Without Day...... 1566, 2291, 2318
ANDREWS, MARY BLACK (Representative, York)
Committee Appointments...... 37
Leaves of Absence...... 450, 720
Legislative Documents
Sponsor...... 40, 47, 104, 118, 131, 160, 171, 176,
...... 192, 220, 235 (2), 252
Remarks...... 490, 561, 562 (2), 574, 598, 700, 786,
...... 856, 961, 970, 1006, 1238 (2), 1242,
...... 1306 (2), 1309, 1823, 1876 (2),
...... 2040, 2042, 2135, 2153, 2206
ANNIS, JAMES D. (Representative, Dover-Foxcroft)
Committee Appointments...... 37
Legislative Documents
Sponsor...... 41, 156
Remarks...... 1172, 1304, 1500, 1703, 1954, 2018
President Appointments
Davis, Sen. Paul T.
Appointed Chair of the Joint Standing Committee on
Criminal Justice (S.C. 862)...... 2299
Appointed Chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary
(S.C. 862)...... 2299
Joint Standing Committees (S.P. 15)...... 45
Joint Standing Committees (S.P. 25)...... 53
LaFountain, Sen. Lloyd, of York
Appointed Chair of Joint Select Committee on Joint Rules
(S.P. 381)...... 250
Martin, Sen. John L., of Aroostook
Appointed member of Joint Select Committee on Joint Rules
(S.P. 381)...... 250
McAlevey, Sen. Michael J., of York
Appointed member of Joint Select Committee on Joint Rules
(S.P. 381)...... 250
Appointment as Chair of the Joint Standing Committee on
Criminal Justice has been rescinded (S.C. 862)...... 2299
Appointment as member of the Joint Standing Committee on
Judiciary has been rescinded (S.C. 862)...... 2299
Savage, Sen. Christine R.
Appointed second Republican member of the Joint Standing
Committee on Criminal Justice (S.C. 862)...... 2299
Woodcock, Sen. Chandler, of Franklin
Appointed member of Joint Select Committee on Joint Rules
(S.P. 381)...... 250
Youngblood, Sen. Edward, of Penobscot
Appointed member of Joint Select Committee on Joint Rules
(S.P. 381)...... 250
Speaker/President Appointments
Carey, Hon. Richard J., of Belgrade
Appointed member of State House and Capitol Parks
Commission (H.C. 71)...... 213
Chalila, Mary Anne
Appointed member of Task Force on Homelessness and
Housing Opportunities (H.C. 86)...... 264
Cloutier, Lucille, of Augusta
Appointed member of the State House and Capitol Parks
Commission (H.C. 257)...... 828
Crocker, Gary, of West Gardiner
Appointed member of State House and Capitol Parks
Commission (H.C. 71)...... 213
Daggett, Sen. Beverly C., of Kennebec
Appointed member of the Commission to Develop a Plan to
Implement the Closure of State Liquor Stores (H.C. 326)..1580
Etnier, Rep. David, of Harpswell
Appointed as Legislative Commissioner to the Atlantic States
Marine Fisheries Commission (H.C. 22)...... 39
Fuller, Rep. Elaine, of Manchester
Appointed Co-chair of Children's Mental Health Oversight
Committee (H.C. 39)...... 153
Gagne, Rep. Rosita, of Buckfield
Appointed Ex-officio member of the Board of Directors
that Governs the Maine Science and Technology Foundation
(H.C. 154)...... 410
Gean, Don
Appointed member of Task Force on Homelessness and
Housing Opportunities (H.C. 86)...... 264
Gendron, Susan Ann, of Raymond
Appointed member of the Maine Economic Growth Council
(H.C. 502)...... 2319
Goldberg, Ms. Ellie
Appointed member of the Children's Mental Health Oversight
Committee (H.C. 501)...... 2319
Hardison, Robert, of Sanford
Appointed member of the Maine Small Business Health
Coverage Plan Board (H.C. 499)...... 2315
Kelly, John, of Portland
Appointed member of the Maine Small Business Health
Coverage Plan Board (H.C. 499)...... 2315
Klotzle, Paul
Appointed member of the Commission to Develop a Plan
to Implement the Closure of State Liquor Stores
(H.C. 326)...... 1580
Longley, Sen. Susan W., of Waldo
Appointed member of Maine Economic Growth Council
(H.C. 57)...... 200
Nelson, Thomas
Appointed member of Task Force on Homelessness and
