July 22, 2010
The regularly scheduled meeting of the DELJIS Project Steering Committee was held on Tuesday,
June 22, 2010 at the Smyrna Rest Area DelDOT Conference Room. Ms. Bellcalled the meeting to order at 10:07 a.m. The first order of business was to welcome the new SBI Director, Captain Jason Sapp. Those in attendance also introduced themselves and this included the following:
Peggy Bell DELJIS
Lynn GedneyDELJIS
Debbie SacraDELJIS
KevinAgneFamily Court
Deb LindellDOC
Jason Sapp DSP/SBI
Marian BhatePublic Defender
Charlotte WalshJP Courts
Minutes of the June Project Steering Committee meetingwerereviewed and Mr. Bunitsky made a motion to approve the minutes which was seconded by Mr. Agne.
Database Cleanup: The totals are included on the Status Report and were reviewed in the new format and it was noted that the tracked statistics are a performance measure also reported to NCHIP.
Discussion points include the following:
AFIS Interface: This is a long term project and continues to be worked on with SBI. Mr. Steve Beardsley has done a good job and a recent test transmission was successful. This transmission will include all of the basic information as well as the first six charges found on a fingerprint card.
AG Case Tracking: This is almost complete and there was clarification concerning this status.
Bail Bonds Person Data Base: This data base will be a benefit to many and is a mechanism for SBI to track Bail Bonds Persons and will also benefit the courts. This will ensure that Bail Bonds Persons are working under current state guidelines and will require accountability. The work has been assigned and is in queue. Notification enhancements will be added to the programming.
Banned List: This project is not started yet but will be. Law Enforcement is enthusiastic about this data base of banned persons for criminal justice purposes which will not be available to the public.
Gun Court: There was discussion concerning Gun Court and it was noted that a Gun Committee meeting will be held at Troop 2 in the near future.Mr. Bunitsky and Ms. Bell have been named s members.
Criminal Summons Calendar and Notary Process: DELJIS is happy to report that this process has been reactivated. Ms. Bell noted that the Secretary of State’s Office worked quickly to resolve this in a way that was agreeable to all.Ms. Bell informed the Committee that Governmental Notary Service is now available through the Secretary of State’s Office and the forms are available online. This Notary use is contingent with employment and agency guidelines. DELJIS is hoping to add Criminal Summons into the court schedule like E ticket. The hope is to be able to print a copy of the electronic document instead of having a paper document.
Decertified Police Log : An indicator of decertified police officers will be added to the Name Index file. It will only show if an individual is decertified and will not provide details.
DCI Message Switcher Modernization: Work in progress as time permits.
Domestic Violence Change in questions and use: The revised questions are being worked with to link within the application and it is expected to be completed in September 2010.
E-Crash and E- Ticket data to XML Transfer to NCCPD: NCCPD had secured a funding source and DELJIS will work on this once the work order is signed.
E-mail to Officers Intake: Will be worked on today with Mr. Bunitsky at DELJIS.
Email Notice Reference Intakes: Work is in the early clarification stages.
E-Ticket Data Transfer to E-Tow and E-Crash: Work in progress on E-Tow data transfer to E-Crash.
FTAP Interface Program: Sgt. Barry Dean is the new contact for this and will be working with DELJIS.
Language Preference:This important federal mandate is being worked on and is important to many agencies. There will be an extensive list of languages to choose from and there will be a mandatory check box.
Large Name Field: Work is currently in progress. There were 1,500 programs to be worked on and there are 88 remaining.
PDF Version of LEISS: Warrant and Summons print preview available for police. This will move to other portions of the system as time permits. PDF Documents cannot be altered.
Pre-populate Intake Forms for DOJ to reduce data entry : Not started but clarification is needed. Ms. Gedney and Mr. Bunitsky will be working on this.
Rule 9 for CCP and Family Courts: Has not been started and confirmation and direction is needed from the court before this will be started.
SBI Case Management: Fingerprint case management files have been created andDELJIS has three programmers working on this.
Sealed Warrants: The anticipated completion date is September 2011. File changes have been made and programming will begin soon.
Silver Alert:Currently under review by the Police Chief Technology Committee. Clarification is needed and there are currently Laws in place to address this issue to activate an Amber Alert in these cases.
Switch Connection Encryption: Encryption is between portals since DELJIS is obtaining driver’s license information from other states.
Temporary License Creation: Courts can currently issue a temporary license but the criteria must be that the person is already a valid license holder. Expiration dates will need to be added.
Validation Project: Peak Performance is conducting testing and this will have a major impact on any agency holding warrants. This will validate the status of wanted persons and will address extradition limits. These will be divided and validated over a 12 month period and should result in clearing up many outstanding Capias issues.
Vines Call to Court: Release is expected in August 2010. Victims and witnesses will receive notification to appear at court and will be advised of the court date, dress code and no electronics or weapons requirements are also included. APPRISS is contracted for two languages to be used in notifications.
Bradley Legislation: Professional Regulations is now a Criminal Justice Agency and all medical doctors and physician assistants will have until March 2011 to get to SBI for fingerprinting. All prints will be sent to the FBI to be checked in NCIC every six months for any criminal activity. Any positive result would then be given to Professional Regulations for evaluation. Delaware is currently the only State working on this.
Old Arrest Clean Up: Mr. Bunitsky had questions about old cases where charges never went to court. DELJIS will revisit this and report the status.
All statistics look good and reflect increased usage.
Ms. Bell shared what she experienced during a very productive two day COTS meeting at Buena Vista and it was noted that JIC programmersshared theirtalents and capabilities to show they are equippedget the job accomplished. All aspects of the systems were discussed and ideas were shared by all in attendance. OMB facilitated the event which brought clarity and direction. Thedirection path has not been finalized, but there is a much clearer idea of where to start and how to modernize the system that will interface with CJIS. Partner agencies will be invited when review is completed.
- Maintenance: It was reported that there are 41 open maintenance requests, 0 new requests, and 0 requests have been closed since the June report.
- IPL Time Change: The time change took place July 5, 2010 and went smoothly. Police and Law Enforcement are pleased with this change. This takes place Monday morning from
2 until 4 a.m.
- DELJIS Downtime:This will take place on Mondays from 2 a.m. until 4a.m.and will be used to do maintenance on the DELJIS server to put patches out.
No old business was discussed.
No new business was discussed.
With there being no further business to discuss, a motion to adjourn was made byMs. Deb Lindelland seconded byMs. Marian Bhate.The motion was carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 11:35 a.m.
The next Project Steering Committee will be held on August 24, 2010 via Bridge Line Call.