USATF Association Exec Meeting

Saturday, August 20, 2016, 8 a.m.


Karen Krsak Dave Shrock Scott Erwin Desiree Friedman

Luke Fimreite Steve Vaitones Mike Hinz Don Lawrence

Randall Hopkins Richard Messenger James McKee Jackie Callender

Patti Petesch Monique White Thom Confer Pamela Betz

Grant in Aid - Dave discussed the process for applying - 6 associations applied; query were they all accredited? Some were not fully accredited as it was not a requirement this year - future applications for grants will require full accreditation. Discussion regarding criteria/requirements in order to apply for grants. Dave & Desiree will hammer out details

Motion to approve carried.

RRCA Travel - Continue to fund 4 people to go to RRCA Convention, next year Detroit. Their new president will be attending our annual meeting and is interested in improving the relationship with USATF.

Scott - discussed what RRCA does at its annual meeting.

Steve V - sent out report

Don offered that they had an incredible amount of energy and contribution of its membership. Lots of ideas and participation of like-minded people. Opportunities for improvement next year. Should do more pre-discussion with them to use the networking. They have exhibit area and national office should staff.

Association Accreditation Awards - Instead of the previous gold/silver/bronze plaque awards, monetary awards to the top15 associations, based on improvement in the association - varying standards - reach out to region reps re association improvements; set goals and meet them. For 2016 award: nominate own performance - what have you done this year to improve your association. Need by 10/31. For 2017 criteria will be announced in December to work towards goals.

Region Rep Travel - Jackie suggested that a central location where the associations presidents can come to meet their region rep, rather than the region reps trying to attend association meetings, etc.

Accreditation Subcommittee Introduced to AEC - Paul Bodenshot introduced his team of 6, 3 who could not attend Friday’s work session and 3 of whom met in Columbus on Friday and, including Karen, Desiree and Luke discussing the accreditation process and where the associations stand currently. Of 57 associations, 32 have completely met the criteria; 22 have to give an update in their status; 3 are felt to have fallen below

The committee wants to increase its team members to 9 and pair with region reps to cover more ground within the associations. He listed the pairings. The goal is to make all associations better.

East - Don/Gary Morgan

Midwest - Richard/John Patterson

Mid America - Laura/Terri

Southwest - Jackie/Bert Garcia

West - Thom/Julie Beach

Northwest - Mike/Greg Mohl

Southeast - Pam/Paul Bodenshot (temporarily)

Workshop Travel - Steve and Dave discussed updated criteria and guidelines. Discussion on who should attend and who is eligible for reimbursement and what they must bring back to their associations. Due to decrease in expenses by combining the workshop with the annual meeting, the reimbursement to each association has increased from $600 to $1,000. Dave will make adjustments to criteria based on feedback and resubmit to Karen for review.

Association Volunteer of the Year Award - Region Reps must contact Association Presidents to submit their nominee by November 1. Dave will work with Region Reps to send out nomination information.

“New” Youth Committee - An online election for youth committee leadership will take place soon, with temporary leadership in place hopefully by September 15. There are 6 people running.

SafeSport/Background Checks - Discussion regarding clubs, officials, etc.

Track & Field Club Championships - An underutilized event (refer to ConCall Minutes, August 4, 2016); discussion regarding to continue to fund it or put the money elsewhere. More discussion on outsourcing meet management. It was agreed to keep it in June 2017, with assurances from Desiree that the national office will work to better support/coordinate all national championships.

Para Committee - Thom reports para athlete meets are growing and Jr. meets to support a national championship. Desiree is AWD/Para liaison and will work with Thom.

Pending Grievances were discussed

Steve reported on any USATF website issues.

2016 Associations Workshop - Jim, Karen, Desiree discussed workshop topics and schedule of same. There was further discussion re the length of annual meeting. Association presidents completed a survey and have voted to continue holding the Workshop with the convention as opposed to a stand-alone meeting.

The AEC elections will take place on Friday, December 2, at the first General Session in Orlando. Region reps are asked to send election notice to their associations. Nominations are still open, and can be taken from the meeting floor in Orlando, though at this time, running:

Chair - Dave Shrock

VC Workshop - Open

VC Regions - Don Lawrence

Secretary - Pam Betz

Treasurer - Richard Messenger

The new AEC will appoint region reps.

Officials Insurance - It was moved, seconded and approved to cease paying for liability insurance for non-USATF events as of October 31.

Officials shirts - the new dri-fit will be available to all officials (1st one is no charge), with some officials having already been given the navy blue shirts at national championships. Details of delivery to others TBA.

Sanction Fees are going up; associations should take into consideration in adjusting their fees.

Patti reported on grants and that she’d received only 1 for 2017 and she would be following up. From this point forward, all grant requests are to be new, as the backlog of previous applications has been cleared.

Desiree provided the website to download the application.

Note to Region reps - if your associations are deficient in any way, this could be a good area for the association to address in a grant application. Have them apply for the grant - by August 31.

Diversity and Leadership - Irene Herman sent survey (Monique is on the committee) - the results are found on the handout received, and Irene Herman will give a full report at the Orlando Annual Meeting.

ADA Compliance - Steve reported that the accommodation process dates back to 2004.

Exact Target - Desiree reported on Exact Target and its purpose, and that it maintains consistency for everyone to use it, even to send newsletter copy and the office will format and mail it out.

The 10-year athlete lists are almost done, with the goal of sending out by the end of August so associations can utilize the list to help formulate its athlete delegates.

Discussion on the delegate database and its availability for the convention.

There will be a vote on the 2017 Cross Country & 2018 Track & Field JO’s at the Annual Meeting in Orlando. (2017 JO XC is in Hoover, AL, & JO T&F in Lawrence, KS);

All associations will be paid by ACH from now on;, which is being used for all Youth regional/national championships event registration is working on getting “bugs” out, but so far operating all right.

Meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Pamela Betz