Tarrant County College

Sweeps – 3rd

Andrew Hogan – 1st in Communication Analysis

1st in Extemporaneous Speaking

1st Overall Top Speaker at the Tournament

Ashley Riggs – 1st in Impromptu Speaking

2nd in Extemporaneous Speaking

Brittney Funk – 1st in Dramatic Interpretation

Wade Farrow – 3rd in Dramatic Interpretation

4th in Impromptu Speaking

Bethel/OU Sunflower/Sooner Swing

Debate Sweeps – 3rd

Ashley Riggs – 1st in Novice Parliamentary Debate

2nd – Novice Speaker Award

Semifinalist in Impromptu Speaking

Daniel Hogan – 1st in Novice Parliamentary Debate

Wade Farrow – 3rd in Varsity Parliamentary Debate

Jana Miller – 3rd in Varsity Parliamentary Debate

6th in Prose

1st in Dramatic Interpretation

Crimson Classic – OU/Tarant Swing

Debate Sweeps – 3rd

OU Half

Jana Miller – 1st Program of Oral Interp

4th – Dramatic Interp

4th – Prose

Daniel Hogan – 6th Speaker in Debate

Tarrant Half

Jana Miller – 1st Program of Oral Interp

2nd – Dramatic Interp

Paul Brecht – 6th Dramatic Interp

Cameron/Texas Tech Swing

Combined Sweeps – 2nd

Cameron Half

Debate Sweeps – 2nd

Forensics Sweeps – 3rd

Andrew Hogan –Communication Analysis – 4th

Varsity Parliamentary Debate – 5th

Ashley Riggs – Extemporaneous Speaking – 5th

Informative Speaking – 5th

Jana Miller - Program of Oral Interpretation – 1st

Prose – 3rd

Brittney Funk - Program of Oral Interpretation – 6th

Prose – 4th

Wade Farrow - Holiday Interpretation – 2nd

Paul Brecht - Dramatic Interpretation – 5th

Marcus Pitts - Novice Parliamentary Debate – 2nd

Chris Hinshaw - Novice Parliamentary Debate – 2nd

Daniel Hogan - Varsity Parliamentary Debate – 5th

Varsity Parli Debate - 3rd Best Speaker

Texas Tech Half

Forensics – 3rd

Andrew Hogan – Communication Analysis – 2nd

Ashley Riggs – Dramatic Interpretation – 6th

Informative Speaking – 2nd

Impromptu – 2nd

Wade Farrow - Persuasive Speaking – 7th

Jana Miller - Prose – 4th

Duo Interpretation – 4th

Brittney Funk - Dramatic Interpretation – 1st

Paul Brecht - Prose – 2nd

Chris Hinshaw - Duo Interpretation – 4th

Concordia University

Paul Brecht – Dramatic Interpretation – 6th

Ashley Riggs – Parliamentary Debate – 1st

Wade Farrow – Parliamentary Debate – 1st

Kansas Wesleyan University

Jana Miller – Dramatic Interpretation – 1st

Poetry – 1st

Drury University

Debate Sweeps – 3rd

Andrew Hogan – Extemporaneous Speaking – 2nd

Communication Analysis – 4th

Jana Miller – Poetry – 4th



Jana Miller

1st – Program of Oral Interp

1st – Dramatic Interp

Chris Hinshaw

1st – Parliamentary Debate

Marcus Pitts

1st – Parliamentary Debate

Andrew Hogan

2nd – Communication Analysis

Jana Miller

4th– Poetry

Pi Kappa Delta Nationals

Jana Miller

1st – Program of Oral Interp

6th – Poetry

Excellence – Dramatic Interp

Excellence – Duo Interp

Daniel Hogan

Excellence – Program of Oral Interp

Andrew Hogan

Excellence – Extemporaneous Speaking

Marcus Pitts

5th – Parliamentary Debate

Superior – Parliamentary Debate

Chris Hinshaw

5th – Parliamentary Debate

Superior – Parliamentary Debate

Excellence – Duo Interp

Novice Nationals

5th – Sweeps

Marcus Pitts

1st – Parliamentary Debate

2nd – Debate Speaker Award

Chris Hinshaw

1st – Parliamentary Debate

1st – Debate Speaker Award

Ashley Riggs

1st – Impromptu

2nd – Extemp

1st – Parliamentary Debate

3rd – Debate Speaker Award

Daniel Hogan

1st – Parliamentary Debate

10th – Debate Speaker Award

Andrew Hogan

2nd – Communication Analysis

Brittney Funk

4th – Dramatic Interp

Paul Brecht

2nd – Dramatic Interp