PRESS RELEASE: 6 July 2015


- Bath Abbey team sets off on sponsored walk in aid of Footprint -

Mayor of Bath, Councillor William Sandry, yesterday joined a team from Bath Abbey as they set off on a 140-mile sponsored walk to raise funds for the Footprint project – a development programme to repair the Abbey’s collapsing floor, install an eco-friendly heating system using Bath’s hot springs and create additional space and improved facilities for the half a million people who use the Abbey every year.

The Mayor joined Rector Edward Mason, along with Footprint Project Director Charles Curnock and some 20 members of Bath Abbey’s congregation for the first 11 miles of the walk to Bradford on Avon. A core team of four intrepid walkers – the Rector, Charles Curnock, Laura Brown Footprint Appeal Director and Jeremy Key-Pugh Churchwarden Emeritus – will continue on today for the remaining 129 miles to Lambeth Palace, the official residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury, where they will hand deliver a letter inviting Archbishop Justin Welby to visit Bath and learn more about the Footprint project.

Crowds of well-wishers turned out to wish the Bath Abbey team well as they set off from the Abbey’s West Door yesterday. The walkers are expected to arrive at Lambeth Palace on Saturday 11 July when they will hand deliver the invitation to the Archbishop’s representative.

Speaking at the start of the walk, Charles Curnock, Bath Abbey’s Footprint Project Director, said: “This walk is a fantastic opportunity for us to raise awareness of the Footprint project and the exciting plans we have to secure the future of Bath Abbey. We couldn’t be more thrilled that so many people have come out to show their support here today and are very grateful for all the kind and generous donations that have been made – it really has helped to set us off on the right foot. As you might imagine, we’ve been training for this walk for some time and we’re really looking forward to reaching Lambeth Palace and delivering our letter to the Archbishop.”

Mayor of Bath Councillor William Sandry added:“I’m pleased to have been able to wish the Bath Abbey team well on their journey. This exciting and ambitious project will protect and enhance the Abbey’s role at the heart of our City.”

In May last year, Bath Abbey’s Footprint project received initial support from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for a full award of £10 million. The Abbey has already raised nearly half of the £7.1 million of match funding to unlock the full award with just over £4 million left to raise from a combination of charitable trusts, foundations, private donors and public fundraising events.

The Footprint Walk team set off from Bath Abbey on Sunday 5 July and are due to arrive at Lambeth Palace on Saturday 11 July. To find out more about the walk or to sponsor the Footprint Walk team visit or contact Katie McGill on 01225 303314 /


Notes to editors:

For further information please contact:

Caroline Jack, Communications Officer, 01225 303 320,

Kimberley Holder, Grayling, 0117 910 6360,

About Bath Abbey’s Footprint

The £19.3 million Footprint project aims to carry out essential repairs to the Abbey’s collapsing floor, install a new eco-friendly heating system using Bath’s unique hot springs as a source of energy and enlarge capacity by creating 200sq metres of new facilities to fulfil the Abbey as a place of congregation, equal access and hospitality. A programme is also planned to record and interpret the Abbey’s 1,200 years of history and this iconic church for millions of visitors including educational visits.

For further details about Bath Abbey, please visit