West, Darren
Name (Current): Darren West
Status: Active
Area of Interest: New York City
Creature Type: Kindred
Gender: Male
Apparent Age: Adult, Neonate
NYC Brujah
NYC Camarilla
Contact Information:
Primary Phone: (phone)
Secondary Phone: (haven phone)
E-Mail: none known
Mailing Address:
(c/o Elysium)
Haven: (further details: Y / N )
(Haven at apartment in CNN-owned building in Manhattan)
Resources and Capabilities
Disciplines of note:
Abilities of note:
Other Resources:
Media, Police contacts in Manhattan
Canarilla Specific Information Summary
Title: Prince
Role: Leader/Director
Status (or equivalent):
Brujah-Specific Information Summary
Clan: Brujah
Title: Prince
Role: Leader/Director
Status (or equivalent): Unknown, mid-high
Notes: Enjoys the support of Roske, only other active Brujah in the city.
Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)
West, Darren
Other Notes
Threat Assessment
General Capabilities
Clan: Brujah
Generation: Assume 10-12
General Age: Adult, Neonate
Physical: high
Social: high
Mental: mid-high
Other Notes:
Known natural abilities
Combat Skills
Firearms: Novice+. In possession of a very effective gun with a Latin inscription.
Melee Weapons:
Hand-to-Hand: Proficient+ (5, direct observation). Is capable of exuding claws from his hands (check with Ryan to see if he did so at last game – if not, I do not know this – David)
Dexterity: Novice+ (5)
Social Skills
Etiquette: Beginner- (5)
Politics: Beginner- (5). Has little understanding of factional nature of Camarilla politics, did not notice wide-spread resentment towards Richardson. Allowed Richardson to define his reality when Richardson was Seneschal.
Mental Skills
Academics: Beginner-(5)
Finance: None (5)
Languages: English, Serbian (entirely conjecture)
Occult: None (5)
Awareness: Novice- (5)
Other Notes:
Known Supernatural Abilities:
Presence: Mastery. Used Dread Gaze during January 2006 coup attempt. Knowledge of higher powers suggested during West/Jones meeting of January 29, 2007. Alex’s comment that he used a power at Court on January 15, 2007 also supports this.
Potence: Mastery. Assisted Mr. Petrov in securing a prisoner by bending an extremely large and sturdy pipe around said prisoner.
Celerity: Novice+. Seen moving very fast during the de Castro incident on January 19, 2007 – at least twice as fast as the others.
Discipline Vulnerabilities: Unknown
Miscellaneous Strengths and Weaknesses:
Notes on Operating Patterns: Very sure of himself and his capabilities. Has a strong fixation with insuring the victory of the Camarilla and his continued rule as Prince. Appears incapable of considering the possibility of his own death and grew offended when Mr. Jones indicated that he did not believe that Mr. West would remain Prince of New York City for perpetuity. Although he claims to desire open communication and consultations, he allowed the former Seneschal Emmanuel James Richardson IV to largely define his reality. He has not yet brought the Primogen Council into his plans against the Sabbat, even though initial actions have already occurred and the Council issued to him its recommendations on December 8, 2006 (as of February 1, 2007). Dr. Greer’s notes also indicate that Mr. West’s words and actions suffer from a disconnect. In short, although he claims to be in favor of an open decision-making process and a transparent government, in reality Mr. West prefers semi-dictatorial rule and does not appreciate dissenting viewpoints. In the future, he may go so far as to institute a purge of the Camarilla. Such action, however, is unlikely to occur within the next month (as of February 1, 2007, Jones’ analysis).
Other Notes:
Estimated Net Worth: High
Primary Assets:
Vehicles: Very nice car (description and license plate, need to get from email)
Noteworthy possessions: Very well-engineered handgun with Latin inscription.
Other Notes:
Mortal Associates and Contacts
Indirect Contacts
Influence Type and size:
Media Contacts, centered in Manhattan. Extensive (5). Very old ping (from misdraw). Note: McCoy may have additional information on these contacts.
Police Contacts, centered in Manhattan. Extensive (5). Very old ping (from raid on anti-trib chantry). Note: McCoy may have additional information on these contacts.
Direct Contacts and Retainers
Name: Brian Vale.
