Put 2 copies of this in your portfolio


The portfolio provides evidence that students meet all of the Professional Standards for Administrators. It includes program assignments and other documents from the student’s work in schools. Where there is choice, students may include documents that they have prepared during or prior to the program. The portfolio documents the evolution of students’ thinking about leadership, learning, professional community, personal growth and the impact of leadership on student learning. All items must be included in the order listed and clearly labeled.

Use a 3 ring binder, the smallest that will hold all of your materials. Put your name and information on the outside cover. Each section should begin with a tab clearly labeled. The items in shaded boxes are LLP assignments. The graded copy of the assignment must be included. Do not put documents in plastic sleeves. Only put what is listed below in the portfolio.

Grading: A = 3 Points

Section 1.

Does not meet standard / Meets standard
Portfolio Review form PR with your name on it / Not included / Included
Two copies of this rubric with your name on each page / Not included / Included
Table of contents with all entries listed by name, including what you have chosen to include for choice artifacts. / Not included / Included
Curriculum vitae/resume – 2 pages maximum / Not included / Included
Overall presentation - Easy to read, visually attractive / Unprofessional presentation / Professional presentation

Section 2.



Leadership Through a Vision of High Student Achievement

Leadership in Observing, Assessing, and Supporting Individual Teacher Effectiveness


Instructional Leadership: Promotes the learning and growth of all students and the success of all staff by cultivating a shared vision that makes effective teaching and learning the central focus of schooling.

Review of Coursework and Literature

Narrative / Needs Improvement - C / Proficient - B / Exemplary - A
In a one page narrative, addressing the Administrator Standards and Indicators, Instructional Leadership, articulate your vision of educational instructional leadership citing research from the literature as provided from your course work. / Candidate demonstrates a
basic knowledge of this
administrative standard.
Only cursory discussion
and reflection provided. / Candidate clearly provides
detailed evidence of a
understanding of this
standard. Reflections are
detailed, thoughtful, and
provide evidence of a
thorough understanding
and experience with the
Administrator Standards
and Indicators. / Candidate provides deep and thorough evidence
and artifacts demonstrating a comprehensive
understanding of this standard. The narratives,
evidence, and reflections are exemplars of a deep
understanding of this standard.
Artifact / Needs Improvement - C / Proficient - B / Exemplary - A
a. The Self Journey assignment from School Leadership: The DNA of School Leadership, # 7 and #8, What does being “authentic” mean in your life? and “What steps can you take today, tomorrow, and over the next year to develop your authenticity?” / Candidate demonstrates
a basic knowledge of this
administrative standard.
Only cursory discussion
and reflection provided. / Candidate clearly provides
detailed evidence of a
understanding of this
standard. Reflections are
detailed, thoughtful, and
provide evidence of a
thorough understanding
and experience with the
Administrator Standards
and Indicators. / Candidate provides deep and thorough evidence
and artifacts demonstrating a comprehensive
understanding of this standard. The narratives,
evidence, and reflections are exemplars of a
deep understanding of this standard.


Artifact / Needs Improvement - C / Proficient - B / Exemplary - A
b. “Educational Equity Plan” from the Culturally Proficient Leader: Building Diverse, Inclusive Learning Communities. / Candidate demonstrates
a basic knowledge of this
administrative standard.
Only cursory discussion
and reflection provided. / Candidate clearly provides
detailed evidence of a
understanding of this
standard. Reflections are
detailed, thoughtful, and
provide evidence of a
thorough understanding
and experience with the
Administrator Standards
and Indicators. / Candidate provides deep and thorough evidence and
artifacts demonstrating a comprehensive understanding
of this standard. The narratives, evidence, and
reflections are exemplars of a deep understanding of
this standard.

MA-PAL Summary

Submit the “Commentary” requirement of the related MA-PAL tasks. Include 2-3 artifacts that demonstrate the completion of your MA-PAL task work

