Andover Baseball Association Board of Directors Meeting
Andover Station North, Andover, MN
January8, 2018 at 6:30 PM
President Patti Murnane called the regular meeting to order at 6:37pm at the Andover Station North in Andover, MN. Those in attendance and constituting a quorum were:
Present: Steve Eckes, Kelly Abbas, Stephanie WallinPatti Murnane, Jeannette Tschida, Jason Anderson, Rita Wheeler, and Amy Novak.
Absent: Kara Fox and Ryan Pieri
Others Present: N/A
December 4, 2017, notes will be revised to reflect various changes.
Treasurer’s Report – Stephanie Wallin:
Final yearend report was submitted to the Board of Directors for review by 2017 Treasurer Mike Lentz. Passing of the 2017 financialswill occur after full review by the boarda vote will occur at the February meeting. Stephanie begins her term January 1, 2018 andwill submit her first report in February meeting.
President’s Report – Patti Murnane:
14AAA tournament co-hosting with Blaine will take place this summer with MYAS sponsoring. MYAS would like us to co-host the All Star event this summer, checking on details.
MOTION by Jeannette Tschida:
Move to pay $479 for workers compensation insurance.
Seconded by Stephanie Wallinand passed without dissent.
Equipment–Rita Wheeler:
Catcher’s equipment will be discussed in the February meeting.
MOTION by Patti Murnane:
Move to set aside $7,500 for all baseballs for the entire 2018 season.
Seconded by Steve Eckes and passed without dissent.
Registration and Marketing - Jeannette Tschida:
Discussed sign location and internet activity. Looking for some baseball articles to share. We have 4 unregistered travel players and 2 open board positions.
Travel –Steve Eckes:
MOTION by Patti Murnane:
Move to have a scrimmage on April 28th and April 29th would be the make-up date in case of inclement weather.
Seconded by Steve Eckes and passed without dissent.
Uniforms -Kelly Abbas:
Travel uniform try-on dates January 16th and 22nd from 6pm-9pm. Will need 4 volunteers each night.
MOTION by Patti Murnane:
Travel shirt not to exceed $66/shirt.
Seconded by Rita Wheeler and passed without dissent.
New business:
Committee Reports
Marketing Committee - Looking into advertising sponsorship for summer tournaments.
Meeting adjourned at 8:47pm. Minutes submitted by Vice President, Amy Novak.
12-7-2017 Steve Eckes makes motion for $750 Directors & Officers Liability Insurance, Ryan Pieri seconds and motion passes,
12-13-2017 Patti Murnane makes motion for $4561.11for the insurance policy that covered theft fire and all general liability. Kelly Abbas seconds. Motion passes.
12-26-2017Steve Eckes madeamotionfor the below costs A. B and C. Equaling no more than $1200. Patti Murnane seconds. Motion passes.
A. January 21st Twins Clinic
Facility Lord of Life Cost $198 ended up being $249 due to change in venue.
Trainers: No Cost
B. February 18th1pm to 4pm Dave Hieb
Facility Lord of Life Cost $116
Trainer Cost $450 (3 hours)
C. March 24th 1pm to 3pm Matt Faulken
Oakview Cafeteria $62.50
Trainer Cost $300
A.) Steve Eckes makes motion for purchase of tootsie pops for flier handout not to exceed $125.
B.) Patti Murnane made motion to allow under marketing two gift card promos of $100 each for Dicks Sporting Good.One for Facebook/Legacy and Basketball Picture Day. Ryan Pieri seconds. Motion passes.