Name: ______Due Date: ______

Animal/Plant Cell Model

For this project, you will work in a group of up to 3 people tobuild a textured, 3-dimensional, interactive model (free-standing or on a board) of a plant or animal cell.You should focus on what the structures in the cells are and how they function/what they do for the cell.

  • Interactive means that the project has to allow another student to do something with it besides look at it. Examples would include questions and hidden answers, labeled poster with a worksheet, poster with puzzle attached using cell definitions etc. Let me know your ideas ahead of time so we can discuss.In general, if your activity can be done without your model, your model is not interactive.
  • To include texture in your model, you may want to use the following items: beads, hard candy pieces, rice, beans, string, puffy paint, cotton, styrofoam etc. Doing this will make it 3-dimensional.

You should use your notes, textbook, and internet to find appropriate items to represent your structures and organelles. Cell parts must be labeled on the model and defined (with the function) in your project (worksheet, puzzle, game etc.). Cell parts must also be sized correctly in relation to other parts, relative numbers as they are in real numbers, and colored as it would be in a real cell (plant parts have certain colors, while most animal cells do not).

You will have about2 full weeks to complete this assignment for full credit.You may work in groups of up to 3 on this project. You don’t have to work in a group if you don’t want to. You can pick the groups. You must be able to get together outside of school to do the project, as we will not have time to do more than plan it in class. If your group is having personality conflicts (e.g. someone is not doing their part), you should let me know so we can work that out as soon as possible. If you wait until the end grade to tell me someone didn’t do anything, I can’t help you.

My expectation is that your product reflects the number of people in your group. If you fly solo, I’ll be more lenient than if there are 3 of you. Also, all work should be your own. I should not find pictures/quotes from other sources as part of your project. Your work should represent high school level work.

You will be expected to present your project to the class and will be graded as a group for the project and individually for your part in the presentation. The presentation is to show off what you have done, as well as what you know. Your presentation should show what you have learned and be interactive. It is not just you holding up your model and pointing out, “This is the ribosome, this is a mitochondrion.”

Use the rubric on the back of this paper as a checklist. Remember to make sure your cell parts are labeled and defined (with the function) in your project somewhere. The whole thing is worth 100 points in the 15% Lab/Project category. There is a short presentation in class where you’ll show us what you have created and how it is interactive. The presentation is part of the grade.

Grading: Present Function

______Cell membrane 035



______Nuclear Membrane035




______Golgi Apparatus035


______Endoplasmic Reticulum035



Total : ______/60

In addition to above, Plant Cells should have


______Cell Wall035

In addition to above, Animal Cells should have



Total : ______/10

______3-Dimensional 0 1 2 3 4

______Creative/Colorful 0 1 2 3 4

______Quality (high school work) 0 1 2 3 4


Total : ______/30 (27 + 3)

______Total (100)