Policy Title/Number: / Writing Guidelines for APN Protocols / CL 10-02.01
Manual: / Clinical Policy Manual
Categories: / Resource Manual Reference Information
Contributors: / Susan Gent, Administrative Director, Center for Advanced practice Nursing and Allied Health and VMG Nursing
Michelle Terrell, Nurse Practitioner Manager, Pediatric Critical Care
Review Responsibility: / APRN Advanced Practice and Standards Committee
Effective Date: / November 2010
Last Revised Date: / April 13, 2012
Team Members Performing:
All faculty and staff
All faculty and staff providing direct patient care or contact
VUSN/VUSM Students
Other licensed staff (specify):
Other non-licensed staff (specify):
X / Not Applicable
Guidelines Applicable to:
Other (specify):
Exceptions (specify):
X / Not Applicable
* Includes satellite sites unless otherwise specified.
Specific Education Requirements: / Yes / No / X / Not Applicable
Physician Order Requirements: / Yes / No / X / Not Applicable

Writing Guidelines

I.  Outcome Goal:

To provide guidance for writing Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) Protocols in the approved format.

II.  Policy:
APRN Protocols (referred to hereafter as “protocols”), both area/practice specific and multi-practice, are written in the approved format, using the directions in this document as a guide. VUMC specific protocols are developed and written using a standardized, approved format.

III.  Specific Information:

A.  Protocols outline the baseline practice and/or performance expectations for APRNs.

B.  APRN protocols are required by the Tennessee State Board of Medical Examiners.

C.  Refrain from making a protocol document a teaching tool.

D.  Maintain a brief, "bullet" style or table format whenever possible.

E.  All sections are mandatory. Do not remove or change any sections. If a section does not apply, simply indicate the section is not applicable in the text.

F.  Avoid using trade names and brand names; use generic terminology whenever possible. If a trade name must be used, indicate patent, copyright, and trademark with appropriate symbol or citation.

G.  Avoid using staff names and phone numbers of individuals and/or departments.

H.  Protocols should include references and follow APA format. Include links to web based sites in the References section and not in the body of the protocol.

I.  Evidence- based guidelines will be included as a reference(s) whenever applicable and appropriate to content.

J.  When using abbreviations, please use the full name/definition when it is first used in the document followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Please refer to the abbreviations policy. (VUMC Abbreviations Policy)

K.  Outline of approved format:

Template: / Defined: /
Cataloging Information:
Protocol Name and number
(Each protocol should be submitted as a single, unique file) / Name: Title should be brief and avoid use of terms such as policy, protocol, standard, guidelines, etc. Population (such as “Adult), Disease process or name of procedure (such as “Diabetes Management” or “Chest tube insertion”) is sufficient.
Number: order of document in the Protocol Manual; assigned by manual managers in the Center for Advanced Practice Nursing and Allied Health (CAPNAH)
Practice Site Location(s) / Choose site(s) where protocol will be used in APRN practice
Developed and Approved by / Must include Medical Director of Practice, APRN Supervising Physician, APRN Manager and Contributing APRN (with credentials and titles), and all APRNs who will use the protocol.
Effective Date (last reviewed and updated) / Indicates last date protocol reviewed and revised. Must be revised every 2 years.
Supersedes (initial date approved, if this is has undergone review approved date) / Indicates original date if the protocol has been reviewed.
I. Population / Target patient population. (such as “Adults in Cardiac Critical Care Unit”)
II. Indications / Brief statement regarding indication(s) for use of protocol. (Such as “Adults requiring chest tube insertion for pneumothorax, pleural effusion” etc.)
III. Definitions / Define appropriate roles; define any acronyms or abbreviations, etc. Avoid brand names.
IV. Additional Competencies Required / Competency required above core APN practice. Such as, additional privilege required additional certification or training. (For a procedure, this should include how many procedures must be performed while supervised and independently to gain privilege for advanced procedure. This should correspond to those on “Additional Competencies Requested” form from the One Packet.)
V. Assessment / Describe the typical physical assessment and history for the disease process or clinical diagnosis applicable to the protocol.
VI. Diagnostic Data / Describe typical diagnostic data to be obtained (lab, radiology, and other diagnostics) in relation to the protocol.
VII. Differential Diagnosis / List other possible diagnoses requiring “rule out” and/or further evaluation.
VIII. Goal(s) of Treatment / Expected patient outcomes related to treatment of the disease process.
IX. Intervention/Treatment / List specific interventions and treatments. Medication doses should not be indicated but list classes and/or specific medications. If doses are specified discuss criteria for not following the indicated dose (i.e. renal dysfunction, titration, therapeutic levels, etc.). By regulation, criteria for when to consult physician must be included.
X. Complications / List specific complications for the disease process and treatment; include monitoring criteria and specific interventions for complications.
XI. Medications by Formulary / By regulation, medications used in intervention/treatment must be listed by formulary category. List medications typically used in conjunction with this procedure or practice (include procedure medications and discharge medications). Refer to the Tennessee Notice and Formulary for a category list at www.CAPNAH.org.
XII. References / List relevant references used in the development of the protocol. Use APA format.

B.  Guidelines Development Process:

  1. Protocols are reviewed every 2 years and revised, if needed, by the APN, and Supervising Physician

b.  Identify responsible author/facilitator. Consult APN Protocol Committee Chair if first-time author.

c.  Identify stakeholders/clinical experts.

d.  Complete review of published standards and clinical evidence related to the protocol topic (community and literature).

e.  Develop first draft of protocols. Consult APN Protocol Committee Chair for any questions as needed.

f.  Stakeholders review first draft and provide feedback to author/facilitator.

g.  Send final draft to anyone the practice protocol applies (i.e., all APRNs in group practice, all physicians in group practice as indicated, Medical Director of medical practice) for review/recommendations prior to submitting protocol to the Center for Advanced Practice Nursing and Allied Health (CAPNAH).

C.  Web References:

American Psychological Association (APA) Guide. Retrieved April 17, 2007, from: http://apastyle.apa.org/.

APRN Protocol Templates. Retrieved from: http://www.mc.vanderbilt.edu/root/vumc.php?site=CAPNAH&doc=25120

D.  Endorsement:

Advanced Practice Standards Committee (APSC)

E.  Approval:

Clare Thomson-Smith

Susan Gent