Descriptions: Mr. Vale was previously in the employ of William Isaiah Lansing. Following Mr. Lansing’s exile, Mr. Vale entered the employ of Hadrian Evans. After the return of Mr. West, Mr. Vale worked for Mr. West. Mr. Vale oversees the security arrangements for Elysium.
Record of Past Actions Using Influence among Mortals
Spring 2005 – Fall 2005: Responsible for the creation of the TBS show New York by Night.
Fall 2005: Used police contacts to investigate Ronny Cenci
December 2005: Helped arrange a police cordon around the Staten Island antitribu chantry.
Fall 2005 – Winter 2006: Project Misdraw
Fall 2006: Presumably helped arrange the arrest of Christine Darkwater
Personal Information
Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)
West, Darren
Name in Use: Darren West
Current Aliases: None known
Birth Name: Unknown
Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)
West, Darren
Physical description and common attire: Black shirt, dark pants, jacket. Sometimes wears a silver tie. Has brown hair.
Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)
West, Darren
Nature: Unknown
Demeanor: Unknown
Path of Enlightment:
Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)
West, Darren
Mannerisms: Reasonably approachable. Will politely listen to people. Rarely initiates conversations with other Kindred for non-business-related activities. Dislikes criticism and does not react well to it.
Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)
West, Darren
Generation: Assume 10-12
Thrall(s): None known
Regnant(s):Nicolai Antonescu, 3
Sire: Unknown
Childer: None known
Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)
West, Darren
Notes: Psychologicall fixated both upon ensuring the success of the Camarilla as a sect and in being ‘great.’ More selfish than he lets on (Greer Notes).
Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)
West, Darren
Contact Information:
Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)
West, Darren
Primary Phone: (phone)
Secondary Phone: (haven phone)
Fax: unknown
E-Mail: unknown
Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)
West, Darren
Mailing Address: (c/o Elysium)
Haven: (further details: Y )
(address of apartment at CNN-controlled building in Manhattan)…
Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)
West, Darren
Background Information
Suffered a traumatic embrace. Apparently he was fatally injured while attempting to stop a gang rape and embraced after he had fallen unconscious. Never knew his sire.
Drivers license number: (number)
Social Summary
Friends and Allies:
Richardson, Emmanuel James, IV. Ally. Mr. West saw Mr. Richardson as a strong ally and supporter and felt that his rise to power in May 2006 would not have been possible without Mr. Richardson’s support. He has expressed unhappiness with regard to Mr. Richardson’s behavior at the Richardson Intervention on January 19, 2007 and in a private meeting with Mr. Jones on January 29, 2007. The true nature of Mr. West’s current views on Mr. Richardson are not known.
Roske. Friend/Ally. Roske has long been a strong supporter of Darren West. The extent of their relationship beyond this is unknown.
<Name>. Brief description of relationship. Further details
Summary of interactions
Lucas Michael Montgomery Brighton. Mr. West is extremely unhappy with Mr. Brighton. The reasons for this are not entirely clear, but likely include Mr. Brighton’s continued ‘meddling’ in the affairs of the Camarilla, his association with Cameron Bennett and his vigilante activity. This was reinforced by Mr. West’s comments at Court on January 19 and in a private meeting with Adam Jones on January 29, 2007. (See event summaries). Mr. Brighton’s involvement in the rescue of Bojan Petrov may cause Mr. West to begin to change his views on Mr. Brighton, however.
<Name>. Brief description of relationship. Further details
Summary of interactions
Other notable Relationships
Natalie Hemming. Unsure. Mr. West questions Ms. Hemming’s competence. Ms. Hemming is somewhat unsure of Mr. West’s motives and intentions after the extend of his support of Mr. Richardson became known.
Samuel McCoy. Supporter. Mr. West relies heavily on Mr. McCoy as Sheriff and is very thankful for the work Mr. McCoy has done on his behalf. He is unsure, however, just how much Mr. McCoy is NOT saying.
<Name>. Brief description of relationship. Further details
Summary of interactions
Haven Information
Address: (CNN-owned Manhattan building, apartment number)
Phone Number: (number)
Official Owner: CNN
Camarilla Status Summary
Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)
West, Darren
Title: Prince
Role: Leader/Director
Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)
West, Darren
Effective Total Camarilla Status:( )
New York City: Acknowledged in the Fall of 2004 by Hadrian Evans
Status Breakdown:
Faultless. Awarded by Hadrian Evans on February 18, 2005.
