a, Wilfully disturb and assembly or meeting not unlawful in its character, or the peace and quiet of any family or neighborhood;
b; Wilfully and lewdly expose his person or the private parts thereof, or procure another to so expose himself, or commit any open and gross lewdness or lascivious behavior, or any act of public indecny;
c. Use profane, vulgar or indecent language in or about any public building, store or place of business, or upon any of the streets, alleys or sidewalks of the village so as to be audible and offensive;
d; Appear upon any public street or other public place in an intoxicated condition;
e; Strike or attempt to strike, or in any unlawful manner offer to do so, any bodily harm to another person, or unlawfully make any attempt to apply any degree of force or violence to the person of another; or in a violent, rude, angry, of insolet manner, touch or lay hands upon yhr person of another;
f; In any manner willfully damage any building or part thereof, or throw any stone or other missile at or break any window therein, or aid, council, hire or procure any person to do so;
g. Wilfully resist, delay or obstruct a public officer or police officer discharging or attempt to discharge his duty, and/or any duty of his office;
h. Directly or indirectly address any threat or intimidation to a police officer with intent to induce him, contrary to hid duty, to do or make, or to omit or delay any act, decision or determination: or resist arrest, or strike or attempt to strike, or in any unlawful manner offer to do or do any bodily harm, or unlawfully make and attempt to apply any degree of force or violence, or in a violent, rude, angry, or insolent manner, touch or lay hands upon any police officer while such police officer if performing the duties of his officer;
i. Without the consent of the owner, in case of private property, or public authority in the case of public property, drive, lead, or ride, or cause to be driven, let or ridden, any horse, or other animal without authority of law, into any private or public building, or upon, or across any privately or publicly owned property or premises;
j. Use in reference to and in the presence of another, or in reference to or in presence of any member of the family of another, abusive or obscene language, intended, or naturally intending to provoke an assault or breach of peace;
k. Wander about the streets and alleys after midnight and not giving a good account of yourself;
l. During the hours of darkness, peak or attempt to peek in the window or windows of any dwelling;
m. unlawfully threaten, frighten or molest any female; shall be guilty of the crime of Disorderly Conduct.
Section 2. Definition. The use of the masculine gener “his” shall refer to and include to the feminine gender “her”.
Section 3. DISORDERLY CONDUCT PROHIBITED AND DECLARED A MISDEMEANER. Disorderly conduct as herein defined, is hereby prohibited, and any one doing or committing any of the above acts shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not to exceed One Hundred (100.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment in the County Jail not to exceed 90 days, together with the costs of the prosecution in addition.
SECTION 4. REPEAL. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.
SECTION 5 EFFECT. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its publication according to law.
Passed by the Village Council of Bird Island, Minnesota, this 5th day of May 1949.
J.K. Ploof, President of Council
Jay. C. Burrell, Clerk