At:22 Bosworth Road New Southgate London N11 2SY
on: Thursday 15th March 2018 8 pm start / Minutes taken by:
Harendra Raval
Yagneshbhai Shukla (YS), Anandbhai Pancholi (AP), Harendra Raval (HR). / Apologies:
Bhavini Bhatt (BB). Available on the Phone.
Item / Minutes and Actions / Action:
1 / Meeting started at 8:15pm.
Registration and ApologiesAs above / All
2 / Media Team and duties
It was agreed that the sub group will be called BSNL Media Team. At present the following are members of this team:
- Anandbhai Pancholi (Convenor and overall in charge)
- Bhavini Bhatt
- Harendra Raval
- Harshaben Trivedi (subject to confirmation)
- Trupti Joshi (subject to confirmation)
- Vandanaben Joshi
- Hitesh Purohit (subject to confirmation)
- Parul Jani
At present Website and Facebook update is done by Anandbhai Pancholi
Bhavini Bhatt deals with Twitter
Vandanaben Joshi deals with e mail communication. / HT
3) / Procedure.
Procedure was discussed and agreed as:
- Each sub groups will upload photos and videos on their individual web pages.
- Convenors and heads of ALL sub groups will send not more than 5 photos and Video footage to Anandbhai who will upload on Website and Facebook as soon as possible. At least one weeks’ notice is preferred. Bhavini Bhatt has admin rights for the Website and Facebook so she can assist in case Anandbhai is busy. If there is any write up to be loaded, then this should be in Word format including the Newsletter. Video will be uploaded through BSNL You Tube account.
- For e mail to members the current list (on Mailchip) needs to be checked against the Membership Form. This will have to be done as soon as convenient.
- Newsletters can be sent by e mail using a link which Anandbhai can provide to Vandanaben. She will need to sit with Anandbhai and learn the best way of handling this.
- Truptiben Joshi will need to advise/confirm names of heads of sub groups and Convenors to Anandbhai.
- Media Team is not able to prepare Flyers as they do not have an expertise on this subject. Convenors will have to produce their own flyers. There is a Template to BSNL website which can be used.
4) / Hosting Contract
Our four-year Hosting Contract expires in April 2018. Yagneshbhai will check and send us details/Invoice and costs for a further four-year contract. It was confirmed that BOT has agreed in principle to this four-year contract.
We have already paid for 10 years from 11th January 2017 for / YS
5) / Enhancement Proposals by AP
Anandbhai proposed that we need to set up a Hall Booking facility and also provide for BSNL Membership renewal to be processed via the BSNL Website. Yagneshbhai explained that this was possible and will draft up a working document. Anandbhai has agreed to provide a full write up of our requirements for Yagneshbhai. / AP
6) / Other Proposals and queries
Harshaben has requested that BSNL website be upgraded. Further clarification of this is required for the Media Team to consider. In the meantime Anandbhai will look to see if the BSNL Website can be redesigned..
Parul had enquired about storage of various documents on the website. There is already a provision for this under the Trustees Section. There is no problem with regards to capacity. The Trustees Section needs to be updated. HK will arrange for this to be done. You can access this section by log in using User= trustee and Password =trustee@b5nlpa55
Parul had also requested official BSNL e mail for all the Trustees. The current e mail address system is sufficient and working well. If there are any additional e mail addresses required, then these can be added.
Anandbhai will be arranging a meeting of the BSNL Media Team to discuss progress. / HT
Meeting finished at 9.10 pm.
AppendixA: Matters arising from the meeting
1 / Harshaben to confirm Names of all in the Media Team / HT
2 / Vandanaben to arrange to check e mail list against membership / VJ
3 / Vandanaben and Anandbhai to meet re link to send Newsletters by e mail / VJ/AP
4 / Anandbhai to check on two BSNL Facebook and delete one / AP
5 / Yagneshbhai to forward cost and invoice for Hosting. / YS
6 / Anandbhai to prepare details for Hall Booking and Membership renewal facility on Website / AP
7 / Harshaben to provide Anandbhai with details for Upgrading the website / HT
8 / Anandbhai to arrange Media Team meeting in due course / AP