<Status Name>
Boons and other Obligations
Boons Held: Minor (2)
Boons Owed: Life (1)
Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)
West, Darren
Boons Held:
2 Minor Boons from Adam Jones in exchange for allowing Mr. Jones to sign a blood contract with Mr. Brighton.
Boons Owed:
1 Life Boon owed to Nicolai Antonescu in exchange for Mr. Antonescu’s intervention on behalf of Mr. West in January 2006, which prevented Mr. West’s execution at the hand of Mr. Evans.
Other Obligations Held:
Other Obligations Owed:
Boons/Obligation Transaction Record:
Faction Political Position Summary: Camarilla
Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)
West, Darren
Title: Prince
Role: Leader/Director
Status (or equivalent):
Personal Loyalty: Strong
Overriding Loyalties: Clan(?), Antonescu
Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)
West, Darren
Ambitions: See the triumph of the Camarilla over its enemies. Insure his continued reign over New York City.
Personal Factional History:
Primogen (Brujah) (Fall 2004 – January 20, 2006). Took up the office of Brujah Primogen. Served as a senior advisor to Prince Evans in the spring of 2005.
Seneschal, September 16 (?) , 2005 – January 20, 2006. Took up the office of Seneschal in addition to his primogenship following the death of Sofia Castañuelas de la Plata. Served in this capacity until his unsuccessful praxis attempt on January 20, 2006.
Prince, May 12, 2006 – present. Returned to New York City on May 12, 2006 and successfully declared praxis.
Arrived in Fall 2004
January 20, 2006: Unsuccessfully declared praxis at the instigation of William Lansing. (see summary (OOC: does note exist))
February 27, 2006 (apprx): Contacted Bojan Petrov, told him to take the Brujah primogenship and leave the service of Dr Lillian Greer.
March 16, 2006: Contacted Lillian Greer.
Spring 2006: Was in contact with Mr. Richardson, who helped him arrange his triumphant return.
May 12, 2006: Returned to New York City to take the throne from Mr. Evans.
September 15, 2006: Attended Elysium and court
September 29, 2006: Attended Elysium, Court and the Primogen Council meeting.
October 13, 2006: Attended Elysium and Court. Signed a treaty with the Kuei-Jin of New Jersey. Briefly visited the Sebau (?).
October 31, 2006: Attended Elysium and Court.
November 10, 2006: Attended Elysium and Court
November 24, 2006: Absent from Elysium. No formal Court held.
December 8, 2006: Attended Elysium and Court. Awarded status by the Primogen Council, after Primogen Roske inappropriately attempted to award him status.
January 5, 2007: Did not attend Elysium. Formal Court held by Seneschal Richardson
January 19, 2007: Attended Elysium, Court and the Richardson Intervention.
January 29, 2007: Met privately with Adam Jones
February 2, 2007: Absent from Elysium and Court because he made an unplanned trip to Chicago.
Faction Political Position Summary: Brujah
Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)
West, Darren
Title: None
Role: Leader/Director
Status (or equivalent):
Personal Loyalty: Strong
Overriding Loyalties: Camarilla, Nicolai Antonescu
Last updated: February 4, 2007 (Template: January 19, 2007)
West, Darren
Ambitions: Insure that his clan fully supports him and his ideals and his princeship.
Personal Factional History:
Fall 2004: Arrived in New York City and assumed the Brujah Primogenship.
January 20, 2006: No longer Primogen after his unsuccessful praxis attempt
February, 2006: In contact with Bojan Petrov. Asked Mr. Petrov to take the Primogenship and leave the service of Lillian Greer.
May 12, 2006: Mr. West returned to New York City and took the throne.
September 15, 2006: Awarded status to Roske and others.
Notes: The Brujah are closely tied to Mr. West’s administration and do not truly function as an independent faction.
Involvement in Events of Note
New York by Night
Date/Time: Fall 2004 – Spring 2005
Location: New York City
Summary: Mr. West instigated the creation of the TBS television show New York by Night.
Separate Events Summary: No
Gangrel Attack
Date/Time: (Date)
Location: AOL TimeWarner Building, floor 6, room ## (Elysium)
Summary: Several Gangrel attacked Court. Mr. West was among those present who helped defend the Court.
Separate Events Summary: Yes, not attached (OOC: Does not exist)
Friday the 13 Sabbat Attack
Date/Time: May 13, 2005, approximately 9:20 p.m.
