Innovative projects and programs in education № 4 (2012)

Author / Abstract
Gaponyuk P.N.
The development of modern education as a model of advanced type / Abstract. The paper deals with methodology aspects of defining the «education» phenomenon in evolutionary terms.
The accelerating social and economic processes, increasing information flow and rapidly changing life conditions force the education development to outstrip these processes, providing the steady social and state development and personal
growth. Such advancing-noospheric model of education should correspond with the futurological information system to provide the survival of the mankind, conservation of the environment and co-development of the biosphere and
the society. The characteristic features of advancing educational model are as follows: fundamentalisation, integration, informatisation, globalization, openness, quality control, using the advanced pedagogic techniques. The author describes
the new thesaurus conditioned by the culture discourse, as well as the expected outcome of advancing educational strategy.
Keywords: advanced techniques, partnership, cooperation, innovative feature, innovative high school, innovative training, advancement, advancing training of experts, development, innovative experts, advancing reflection, high quality
resources, information system of education.
Zeer E.F., Symanyuk E.E. Competence-based approach as a factor in the implementation of innovative education / Abstract. The paper analyzes the opportunities and importance of the competence approach implementation in the innovative educational system. The subject of the empirical research involves defining the relations between the competence approach and innovative education. The aim of the study was to find out the factors initiating the implementation of the competence approach to innovative education at vocational school.
The methodology is based on the structural and functional analysis of educational innovations from the perspective of the competence approach. The theoretical modeling complex provided the development technology of innovativeeducational projects.
The research resulted in developing the structural model of innovative education along with the assessment tools of cultural and professional competences. The application field of the research is defined as the scientifically-baseddevelopment of innovative educational system in the context of new educational standards.
Keywords: competence approach, model of innovative education, innovation, innovation competence, competence assessment.
Dzhurinsky A.N.
Problems of education in a multicultural society in Russia and the West / Abstract. The paper is devoted to the most urgent educational problem – coeducation and upbringing of different ethno-cultural groups. Considering the history and present condition of Russian and Western educational system, scientific theories and experience of different countries including Russia, the author analyzes existing educational concepts and ideas of subculture interrelations in multicultural and multiethnic societies.
Keywords: multinational society, subject of educational system, ethnic and cultural community, assimilation, ethnocentrism, subcultures dialog in education, ethno-cultural education, tolerance development.
Gorinskiy A.
Changing patterns of teacher education in the innovation process / Abstract. The paper is devoted to axiological, philosophical and socio-cultural foundations of modern trainingtechniques. Special attention is paid to identifying the relationship between modern training technologies and developinga new European idea of the constructive heuristic method.
Keywords: рedagogical techniques, method, constructivism, heuristic.
Kazachihina MV
development set on innovation in teachers / Abstract. The paper analyzes the concept of attitude; its structure and functions considered, possibilities of changingsocial attitudes described. Also, it considers the concept of personality development training and its potential in formingthe attitude of teachers to innovative activities.
Keywords: attitudes, changing attitudes, innovation, innovative setting, teachers, training technologies in education,personal growth training.
Sidenko EA
Some theoretical aspects of the formation of a workers' education achievement motivation / Abstract. There is a sharp contradiction between the necessity of training teachers for the transition to the implementation of the new educational standards of the second generation and the lack of those training programs that could help teachers.
The author conducted an experiment which revealed the readiness of teachers to enable innovation in the introduction of the educational standard of the second generation. As part of the experiment was carried out surveys of teachers.
Analysis of survey results showed that 97% of teachers documented difficulties associated with the transition of standard.
These data of the experiment led to the conclusion that to date there is a mass teaching practice where teaching staff lack commitment to the implementation of the new educational standards of the second generation.
The author hypothesizes that the main reason for unwillingness of teachers to the introduction of the the new educational standards of the second generation is associated with the lack of motivation of achievement among teachers.
The study was conducted on the problem of the formation of motivation of achievement and related concepts.
Motivation and motives are the subject of many studies, and author of the article examines the concept of motivation as a goal, as the needs of the motive, the motive as the intentions, motivation as a stable personality trait, and motivationas a motive. The key idea of the study conducted by the author is the development of achievement motivation. The paper shows that the use of design techniques has a positive effect on the launch of the mechanisms of self-development ofteachers. The article describes a technique developed by the author, whose aim is to launch motivation to achieve. The article describes modules of the program and the expected results.
Key words: motivation of achievement, motive, goal, goal-setting, project method, the new educational standards of the second generation.
Tkachenko, E., Sobolev, NF, Nikiforov SV, Medvedev, NA, Belopashentseva SA Evolutionary and co-creative strategy development of the teaching staff, in cooperation as the main condition for the implementation of the educational objectives of GEF - 2 / Аbstract. The article presents the experience of the Center of psychological, educational and informational support for innovation development “Blue Bird” in the framework of social partnership institutions of general and vocationaleducation. We describe the conceptual basis of activity and development.
Keywords: social partnership, the innovative development of educational institutions
Zarichnyi GA
Support innovation activities of teachers at the school level / Abstract. The author substantiates the view that one of the conditions of training, innovation activity is the study of teachers’ motivation among educational institutions. To study the motivational environment of the school was carried
out an empirical study «Impact of psychological compatibility staff to work in different organizational settings.» The author describes the results of an empirical study of organizational culture LSSC health-Forest School, the city of NizhnyNovgorod. The author applies methods of diagnosis, «Schwartz value procedure», «Method for determining the degree of value-oriented Unity (Tsoy) of (RS LE Weisman and Komarov).»
Keywords: background research, training, motivation to schools, diagnostic techniques, empirical research.
Lurie LI
What it means to be the most reading country in the world? / Abstract. The culture of reading books and the population’s interest to the process is the complex integrating characteristic of their socio-cultural development. The paper discusses the problem of creating the reading portfolio for the young generation of Russia and the role of information technologies in promoting the interest to reading books.
Keywords: reading portfolio, culture, textbook, information technologies.
Nikitina EY, Tikhonov AL problematization of educational material in the design of digital resources of foreign language education / Abstract. The paper considers the notions of problem pointing and problem situation. The authors present some possibilities of problem pointing of teaching materials in designing digital resources for the language teaching ofteachers-to-be.
Keywords: instructional design, digital resource for the language teaching, problem pointing, problem situation, lacuna.
Gorbenko ZP,
Kostrubova GA
Theory and practice of distance learning technologies in the general education of the Altai Territory / Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of one of the modern technologies usage – the distant education- for the purpose of improving the system of secondary education. The authors show the special features of the infrastructure of the Altay territory secondary education system and possibilities of using distant education in teaching school subjects. Special attention is paid to the experience of distant education using in rural schools which have limited number of children.
Keywords: distant technologies, infrastructure of the secondary education system, cooperation, quality of education.