Title ofManuscript
First Author (Initial. Last name)1*, Second Author2, Third Author3
1 Institution, City, Country
2 Institution, City, Country
3Institution, City, Country
* Corresponding author. Tel: +918022961234, Fax: + 918023211234, E-mail:
The abstract not exceeding 200 words should indicate the scope and significant content of the paper, highlighting the principal findings and conclusions.
Key Words:A maximum of five keywords may be given. Keywords should be in 11pt script and separated by commas. The first letter of each keyword or keyword phrase should be capitalized.
- Introduction:
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The title of the contribution should be centered and written in bold script, font size 14 pt. This should be followed by a 12 pt space before the author’s/authors’ name(s). The name(s) should be centered, written in 12 pt, normal script and given in the following order: given name, (initials) and surname. Author names and affiliations should be linked with corresponding superscript Arabic numerals. After the name(s) there should be a 12 pt space before the affiliation list. Affiliations should be centered, written in 10 pt italic script, and include at least the name of the institution, city and country. The corresponding author should be marked by an asterisk (*).e-mail address for the corresponding author must be given.
The body text should be single line spaced and fully justified, in 12 pt, normal script, with paragraphs separated by an additional space.
We expect all texts to be written in English and must be checked for grammar and spelling before submission. Figures, tables, and equations can be included wherever required.
Abbreviations and acronyms must be clearly defined.
The total length of the manuscript should not exceed 4 pages.
- Materials and methods
The sources of materials methods of preparation, procedure for measurements and their accuracies, etc. should be clearly stated.
Newmethods, techniques, theories, etc. should be described adequately; but if they are well known, a mere literature reference to them will do; differences from standard ones, improvements or innovations should, however, be clearly mentioned.
- Results and discussion
Figure caption should be below the appropriate figure and Table caption should be above. Captions should be 10 pt, normal script.
Tables/Figures should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and should bear brief titles. Column headings should be brief.
Units of measurement should be abbreviated and placed below the column headings. Nil results should be indicated and distinguished clearly from absence of data.
Tables/Figures should be referred to in the text by numbers and not by terms like ‘above’, ‘below’, ‘preceding’ or ‘following’. Results should not be presented to a greater accuracy than that of the method employed.
- Conclusions
A brief conclusion of the present study hasto be reported.
Acknowledgements should not be exuberant and must be made only to real assistance rendered in connection with the work reported in the paper.
1)In the text, references to literature should be numbered (in arabic) consecutively, in the order of their first occurrence, and should be indicated by superscript.
2) In citing references to research papers, name and initials of authors should be followed, in order, by the title of the periodical in the abbreviated form, the volume number, the year within circular brackets and the page number [e.g. Chandra B P & Shrivastava K K, J Phys & Chem Solids, 39 (1978) 939].
3)In citing references to book, name and initials of authors should be followed, in order, by the title of the book, name of publisher and place of publication within circular brackets and year and page[e.g. Chandra B P, The Atomic Nucleus, Elsevier (US) 1978, 939].
4)In references containing up to four authors, the names of all the authors with their respective initials should be given. When there are more than four authors, only the names of the first three authors with their respective initials, followed by the word ‘et al’be given.
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The deadline for submittingmanuscript is 05.09.2017