An Ordinance amending 13.30.020, 13.30.050, and 13.30.060 of the Subdivision Ordinance
to reduce the numbers of copies and drawing required for submittal to the City
Ordinance 13.30 Procedures, Sketch Plan, Preliminary Plat, Final Plat and Construction Drawings
13.30.030 Preliminary Plat
The subdivider shall submit seven (7) copies of the preliminary plat, at least 11”x 17”, for the LUA and the Planning and Zoning Commission members to review. Three copies, 24” x 36” for the City Engineer, Fire Chief and Land Use Authority shall also be provided for review. One copy of the plan reduced to an 8½" x 11" paper shall also be submitted. If the preliminary plat is not submitted to the LUA for approval within twelve (12) months from the date of the LUA’s communication of requirements and recommendations to the developer, a new sketch plan must be submitted for consideration to the LUA and/or City engineer before the developer can proceed with the preliminary plat.
(Sent to City Council for approval)
13.30.030 Preliminary Plat
The subdivider shall submit the Preliminary Plat in each of the following formats:
1. One copy 11”x 17”,
2. One copy, 24” x 36”, and
3. One digital copy.
If the preliminary plat is not submitted to the LUA for approval within twelve (12) months from the date of the LUA’s communication of requirements and recommendations to the developer, a new sketch plan must be submitted for consideration to the LUA and/or City engineer before the developer can proceed with the preliminary plat.
13.30.020 Sketch Plan
The subdivider shall submit six (6) copies of a sketch plan, each at least 11” x 17”, to the LUA for review and discussion on the site plan and general scope and conditions. Plans shall be drawn to a scale between 1"=10' to 1"=200'. One copy of the plan reduced to an 8 ½" x 11" paper shall also be submitted. Copies shall be submitted seven days prior to scheduling a meeting with the LUA. If said copies are not submitted beforehand, the LUA shall postpone its consideration of the sketch plan until a meeting is rescheduled at least seven (7) days after receipt of the plan.
13.30.020 Sketch Plan
The subdivider shall submit:
- One copy 11” x 17”. Plans shall be drawn to a scale between 1"=10' to 1"=200'.
- One digital copy
The copy shall be submitted seven days prior to scheduling a meeting with the LUA. If said copy is not submitted beforehand, the LUA shall postpone its consideration of the sketch plan until a meeting is rescheduled at least seven (7) days after receipt of the plan.
Effective Date: This ordinance will become effective immediately upon its adoption by the City Council.
ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the HYDE PARK CITY COUNCIL this 14th day of June, 2017.
HYDE PARK CITY, a municipal corporation
Robert Christensen, Mayor
Donja J. Wright, Recorder
13.30.050 Construction Drawings
Construction drawings shall be prepared by the developer’s engineer relative to improvements in and out of the subdivision and developer shall provide three (3) complete sets of such drawings and specifications to the LUA. These drawings shall be submitted to the LUA prior to the submission of the final plat. All such drawings shall be reviewed and approved by the City engineer. An approved set of construction drawings shall go to the LUA. One set will be retained by the City engineer.
13.30.050 Construction Drawings
Construction drawings shall be prepared by the developer’s engineer relative to improvements in and out of the subdivision and developer shall provide:
- Three (3) complete sets of such drawings and specifications.
- One digital copy.
These drawings shall be submitted to the LUA prior to the submission of the final plat. All such drawings shall be reviewed and approved by the City engineer. An approved set of construction drawings shall go to the LUA. One set will be retained by the City engineer.
13.30.060 Final Plat
Four (4) copies of the final plat shall be submitted two weeks before the LUA and the Planning Commission meeting, one for the City engineer, and three for members of the LUA and the Planning and Zoning Commission. One copy of the plat reduced to 11” x 17” and one reduced to an 8 ½" x 11" paper shall also be submitted. After completing a review and site visit, the City engineer will transmit conclusions and recommendation to the LUA and the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council.
13.30.060 Final Plat
The final plat shall be submitted two weeks before the LUA and the Planning Commission meeting as follows:
- One copy 11” x 17”
- One digital copy
After completing a review and site visit, the City engineer will transmit conclusions and recommendation to the LUA and the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council.