CW #11 Development of Congressional Powers

Making the connection: Over the years, Congress has developed a variety of powers not enumerated in the Constitution. The question is, “Where did Congress get these powers?” In this assignment, you are given a list of implied powers that Congress has asserted, and it is your job to find the expressed powers upon which they are based. The expressed powers are listed in Article I, Section 8 (pp. 763-765 in your text). You need to identify the clause on which each implied power is based and explain how Congress justifies using that clause.

Example :

Implied Power: Draft people into the army Expressed Power: Clauses 12, 13, 14

Raise, support and regulate army & navy

Implied Powers Expressed Power

1. Put counterfeiters in prison 1. Clause -

2. Arrest smugglers on the high seas 2. Clause -

3. Buy new battleships 3. Clause -

4. Support public schools 4. Clause -

5. Grant patent for invention 5. Clause -

6. Federal job training 6. Clause -

7. Sell government bonds to raise money 7. Clause -

8. Create military courts 8. Clause -

9. Prohibit discrimination in public 9. Clause -

accommodations (Civil Rights Act)

10. Give President authority to conduct 10. Clause -

Gulf War

11. Call out National Guard to serve in war 11. Clause -

12. Build new federal courthouse in D.C. 12. Clause -

13. Set limits on number of immigrants 13. Clause -

14. Change the design of coins 14. Clause -

15. Create the interstate highway system 15. Clause -