MA-PAL Task 1 & 3 Commentary / Needs Improvement - C / Proficient - B / Exemplary - A
Candidate demonstrates
a basic knowledge of this
administrative standard.
Only cursory discussion
and reflection provided. / Candidate clearly provides
detailed evidence of a
understanding of this
standard. Reflections are
detailed, thoughtful, and
provide evidence of a
thorough understanding
and experience with the
Administrator Standards
and Indicators. / Candidate provides deep and thorough evidence and
artifacts demonstrating a comprehensive understanding
of this standard. The narratives, evidence, and
reflections are exemplars of a deep understanding of
this standard.
MA-PAL Artifact Title / Needs Improvement - C / Proficient - B / Exemplary - A
Candidate demonstrates
a basic knowledge of this
administrative standard.
Only cursory discussion
and reflection provided. / Candidate clearly provides
detailed evidence of a
understanding of this
standard. Reflections are
detailed, thoughtful, and
provide evidence of a
thorough understanding
and experience with the
Administrator Standards
and Indicators. / Candidate provides deep and thorough evidence and
artifacts demonstrating a comprehensive understanding
of this standard. The narratives, evidence, and
reflections are exemplars of a deep understanding of
this standard.


MA-PAL Artifact Title / Needs Improvement - C / Proficient - B / Exemplary - A
Candidate demonstrates
a basic knowledge of this
administrative standard.
Only cursory discussion
and reflection provided. / Candidate clearly provides
detailed evidence of a
understanding of this
standard. Reflections are
detailed, thoughtful, and
provide evidence of a
thorough understanding
and experience with the
Administrator Standards
and Indicators. / Candidate provides deep and thorough evidence and
artifacts demonstrating a comprehensive understanding
of this standard. The narratives, evidence, and
reflections are exemplars of a deep understanding of
this standard.
MA-PAL Artifact Title (Optional) / Needs Improvement - C / Proficient - B / Exemplary - A
Candidate demonstrates
a basic knowledge of this
administrative standard.
Only cursory discussion
and reflection provided. / Candidate clearly provides
detailed evidence of a
understanding of this
standard. Reflections are
detailed, thoughtful, and
provide evidence of a
thorough understanding
and experience with the
Administrator Standards
and Indicators. / Candidate provides deep and thorough evidence and
artifacts demonstrating a comprehensive understanding
of this standard. The narratives, evidence, and
reflections are exemplars of a deep understanding of
this standard.
Reflection / Needs Improvement - C / Proficient - B / Exemplary - A
In a detailed written document, reflect on how your coursework, internship and the related MA-PAL tasks demonstrated your proficiency within Standard 1, Instructional Leadership of the Administrator Standards and Indicators. Provide evidence to support areas of growth towards proficiency. Conclude with a discussion regarding which areas of this standard you feel you need further growth. / Candidate demonstrates
a basic knowledge of this
administrative standard.
Only cursory discussion
and reflection provided. / Candidate clearly provides
detailed evidence of a
understanding of this
standard. Reflections are
detailed, thoughtful, and
provide evidence of a
thorough understanding
and experience with the
Administrator Standards
and Indicators. / Candidate provides deep and thorough evidence and
artifacts demonstrating a comprehensive understanding
of this standard. The narratives, evidence, and
reflections are exemplars of a deep understanding of
this standard.

Section 3.



Instructional Leadership for a Professional Learning Culture


Professional Culture: Promotes success for all students by nurturing and sustaining a school culture of reflective practice, high expectations, and continuous learning for staff.

Review of Coursework and Literature

Narrative / Needs Improvement - C / Proficient - B / Exemplary - A
In a one page narrative, addressing the Administrator Standards and Indicators, Professional Culture, articulate your vision of educational instructional leadership citing research from the literature as provided from your course work. / Candidate demonstrates a
basic knowledge of this
administrative standard.
Only cursory discussion
and reflection provided. / Candidate clearly provides
detailed evidence of a
understanding of this
standard. Reflections are
detailed, thoughtful, and
provide evidence of a
thorough understanding
and experience with the
Administrator Standards
and Indicators. / Candidate provides deep and thorough evidence
and artifacts demonstrating a comprehensive
understanding of this standard. The narratives,
evidence, and reflections are exemplars of a deep
understanding of this standard.

ARTIFACTS: Assignments from Curriculum Planning and Assessment

Artifact / Needs Improvement - C / Proficient - B / Exemplary - A
a. Model and Explanation of Teams / Candidate demonstrates
a basic knowledge of this
administrative standard.
Only cursory discussion
and reflection provided. / Candidate clearly provides
detailed evidence of a
understanding of this
standard. Reflections are
detailed, thoughtful, and
provide evidence of a
thorough understanding
and experience with the
Administrator Standards
and Indicators. / Candidate provides deep and thorough evidence
and artifacts demonstrating a comprehensive
understanding of this standard. The narratives,
evidence, and reflections are exemplars of a
deep understanding of this standard.


