding you toward your dream. Then be willing to accept those gifts lighting your wary, and act on them.

¨  Do visualize results – See the positive end result. How your new home is going to feel and look. See yourself walking hand in hand with the new person in your life, focus on the emotions you’d expect (security, confidence, happiness, freedom, etc.) when you find out you got the award, job or promotion you so deserve.

¨  Do be patient with the process. Allow the universe time to return your desire when things are arranged just right for you. It only took 90 days to get my Mercedes, once I’d turned it over to “Source Energy” (I’d wanted one for 20 years!). But it took 17 years for the Universe to send me Jack, my wonderful husband. The universe was waiting for me to be in the right vibration to receive him.

¨  Remember motivating stories to help you stayed focused, like Jim Carey writing himself a check for $20,000,000, actually getting it, along with other powerful manifestation stories. If this wonderful Law of Attraction can work for others, then it will work for you. It already has. Look around you and see what you’ve created in your life already (good and bad). Now choose to create only the things you WANT. J

¨  Do use the Law of Attraction and EFT for everything, not just houses, cars, or money. Attract a sense of well-being, better health, an easy, carefree day, a new puppy, a new make-over for yourself, whiter teeth, a better posture. Do like I did and visualize going through baggage check and security at the airport with complete ease and speed. I was blown away when that worked.

¨  Refuse to allow yourself to be skeptical, negative, or impatient by the “apparent” lack of results. Remember, your emotions are your barometer that you’re on or off-track. If you’re not in the right vibration, or in harmony to receive your gift, it will pass you by. So stay in the receptive, positive emotion mode to be in alignment with your desires.

¨  Create an antidote, or counter-action for negative thoughts that crop up. Like “I’m so happy knowing my manifestation is on the way”. “I trust this wonderful process” “ It works for others, so I works for me.” “I can eagerly expect results anytime now.” “There’s more than enough money for me”. “I deserve this reward and am confident it’s on the way.” “I choose to make this easy!” “I choose to transform negative thoughts into positive affirmations immediately”

¨  Don’t hang around negative people who will make fun of you for being optimistic and upbeat. If you’re working at letting go of an addiction, for instance, don’t hang out in bars or nightclubs, or with people where you might have easy access to the things you’re overcoming. Or, if your working toward a healthy weight don’t be buying Twinkies and Ho Hums at the store “for the rest of the family”, or hanging out with people who continue to rationalize their weight issues with excuses.

¨  Do see yourself surrounded with people, circumstances and situations that will support you getting what you want. (Wayne Dyer)

¨  Do read, watch and listen to supportive books, DVD, tapes or CDs that help keep you on the right track. Here are just a couple of the thousands of inspirational tapes and DVDs out there:

1)  Ester and Jerry Hicks “The Law of Attraction” – Ask and it is Given, the Teachings of Abraham. Be sure you get the 22 process included in this program. I prefer the CDs over the book, because you can listen over and over again to them when you’re in the car, walking, exercising, shopping or whatever.

2)  Wayne Dyer’s PBS program “The Power of Intention” http://www.drwaynedyer.com (This is wonderful!!!)

3)  Carol Look has a fabulous program and book on Abundance. Our styles of working, including EFT, are very different, so you will hear some of the same thoughts in a different way, as well as many new things. Here’s her website: http://www.carollook.com/?aid=33

4)  Anthony Robbins has several programs supporting this theme, http://www.anthonyrobbins.com

5)  Brian Tracy is on this same path http://www.briantracy.com and many others.

Manifesting Assignments: Please do all of these things! J

1)  Make a list of 20 things about yourself that you like, (particularly character traits) stating them in the affirmative, such as: I’m intelligent, I’m a good problem solver, I have high integrity, I’m a good listener, I have a good sense of humor, I’m a good friend, I’m lovable, I have a kind heart, I’m generous, I’m creative, I’m resourceful, etc.

2)  TAP ON THESE (or others of your own) AT EACH POINT, EVERY DAY! Several rounds

3)  Adapt an “Attitude of Gratitude”. Make a list of 20 things you’re grateful for about yourself or your life. Such as, “I’m grateful for: my musical abilities, that I have a sweet dog (or cat), that I have healthy, loving children, that I have beautiful eyes (teeth, hair, legs, smile, etc.,) that I live in a country where freedom is important, that I have clean fresh water at my disposable, that I have a good memory (or am healthy, or have good eyesight, or am athletic), I’m grateful that I having loving supportive friends, a good job, a warm, dry bed to sleep in, etc, etc. AND, I’m grateful that my desires are on the way!