Housing Opportunities (H.C. 86)...... 264
Rolde, Neil, of York
Reappointed member of State House and Capitol Parks
Commission (H.C. 211)...... 498
Rosen, Rep. Richard W., of Bucksport
Appointed member of Maine Economic Growth Council
(H.C. 57)...... 200
Schneiter, Ellen Jane, of Portland
Appointed member of the Maine Small Business Health
Coverage Plan Board (H.C. 499)...... 2315
Shorey, Sen. Kevin, of Washington
Appointed member of Maine Economic Growth Council
(H.C. 57)...... 200
Small, Sen. Mary E., of Sagadahoc
Appointed member of the Commission to Develop a Plan to
Implement the Closure of State Liquor Stores (H.C. 326)..1580
Smith, Gordon, of Manchester
Appointed member of the Maine Small Business Health
Coverage Plan Board (H.C. 499)...... 2315
Tessier, Rep. Paul L., of Fairfield
Appointed member of Maine Economic Growth Council
(H.C. 57)...... 200
Wardell, Jacquline, of Bristol
Appointed member of the Maine Small Business Health
Coverage Plan Board (H.C. 499)...... 2315
Weisman, Jack
Appointed member of the Commission to Develop a Plan to
Implement the Closure of State Liquor Stores (H.C. 326)..1580
Welch, Peter
Appointed member of the Commission to Develop a Plan to
Implement the Closure of State Liquor Stores (H.C. 326)..1580
Youngblood, Sen. Edward, of Brewer
Appointed Ex-officio member of the Board of Directors that
Governs the Maine Science and Technology Foundation
(H.C. 154)...... 410
Speaker Appointments
Ahmed, Zara, of Waterville
Appointed member of the Legislative Youth Advisory Committee
(H.C. 349)...... 1605
Amero, Jim
Appointed member of the Health Care System and Health
Security Board (H.C. 325)...... 1580
Angelo, Lilly, of N.M.T.C.
Appointed member of the Legislative Youth Advisory Council
(H.C. 498)...... 2295
Speaker Appointments (Continued)
Ault, Hon. Wendy, of Augusta
Appointed member of the Blue Ribbon Commission on
Postsecondary Educational Attainment (H.C. 325)...... 1580
Baker, Rep. Christina L., of Bangor
Appointed member of New England Board of Higher Education
(H.C. 52)...... 169
Balkite, Richard, of York
Appointed member of the Task Force to Study the Impact of a
Maine-based Casino (H.C. 498)...... 2296
Barker, William, of Caribou High School
Appointed member of the Legislative Youth Advisory Council
(H.C. 498)...... 2295
Bauer, Lu, of Windham
Appointed member of the Committee to Study the Benefits
and Costs for Increasing Access to Family and Medical
Leave for Maine Families (H.C. 325)...... 1579
Appointed member of the Committee to Continue to
Study the Benefits and Costs for Increasing Access to Family
and Medical Leave for Maine Families (H.C. 498)...... 2296
Belanger, Rep. Irvin G., of Caribou
Appointed member of the Education Funding Reform Committee
(H.C. 325)...... 1580
Berry, Rep. Randall L., of Livermore
Appointed member of the Commission to Study the
Implementation of a Unified Emergency Response for
Emergency Releases and Spills of Toxic or
Hazardous Materials (H.C. 325)...... 1580
Bonzagni, Michael, of Harrington
Appointed member of the Advisory Committee on Family
Development Accounts (H.C. 446)...... 2061
Appointed member of the Advisory Committee on Family
Development Accounts (H.C. 498)...... 2296
Bowles, Rep. David E., of Sanford
Appointed member of the Education Funding Reform Committee
(H.C. 325)...... 1580
Bracket, Leela, of Washington Academy
Appointed member of the Legislative Youth Advisory Council
(H.C. 498)...... 2295
Brannigan, Rep. Joseph C., of Portland
Appointed member of Commission on Performance Budgeting
(H.C. 53)...... 169
Brennan, Connie LaPoint, of Portland
Appointed member of the Committee to Study the Benefits
and Costs for Increasing Access to Family and Medical
Leave for Maine Families (H.C. 325)...... 1579