Location: AOL TimeWarner Building
Summary: The Sabbat, under the direction of Ronny Cenci, arranged for a large caravan of police units to isolate the AOL TimeWarner building as part of a coordinated attack on the Camarilla. As a result of these attacks, Sarah Capone, William Dobbs, Tonya Mason, Sofia Castañuelas de la Plata and John Tisch met their final deaths.
Separate Events Summary: Yes, not attached. (OOC: DNE)
Raid on the Staten Island Tremere Antitribu Chantry
Date/Time: December 2005
Location: (address)
Summary: Acting on information provided by the Anarchs, the Camarilla executed a coordinated attack on a suspected Tremere Antitribu chantry located in Staten Island. They discovered, however, that the chantry had been previously raided by the Sabbat and, furthermore, Prince Evans and his officers had previously known this and only allowed the attack to go forward as it did in order to give the appearance of fulfilling an agreement with the Tremere to provide full assistance in the raid on the chantry.
Separate Events Summary: Yes, not attached (OOC: DNE)
Arrest of Ronny Cenci
Date/Time: October 8, 2005
Location: Grand Central Station
Summary: A group of Camarilla members lured Ronny Cenci to a bathroom at Grand Central Station and detained him.
Separate Events Summary: Yes, not attached (OOC: DNE)
Lansing/West Praxis Attempt
Date/Time: January 20, 2006
Location: AOL TimeWarner Building
Summary: William Lansing prompted Darren West to unsuccessfully declare praxis. In the end, Mr. Lansing was escaped to exile in New Jersey and Mr. West was whisked off by Nicolai Antonescu, presumed dead.
Separate Events Summary: Yes, not attached (OOC: DNE)
Death of Bojan Petrov
Date/Time: September, 2006
Location: (former haven of Bojan Petrov)
Summary: Mr. Petrov was taken form his home by the Cenacle of Saint Jude and killed.
Separate Events Summary: Yes, not attached
Richardson Intervention
Date/Time: January 19, 2007, 8 p.m.
Location: Coffee shop (address)
Summary: Most of the officers in the city met with Prince West to advocate the removal of Mr. Richardson from the position of Seneschal.
Separate Events Summary: Yes, not attached
Formal Court
Date/Time: January 19, 2007, aprx. 10:15 p.m.
Location: Elysium (address)
Summary: Mr. West gave an impassioned speech about his plans for the future and the war against the Sabbat. This included a strong call for all Camarilla members to join in the fight and dismissive comments about the Independents in general and Lucas Brighton in particular.
Separate Events Summary: Yes, not attached
Other Events
December 8, 2006: Primogen Council Meeting – the Council issued recommendations to Prince West
Tremere Only Notes:
Thaumaturgical Knowledge
Has witnessed, been informed of or demonstrated knowledge of the following capabilities:
Path of Blood, Taste of Blood, Blood Rage, Theft of Vitae, Cauldron of Blood
Movement of the Mind, 3
Blood Contract
Bone of Lies
Court of Hallowed Truth
Deflection of the Wooden Doom
Escape to True Friend
Principal Focus of Vitae Infusion
Ward vs. Kindred
Transcripts of the personal notes of Darren West (9/20/05 – 1/20/06) from Greer’s notes
Draft of Darren West’s speech upon becoming Seneschal from Greer’s notes
Letter from Darren West to Hadrian Evans from Greer’s Notes
Date: Shortly before May 13, 2005
To his Majesty Prince Evans, the Light and Law of the New York Camarilla,
Dear Prince Evans,
It is with great consternation and anxiety regarding the state of our city that I write to you. In a recent correspondence Mr. Langston pointed out to the Primogen Council that the nights are indeed growing shorter and that our meetings will perhaps be more difficult. All members of the Primogen council are anxious to enact changes here in New York City, but I must be frank with you: I am concerned of the ability of the still- new Primogen council in doing anything effective by the time summer is in its full bloom and our cooperation as a council proves very difficult. It is my hope that eventually the Primogen will have a clearly defined role as how to aid you most efficiently while bettering the Kindred population at large, but currently I believe we will have difficulty finalizing plans in this next Elysium, an Elysium that may be the last time we are able to see many members of our kind until the nights grow long again. It is my will to have real change in this city and I hope that it is your will as well.