Ana Claudia Contreras: Civil EngineerAnaCivilEngineer160129v3.docPage 1 of 2
Callao, 3200, Las Condes (D82). Santiago, Chile.
Cel.: (+56 9) 6320 5201
1996Received as Civil Engineer, University of Cordoba, Faculty of Exact & Natural Sciences.
2000MBA (Master in Business Administration) CEMA University (Centro Estudios Macroeconómicos Argentina).
1994-1995Grant holder assistant professor to investigate highways works (provincial direction). Córdoba-Argentina
1992-1993 Interaction soil / pipes CONICOR Soil characteristics.
1995Analysis of dangerous points ofhighways.
1994Urban Sewage & Drainage; organized for the Institute of Transport University of Cordoba.
1997Organization and management of private business interests. National University of Cordoba.
2008Presentation at the world tunnel congress: `The construction of the San Cristobal Tunnel` (Santiago Chile).
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1996-1998AUXILIAR ENGINEER technical office. project “turnkey for 3 hospitals”. Dragados;Córdoba-Argentina
Duties: -Modification or engineering project. Quality supervision. Costs and certifications.
1998-1999ENGINEER implementing medical equipment for the project “turnkey for 3 hospitals”.
Duties:-Planning and coordinating with the client, what kind of equipments we bring into the hospitals.
-Managing customer relations (Health Ministry) for the approval of medical equipments.
-Hiring specialized suppliers.
1999-2000ENGINEER Managing the closing of contract (provisional reception and definitive reception).
Project “turnkey for 3 hospitals”. Dragados; Córdoba-Argentina
Duties:-Managing customer satisfaction, Final job handover, and Managing towards getting better Costs.
2000-2004ENGINEER In charge oflegal offersin bids and projects.
Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay; Central office of Santiago Chile.
Duties: -Coordinating and planing of studies for technical and economical offers
-Studying costs of public licitations.
A) Project Studies of road infrastructures concessions;
Axis North-South “Americo Vespucio Norte” (y Sur), San Cristóbal Tunnel
B) Project Studies of contruction and operation contract “Prison System Group 1”
C) Project Studies as extension of Celulose plant Arauca.
D) Project Studies for hospital construction.Technical & Legal; economical & contract rick analysis
Duties: -Evaluating business opportunities “Three-year plan to increase market share”;
-Looking into business opportunities respecting investment's portfolio.
-Managing with the Ministry of Public Works and privates entities leading the projects in process.
2004-2005ENGINEER – PROJECT MANAGER. Concession San Cristobal Tunnel.
Development of tunnel roadways – “Constructor Vespucio Norte”
UTE (Union Transitoria de Empresas); Dragados + Hochtief + Belfi + Brotec, Santiago, Chile.
Duties: -Evaluating technically the engineering business economics of project develpment.
-Proposing technical improvements & Coordination of projects of distinct specialities
-Reviewing projects in the technical aspects and work quantity
2005-2006TECNICAL MANAGER Tunnel concession “San Cristobal” – “Constructor Vespucio Norte”
UTE; Dragados + Hochtief + Belfi + Brotec, Santiago, Chile.
Duties: -Handing over all contractual documents at the end of the contract with the concessional society
-Evaluating Technical aspects for development of parallel projects
-Coordinating changes in the public utilities companies (gas, water,...)
-Closing projects; Final handover all documents.
-Revising Project related to technical aspects and quantity of projects (m3 of cement, Kg of metal,...)
2006-2010GENERAL MANAGER Executed projects: – “Constructor Vespucio Norte”
UTE; Dragados + Hochtief + Belfi + Brotec, Santiago, Chile.
A) In charge of Construction works San Cristobal Tunnel
Consisting in 2 highways tunnels of 1,8km both ways of 2 tracks each.
Excavated a complete section with the “in” and “out” accesses.
B) Broadening the Avenue “El Cerro” Bridge over the Mapocho River. With change in public services
C) Phase 1 “Los Saldes” Construction works of two (2) cast concrete boxes of 90 meters long (& 9 m wide) Connection between two roads with change of public services (water, gaz, ...)
D) Reconstruction works of bridges post 2010 earthquake in the concession “Americo Vespucio Norte”.
Consisting in reconstructing collapsed structures and displaced bridges.
Sept 2010 to March 2011 Pre and Post natal period.
2011-2011TECNICAL HEADMAN PROJECT MANAGER. Contract amounts to: 150 millions USD
Reconstruction works and extension of port and harbor. Talcahuano, Concepción, Chile.
UTE; Dragados + Comsa + Besalco en Concepción, Chile.
- Army shipyards.
2011-2012 TECHNICAL MANAGER. Building highway sites of Cordoba Section 1 and 2
(7 months)UTE; Roggio + Electro-Engineering, Cordoba, Argentina
For the execution of the construction of highways for the city of Cordoba
2012-NovENGINEER Echeveria Izquierdo. Study of civil works for metro of Santiago Chile.
2013-2015 CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR of Metro Line 6, Tract 3 (L6-T3), Metro Santiago Chile
Consisting of 2 subway stations and 3 ventilation vertical tunnels.
2015–To DateCONTRACT ADMINISTRATORof Metro line 3, Track 2 and 3 (L3-T2, T3 ) Metro Santiago Chile
Tract 2 and 3 consisting of 4km of tunnels
Length 3 consisting of 5km of tunnels
English: Spoken; AdvancedSpanish:Spoken; ExpertPortuguese:Reading Advanced
Written; AdvancedWritten; Expert