Brooks, Rep. Joseph E., of Winterport
Appointed member of the Commission to Study Assisted Living
(H.C. 325)...... 1579
Brown, Judy, of Bangor
Appointed member of the Health Care Workforce Leadership
Council (H.C. 498)...... 2296
Brown, Ph.D., Bets, of South China
Appointed member of the Oil Spill Advisory Committee
(H.C. 498)...... 2296
Brown, Ted, of Portland
Appointed member of the Committee to Study
Reimbursement Rate for Maine's Bottle Redemption Businesses
and Other Issues Related to the Handling and Collection of
Returnable Containers (H.C. 325)...... 1579
Appointed member of the Committee to Study
Reimbursement Rate for Maine's Bottle Redemption Businesses
and Other Issues Related to the Handling and Collection of
Returnable Containers (H.C. 498)...... 2296
Bryant, Rep. Bruce S., of Dixfield
Appointed member of the Commission to Study the Needs and
Opportunities Associated with the Production of Salmonid Sport
Fish in Maine (H.C. 325)...... 1580
Appointed member of the Task Force to Study the Impact of a
Maine-based Casino (H.C. 498)...... 2296
Reappointed member of Commission to Study Equity in the
Distribution of Gas Tax Revenues Attributable to Snowmobiles,
All-terrain Vehicles and Watercraft (H.C. 122)...... 318
Bubier, John, of Bath
Appointed member of the Committee to Study the Loss of
Commercial Fishing Waterfront Access and Other Economic
Development Issues Affecting Commercial Fishing
(H.C. 325)...... 1579
Buckley, Howard
Appointed member of the Health Care System and Health
Security Board (H.C. 325)...... 1580
Bull, Rep. Thomas, of Freeport
Appointed member of the Maine Fire Protection Services
Commission (H.C. 457)...... 2209
Bunker, Rep. George, of Kossuth Township
Appointed Chair of Joint Standing Committee on Labor
(H.C. 186)...... 456
Cahill-Low, Therese, of Hallowell
Appointed member of Children’s Mental Health Oversight
Committee (H.C. 255)...... 736
Carpenter, Janice, of Portland
Appointed member of the Task Force to Establish a
Centralized Voter Registration List (H.C. 325)...... 1580
Appointed member of the Centralized Voter Registration
Advisory Committee (H.C. 498)...... 2296
Carr, Rep. Roderick W., of Lincoln
Appointed member of the Committee to Study Issues
Concerning Changes to the Traditional Uses of Maine
Forests and Lands (H.C. 325)...... 1579
Carson, Jim, of South Portland
Appointed member of the Task Force to Study the
Impact of a Maine-based Casino (H.C. 498)...... 2296
Cassidy, James, of Lewiston
Appointed member of the Health Care Workforce
Leadership Council (H.C. 498)...... 2296
Charry, Barbara, of Falmouth
Appointed member of the Maine Library of Geographic
Information Board (H.C. 498)...... 2296
Clark, Rep. Joseph E., of Millinocket
Reappointed Chair of Commission to Study Equity in the
Distribution of Gas Tax Revenues Attributable to Snowmobiles,
All-terrain Vehicles and Watercraft (H.C. 122)...... 318
Appointed member of the Committee to Study Access to
Private and Public Lands in Maine (H.C. 325)...... 1579
Appointed to work with the State Planning Office as they
finalize their recommendations regarding the
purchase of conservation easements by the State
(H.C. 498)...... 2296
Clough, Rep. Harold A., of Scarborough
Appointed member of the Committee to Study Reimbursement
Rates for Maine's Bottle Redemption Businesses and Other
Issues Related to the Handling and Collection of Returnable
Containers (H.C. 325)...... 1579
Appointed member of the Committee to Study Reimbursement
Rates for Maine's Bottle Redemption Businesses and Other
Issues Related to the Handling and Collection of Returnable
Containers (H.C. 498)...... 2296
Collins, Rep. Ronald F., of Wells
Appointed member of the Task Force on Rail Transportation
(H.C. 498)...... 2296