TAP on these gratitude items you’ve listed, at each point every day (one item per point) Do several rounds

4)  At the end of each day write down 5 things you are grateful for from that day. (An easy parking space, good news from a friend, an empty dishwasher, surprise-found money in your pocket, an old friend called or e-mailed you, etc.

5)  Make a tape or CD recording of positive affirmations to listen to everyday. And as you listen to it, tap on a different affirmation at each point! (or use the post-class affirmation audio I’ve provided on this page.) Here are some examples:

v  I keep my thoughts on positive outcomes.

v  I redirect negative thoughts to positive ones.

v  I’m staying focused on my goals and objectives, knowing that they’re on the way.

v  I am optimistic about my life and my future.

v  I feel things improving everyday.

v  I’m ready and willing to receive all that’s being offered to me.

v  I’m open to new opportunities and possibilities.

v  I’m aware of the little signals or messages from the universe that my bliss is on the way.

v  I say YES to life.

v  I’m grateful for my health

v  I’m grateful for all the things I have in my life.

v  I banish any negative thoughts that creep in and replace them with love and gratitude.

v  I’m finding it easier and easier to stay positive and focused on my desires.

v  I’m confident in knowing my life is unfolding as it should.

v  I’m powerful in what I can create.

v  I’m in charge of my life.

v  I know what I want and how to get it.

v  I’m grateful for people who love me.

v  I stay positive, optimistic and focused.

v  I’m so grateful for the ability to create the life I want.

v  I love myself unconditionally (tap on this one if it’s not ringing true for you.)

v  I deserve love, wealth and happiness.

v  I deserve happiness and prosperity.

v  I deserve love and affection.

v  I’m grateful for my resourcefulness

v  I’m powerful in attracting success.

v  I empower others.

v  I’m resilient. I’m a survivor.

v  I’m a happy, positive-thinking person.

v  I love life and all that it offers.

v  I’m carefree and excited about what’s to come for me.

v  I have freedom and power.

v  I am confident, powerful and certain. I choose to make it all so easy. There’s more than enough time, money and love in my life. I respect who I am and who I’m becoming.

v  I love my life and myself, without judgment.

v  I deserve all of the wonderful things that I’m receiving.

6)  Practice “Random acts of Kindness” toward others. It’s been proven that acts of kindness result in increased serotonin in the brain for all involved; the giver of the kindness, the receiver and anyone witnessing the kindness. It’s amazing. Here are some ideas; pay the toll for the person who’s in the car behind you (assuming it’s not an automatic toll booth). Read to children or old people at a hospital or convalescent home. Take some flowers (or cookies) to someone who’s a shut in. Put money in someone else’s parking meter that has expired. Call someone you love just to tell them three things about them that you appreciate. Give someone a hand who is struggling with packages or opening a door. Play catch for a minute with the kids in the park. Donate money to your local PBS station, or the humane society (don’t worry, more money is on the way to you!) Smile at strangers. Say please and thank you more often.

7)  Here’s a 3-parter:

  1. Write down 5 things you want to manifest in your life and be specific: i.e. I want to reclaim my health, having strength my legs and flexibility in my hands and arms. Or, I want to earn $150,000 doing a job I really love. Or, I want to find a creative, fun and significant way to make a difference in the lives of others. Or, I want to attract a soul mate, who is intelligent, loving, kind-hearted, funny, and loves kids.
  2. Next, attach positive emotions to those things you desire: Such as: I feel calm and peaceful knowing my “circumstances” are about to change (be specific with what they are.) I’m confident and secure knowing I have money on the way. I’m so happy and excited knowing the love of my life is out there looking for me too.
  3. Now, tap on them. No need for a setup, unless you just want to do one. Just tap on the points, making either the same statement each time, or a slightly different version. You can put more than one desire into the mix, or add a gratitude statement but stay with just one issue on each point. For instance EB “I’m so happy I’m getting a new car” OE “ I’ll feel safer and will have more time with a new car”, “I love the way I feel driving down a beautiful country road in my own new car” etc.


Do these things and you’ll notice your life starting to shift. Pay attention to the messages the universe is sending you that your desire is in the process and write them down. Conversations with other people, opportunities that pop up for you, awareness of similar objects or manifestations around you are all positive signs that you’re in alignment.

Remember, negative feelings tell you that you are not in the correct receptive mode. Tap on changing those things. And get that catcher’s mitt ready to catch that red rubber ball with your desires attached. Thank you, and bless you for having the spirit, courage, and right attitude for taking steps toward creating the life dreams! You have my respect love and appreciation.

Good luck and good tapping,

Lindsay Kenny