Artifact / Needs Improvement - C / Proficient - B / Exemplary - A
b. Research Support / Candidate demonstrates
a basic knowledge of this
administrative standard.
Only cursory discussion
and reflection provided. / Candidate clearly provides
detailed evidence of a
understanding of this
standard. Reflections are
detailed, thoughtful, and
provide evidence of a
thorough understanding
and experience with the
Administrator Standards
and Indicators. / Candidate provides deep and thorough evidence and
artifacts demonstrating a comprehensive understanding
of this standard. The narratives, evidence, and
reflections are exemplars of a deep understanding of
this standard.

MA-PAL Summary

Submit the “Commentary” requirement of the related MA-PAL tasks. Include 2-3 artifacts that demonstrate the completion of your MA-PAL task work

MA-PAL Task 2 Commentary / Needs Improvement - C / Proficient - B / Exemplary - A
Candidate demonstrates
a basic knowledge of this
administrative standard.
Only cursory discussion
and reflection provided. / Candidate clearly provides
detailed evidence of a
understanding of this
standard. Reflections are
detailed, thoughtful, and
provide evidence of a
thorough understanding
and experience with the
Administrator Standards
and Indicators. / Candidate provides deep and thorough evidence and
artifacts demonstrating a comprehensive understanding
of this standard. The narratives, evidence, and
reflections are exemplars of a deep understanding of
this standard.
MA-PAL Artifact Title / Needs Improvement - C / Proficient - B / Exemplary - A
Candidate demonstrates
a basic knowledge of this
administrative standard.
Only cursory discussion
and reflection provided. / Candidate clearly provides
detailed evidence of a
understanding of this
standard. Reflections are
detailed, thoughtful, and
provide evidence of a
thorough understanding
and experience with the
Administrator Standards
and Indicators. / Candidate provides deep and thorough evidence and
artifacts demonstrating a comprehensive understanding
of this standard. The narratives, evidence, and
reflections are exemplars of a deep understanding of
this standard.


MA-PAL Artifact Title / Needs Improvement - C / Proficient - B / Exemplary - A
Candidate demonstrates
a basic knowledge of this
administrative standard.
Only cursory discussion
and reflection provided. / Candidate clearly provides
detailed evidence of a
understanding of this
standard. Reflections are
detailed, thoughtful, and
provide evidence of a
thorough understanding
and experience with the
Administrator Standards
and Indicators. / Candidate provides deep and thorough evidence and
artifacts demonstrating a comprehensive understanding
of this standard. The narratives, evidence, and
reflections are exemplars of a deep understanding of
this standard.
MA-PAL Artifact Title (Optional) / Needs Improvement - C / Proficient - B / Exemplary - A
Candidate demonstrates
a basic knowledge of this
administrative standard.
Only cursory discussion
and reflection provided. / Candidate clearly provides
detailed evidence of a
understanding of this
standard. Reflections are
detailed, thoughtful, and
provide evidence of a
thorough understanding
and experience with the
Administrator Standards
and Indicators. / Candidate provides deep and thorough evidence and
artifacts demonstrating a comprehensive understanding
of this standard. The narratives, evidence, and
reflections are exemplars of a deep understanding of
this standard.
Reflection / Needs Improvement - C / Proficient - B / Exemplary - A
In a detailed written document, reflect on how through your coursework, internship, and the related MA-PAL tasks, you have demonstrated your proficiency within Standard 4, Professional Culture of the Administrator Standards and Indicators. Provide evidence to support areas of growth towards proficiency. Conclude with a discussion regarding which areas of this standard you feel you need further growth. / Candidate demonstrates
a basic knowledge of this
administrative standard.
Only cursory discussion
and reflection provided. / Candidate clearly provides
detailed evidence of a
understanding of this
standard. Reflections are
detailed, thoughtful, and
provide evidence of a
thorough understanding
and experience with the
Administrator Standards
and Indicators. / Candidate provides deep and thorough evidence and
artifacts demonstrating a comprehensive understanding
of this standard. The narratives, evidence, and
reflections are exemplars of a deep understanding of
this standard.

Section 4.



Leadership for Family Engagement and Involvement


Family and Community Engagement: Promotes the learning and growth of all students and the success of all staff through effective partnerships with families, community organizations, and other stakeholders that support the mission of the school and district.