Colwell, Rep. Patrick of Gardiner
Appointed member of the Joint Standing Committee on
Legal and Veterans’ Affairs (H.C. 486)...... 2294
Comeau, Elizabeth, of Penquis Valley High School
Appointed member of the Legislative Youth Advisory
Council (H.C. 498)...... 2295
Cowger, Rep. Scott W., of Hallowell
Appointed Chair of Mercury Products Advisory Committee
(H.C. 69)...... 213
Appointed member of the Joint Study Committee to Study
Growth Management (H.C. 325)...... 1579
Cressey, Jr., Rep. Philip, of Baldwin
Appointed member of Joint Standing Committee on State
and Local Government (H.C. 123)...... 316
Speaker Appointments (Continued)
Cummings, Rep. Glenn, of Portland
Appointed member of the Education Funding Reform
Committee (H.C. 325)...... 1580
Appointed member of the Commission on Fatherhood
Issues (H.C. 498)...... 2296
Daigle, Rep. Robert A., of Arundel
Appointed member of Mercury Products Advisory
Committee (H.C. 69)...... 213
Appointed member of the Commission to Study the
Implementation of a Unified Emergency Response for
Emergency Releases and Spills of Toxic or Hazardous
Materials (H.C. 325)...... 1580
Davidson, Wesley
Appointed member of the Children's Mental Health Oversight
Committee (H.C. 325)...... 1580
Davies, Hon. Richard, of Manchester
Appointed member of the Task Force to Establish a
Centralized Voter Registration List (H.C. 325)...... 1580
Appointed member of the Centralized Voter Registration
Advisory Committee (H.C. 498)...... 2295
Davis, Rep. Gerald M., of Falmouth
Appointed member of the Committee to Study the Benefits
and Costs for Increasing Access to Family and Medical
Leave for Maine Families (H.C. 325)...... 1579
Appointed member of the Committee to Continue to
Study the Benefits and Costs for Increasing Access to
Family and Medical Leave for Maine Families (H.C. 498).2296
Dea, Maureen, of Brunswick
Appointed member of the Committee to Review the Child
Protective System (H.C. 325)...... 1579
Delicata, Leo, of Portland
Appointed member of the Blue Ribbon Commission to Address
the Financing of Long-term Care (H.C. 498)...... 2296
Dinan, Edward B.
Appointed member of the Advisory Board of the Maine
Learning Technology Endowment (H.C. 325)...... 1579
DiSotto, Tony, of Colby College
Appointed member of the Legislative Youth Advisory
Council (H.C. 498)...... 2295
Ditre, Joseph, of Manchester
Appointed member of the Maine Small Business Health
Coverage Plan Board (H.C. 503)...... 2320
Reappointed a public member of the Consumer Health
Care Advisory Council (H.C. 388)...... 1711
Appointed member of the Consumer Health Care Advisory
Council (H.C. 343)...... 1596
Dobbins, Robin, of Augusta
Appointed member of the Advisory Committee on Family
Development Accounts (H.C. 446)...... 2061
Appointed member of the Advisory Committee on Family
Development Accounts (H.C. 498)...... 2296
Doughty, Alice, of Sebago
Appointed member of the Legislative Youth Advisory Committee
(H.C. 349)...... 1605
Douglass, Emily, of Saco
Appointed member of the Commission on Fatherhood Issues
(H.C. 498)...... 2296
Downey, Roberta
Appointed member of the Commission to Study Assisted Living
(H.C. 325)...... 1579
Dudley, Rep. Benjamin F., of Portland
Appointed member of Maine Advisory Committee on
Mental Retardation (H.C. 142)...... 336
Dugay, Rep. Edward R., of Cherryfield
Appointed member of Substance Abuse Services
Commission (H.C. 117)...... 296
Duncan, Rep. Richard H., of Presque Isle
Reappointed member of Commission to Study Equity in
the Distribution of Gas Tax Revenues Attributable to
Snowmobiles, All-terrain Vehicles and Watercraft
(H.C. 122)...... 318
Dupee, Howard
Appointed member of the Commission to Study
Assisted Living (H.C. 325)...... 1579
Duplessie, Rep. Robert W., of Westbrook
