Analyzing Running Records

Analyzing Running Records

Important Reading Behaviors & Strategies

Consider these reading behaviors and strategies for the developmental stages as you plan your guided reading and small focused group instruction.

Emergent/ Emergent Continued

Handling books (moving through text from front to back, turning pages)

Controlling left-to-right movement & return sweep

Matching word-by-word (indicated by precise pointing with finger or eye)

Using oral language in combination with pointing (match voice with words on page)

Using knowledge of language structure (oral) as a source of information.

Remembering and using language patterns.

Predicting what make sense.

Paying close attention to print: noticing some features of letters and words.

Self-monitoring: checking own reading by using word-by-word matching, noticing known words in text, or noticing mismatches in meaning or language.

Late Emergent

Engaging independently in the behaviors listed for text levels 1-2.

Controlling word-by-word matching of voice with print.

Checking illustrations with print.

Using illustrations to predict meaning as well as particular words.

Predicting from events what will come next.

Predicting, checking, and confirming using initial visual information.

Using known words as anchors.

Noticing changes in language patterns.

Solving some unfamiliar words independently.

Moving fluently through the text while reading for meaning.

Early Developing

Controlling early behaviors (word-by-word & directionality) on longer stretches of text.

Moving away from finger pointing as eyes take over the process.

Monitoring on word-by-word matching and known words.

Locating and using initial letter to predict meaningful word choices.

Checking on own reading, using knowledge of letter/sound relationships, words, and parts of words (chunks).

Checking one source of information against another to confirm, make another attempt, or self correct.

Confirming reading or problem solving by rereading.

Actively reading for meaning.

Using pattern and language structure to read with phrasing.


Tracking print with eyes, except at points of difficulty or on new text.

Solving new words while maintaining a focus of meaning.

Using more information from print to construct the meaning of the story.

Cross-checking one source of information with another.

Self-correcting using multiple sources of information.

Using known words to get to words not yet known (analogy)

Checking initial and final letters of words to predict and confirm meaningful word choices.

Searching for a few chunks to problem solve new words.

Using knowledge of language structure and meaning to read with phrasing.


Controlling early behaviors, even on new text.

Being aware of punctuation and using it for phrasing and meaning.

Using structure of written language to predict and then check the accuracy of the prediction.

Searching visual information to figure out new words and then check prediction against what makes sense and sounds right.

Using known words and parts of words (chunks at beginning or end of words) as well as letter/sound relationships to work out new words and then to check prediction against other information (meaning or structure).

Using multiple sources of information to self-correct (MSV)

Reading with meaningful phrasing and attention to meaning.

Moving quickly through text.

Developing Continued

Moving through text using pictures and print in an integrated way, while attending to meaning.

Monitoring what has happened so far, to predict what is likely to happen next.

Flexibly searching for information (MSV cues)

Using onsets (initial letter/ blends) and/or analogies to solve new words and then check them against meaning.

Self-correcting close to the point or error.

Checking and searching by rereading.

Monitoring own reading (accurately reading long stretches of text with intermittent hesitations & repeats).

Late Developing

Flexibly checking own reading against meaning.

Coping with unfamiliar concepts.

Using information sources (MSV) in an integrated way, while focusing on meaning.

Self-correcting at the point of error with fewer returns to the beginning of sentences.

Gaining momentum while moving through the text because knowledge is being constructed about how this text works and what it is likely to say.

Moving toward easy, fluent reading even of unfamiliar and difficult texts. Demonstrating less overt problem solving.

Second Grade

Using skills and strategies effectively on a variety of texts.

Solving unfamiliar words or concepts “on the run”, without detracting from meaning.

Monitoring and searching middle portions of words.

Searching through syllables.

Self-correcting when necessary to support meaning, but showing a general forward thrust (checking and self-correcting becomes less overt and more internal).

Sustaining interest and fluency through longer text.

Using multiple sources of information in an integrated way.

Effectively and efficiently analyzing longer words.

Using a variety of word analysis strategies without losing meaning or fluency.

Reading in a phrased, fluent way over long stretches of text.

Analyzing Running Records: Text Behaviors

Source: Fountas & Pinnell, Guided Reading