Appointed to the Maine Fire Protection Services
Commission (H.C. 424)...... 1855
Appointed member of the Commission to Study the
Implementation of a Unified Emergency Response for
Emergency Releases and Spills of Toxic or Hazardous
Materials (H.C. 325)...... 1580
Dupree, Britney, of Portland
Appointed member of the Legislative Youth Advisory
Committee (H.C. 505)...... 2320
Etnier, Rep. David M., of Harpswell
Appointed member of Commission on Performance
Budgeting (H.C. 53)...... 169
Appointed member of the Committee to Study the Loss of
Commercial Fishing Waterfront Access and Other Economic
Development Issues Affecting Commercial Fishing
(H.C. 325)...... 1579
Feeney, David, of South Portland
Appointed member of the Commission to Study the
Implementation of a Unified Emergency Response for
Emergency ...... Releases and Spills of Toxic or Hazardous
Materials (H.C. 325)...... 1580
Feeney, Molly, of Knox
Appointed member of the Legislative Youth Advisory
Committee (H.C. 349)...... 1605
Fisher, Rep. Charles D., of Brewer
Appointed member of the Commission to arrange for a
Plaque or Plaques and a Flag or Flags to be
Displayed in the Hall of Flags in the State House
(H.C. 498)...... 2296
Appointed member of the Task Force on Rail
Transportation (H.C. 498)...... 2296
Foster, Rep. Clifton, of Gray
Appointed member of Maine Fire Protection Services
Commission (H.C. 96)...... 275
Francoeur, Steve, of Old Town
Appointed member of the Task Force on Rail Transportation
(H.C. 498)...... 2296
Gagne, Rep. Rosita, of Buckfield
Appointed member of the Round Table to Study Economic
and Labor Issues Relating to the Forest Products
Industry (H.C. 325)...... 1580
Gallant, Brenda, of Wiscasset
Appointed member of the Blue Ribbon Commission to
Address the Financing of Long-term Care (H.C. 498)....2296
Gavarro, Ralph, of Dover-Foxcroft
Appointed member of the Health Care Workforce Leadership
Council (H.C. 498)...... 2296
Giles, John, of Portland
Appointed member of the Maine Library of Geographic
Information Board (H.C. 498)...... 2296
Gorgione, Anthony
Appointed member of the Commission to Study Assisted
Living (H.C. 325)...... 1579
Green, Rep. Bonnie, of Monmouth
Appointed member of the Education Funding Reform
Committee (H.C. 325)...... 1580
Grossman, Robert, of York, Pennsylvania
Appointed member of the Task Force on Rail Transportation
(H.C. 498)...... 2296
Hangge, Michael, of Ellsworth
Appointed member of the Commission to Study the
Implementation of a Unified Emergency Response for
Emergency Releases and Spills of Toxic or Hazardous
Materials (H.C. 325)...... 1580
Harbin, Sharon A., of Lewiston
Appointed member of the Children's Mental Health Oversight
Committee (H.C. 498)...... 2296
Speaker Appointments (Continued)
Haskell, Rep. Anita P., of Milford
Appointed member of the Joint Study Committee to Study
Growth Management (H.C. 325)...... 1579
Hastedt, Christine, of Freeport
Appointed member of the Committee to Study the Benefits
and Costs for Increasing Access to Family and
Medical Leave for Maine Families (H.C. 325)...... 1579
Appointed member of the Committee to Continue to Study
the Benefits and Costs for Increasing Access to Family
and Medical Leave for Maine Families (H.C. 498)...... 2296
Hawes, Rep. Susan M., of Standish
Appointed member of the Community Preservation Advisory
Committee (H.C. 498)...... 2296
Holden, John, of Bangor
Appointed member of the Maine Library of Geographic
Information Board (H.C. 498)...... 2296
Honey, Rep. Ken, of Boothbay
Reappointed member of Commission to Study Equity in the
Distribution of Gas Tax Revenues Attributable to
Snowmobiles, All-terrain Vehicles and Watercraft
(H.C. 122)...... 318
House Committee on Elections (H.C. 12)...... 17
House Standing Committees (H.C. 24)...... 45
Hudson, Dr. Donald, of Wiscasset
Appointed member of Advisory Commission on Radioactive
Waste and Decommissioning (H.C. 115)...... 296
Hutton, Rep. Deborah J., of Bowdoinham
Appointed member of the Board to the Maine Children’s
Trust Fund (H.C. 183)...... 434
Joint Standing Committees (H.P. 5)...... 36
Jones, Rep. Sharon H. Libby, of Greenville
Appointed member of the Committee to Study Issues
Concerning Changes to the Traditional Uses of Maine
Forests and Lands (H.C. 325)...... 1579
Appointed member of Economic Development Incentive
Commission (H.C. 143)...... 337
Appointed member of the Task Force on Rail
Transportation (H.C. 498)...... 2296
Julson, Alan D., of Portland
Appointed member of the Task Force to Establish a
Centralized Voter Registration List (H.C. 325)...... 1580
Appointed member of the Centralized Voter Registration
Advisory Committee (H.C. 498)...... 2296
Kane, Rep. Thomas J., of Saco
Appointed member of the Commission to Study
Assisted Living (H.C. 325)...... 1579
Appointed Chair of Long-Term Care Implementation
Committee (H.C. 58)...... 200
Appointed member of the Blue Ribbon Commission to
Address the Financing of Long-term Care (H.C. 498)....2296
Kelleher, Nancy B., of Portland
Appointed member of the Committee to Continue to
Study the Benefits and Costs for Increasing Access
to Family and Medical Leave for Maine Families
(H.C. 498)...... 2296
Kierstead, Barbara, of Westbrook
Appointed member of the Advisory Committee on Family
Development Accounts (H.C. 446)...... 2061
Appointed member of the Advisory Committee on Family
Development Accounts (H.C. 498)...... 2296
Kittredge, Lisa, of Cape Elizabeth
Appointed member of the Committee to Review the
Child Protective System (H.C. 325)...... 1579
Knox, Jess, of Portland
Resigned from the Task Force to Establish a Centralized
Voter Registration List (H.C. 325)...... 1580
Appointed member of the Task Force to Establish a
Centralized Voter Registration List (H.C. 325)...... 1580
Koffman, Rep. Theodore, of Bar Harbor
Appointed member of the Joint Study Committee to
Study Growth Management (H.C. 325)...... 1579
Appointed member of the Community Preservation
Advisory Committee (H.C. 498)...... 2296
Labrecque, Rep. Janice E., of Gorham
Appointed member of Joint Select Committee on
Joint Rules (H.C. 1296)...... 403
Appointed member of the Task Force to Study the
Impact of a Maine-based Casino (H.C. 498)...... 2296
Lane, Billy, of Bristol High School
Appointed member of the Legislative Youth Advisory
Council (H.C. 498)...... 2295
Lane, Debra M., of Cape Elizabeth
Appointed member of the Task Force to Establish a
Centralized Voter Registration List (H.C. 325)...... 1580
Appointed member of the Centralized Voter Registration
Advisory Committee (H.C. 498)...... 2296
LaVerdiere, Rep. Charles C., of Wilton
Appointed member of Joint Select Committee on Joint Rules
(H.C. 1296)...... 403
Appointed member of the Committee to Review the Child
Protective System (H.C. 325)...... 1579
Laverriere-Boucher, Rep. Marie, of Biddeford
Appointed member of the Commission on Fatherhood Issues
(H.C. 498)...... 2296
Ledwin, Rep. Mary Ellen, of Holden
Appointed member of the Education Funding Reform
Committee (H.C. 325)...... 1580
Leinonen, Heidi, of Sanford
Appointed member of the Commission on Fatherhood
Issues (H.C. 498)...... 2296
Lemoine, Rep. David G., of Old Orchard Beach
Appointed member of the Committee to Study the Loss
of Commercial Fishing Waterfront Access and Other Economic
Development Issues Affecting Commercial Fishing
(H.C. 325)...... 1579
Lewis, Kevin, of Manchester
Appointed member of the Advisory Committee on Dental
Education (H.C. 498)...... 2295
Littlefield, Barrett, of Kents Hill School
Appointed member of the Legislative Youth Advisory